blob: 65063a462295b772771a6ea143cb9e66c93c65aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/verb_print.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/mock_frame.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/mock_remote_api.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/console_test.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/mock_console.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/mock_symbol_data_provider.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
class VerbPrint : public ConsoleTest {};
} // namespace
TEST_F(VerbPrint, LanguagePreference) {
console().ProcessInputLine("set language c++");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat output from the set.
console().ProcessInputLine("print 3 as u64");
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Unexpected input, did you forget an operator?\n 3 as u64\n ^",
console().ProcessInputLine("set language rust");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat output from the set.
console().ProcessInputLine("print 3 as u64");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("3", event.output.AsString());
console().ProcessInputLine("set language auto");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat output from the set.
console().ProcessInputLine("print 3 as u64");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Unexpected input, did you forget an operator?\n 3 as u64\n ^",
TEST_F(VerbPrint, TypeOverrides) {
// Decimal (the default).
console().ProcessInputLine("print 100");
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("100", event.output.AsString());
console().ProcessInputLine("print -d 100");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("100", event.output.AsString());
// Hex.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -x 100");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("0x64", event.output.AsString());
// Bin.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -b 1234");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("0b100'11010010", event.output.AsString());
// Unsigned (currently we treat "-1" as a 32-bit integer so the unsigned version is also 32 bits).
// The "--" is required to mark the end of switches so the "-1" is treated as the expression
// rather than another switch).
console().ProcessInputLine("print -u -- -1");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("4294967295", event.output.AsString());
// Character.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -c 100");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("'d'", event.output.AsString());
// More than one is an error.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -d -c 100");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("More than one type override (-b, -c, -d, -u, -x) specified.", event.output.AsString());
// A client end-to-end test for vector register formats.
TEST_F(VerbPrint, VectorRegisterFormat) {
// Thread needs to be stopped. We can't use InjectExceptionWithStack because we want the real
// frame implementation which provides the real EvalContext and SymbolDataSource.
debug_ipc::NotifyException exception;
exception.type = debug_ipc::ExceptionType::kSingleStep; = {.process = kProcessKoid, .thread = kThreadKoid};
exception.thread.state = debug_ipc::ThreadRecord::State::kBlocked;
exception.thread.frames.emplace_back(0x10000, 0x20000, 0x3000);
// Don't care about the stop notification.
// Provide a frame with a value for register xmm0 (the default architecture of the test harness is
// X64 so use it's vector registers).
ASSERT_EQ(debug::Arch::kX64, session().arch());
std::vector<uint8_t>{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf})});
console().ProcessInputLine("set vector-format i64");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat output from the set.
// The default architecture of the test harness is ARM64 so use it's vector registers.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -x xmm0");
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("{0x706050403020100, 0xf0e0d0c0b0a0908}", event.output.AsString());
console().ProcessInputLine("set vector-format u16");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat output from the set.
console().ProcessInputLine("print -x xmm0");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
" [0] = 0x100\n"
" [1] = 0x302\n"
" [2] = 0x504\n"
" [3] = 0x706\n"
" [4] = 0x908\n"
" [5] = 0xb0a\n"
" [6] = 0xd0c\n"
" [7] = 0xf0e\n"
} // namespace zxdb