blob: c46fad81a053102d25ae14a789f792262f8ba21a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/platform_message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/mock_remote_api.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/remote_api_test.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/mock_console.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/loaded_module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
class VerbNewRmTest : public RemoteAPITest {
std::unique_ptr<RemoteAPI> GetRemoteAPIImpl() {
auto remote_api = std::make_unique<MockRemoteAPI>();
mock_remote_api_ = remote_api.get();
return remote_api;
MockRemoteAPI* mock_remote_api() const { return mock_remote_api_; }
MockRemoteAPI* mock_remote_api_ = nullptr; // Owned by System.
} // namespace
TEST_F(VerbNewRmTest, FilterAndJob) {
MockConsole console(&session());
console.ProcessInputLine("attach foobar");
// This will issue a warning because there's no attached job. This comes as a separate output
// event. Ignore this.
auto event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
"Waiting for process matching \"foobar\".\n"
"Type \"filter\" to see the current filters.",
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
" # pattern job\n"
"▶ 1 foobar *\n",
// Create a new filter, it should be cloned from the original.
console.ProcessInputLine("filter new");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Filter 2 pattern=foobar job=* (all attached jobs)", event.output.AsString());
// Delete the original filter.
console.ProcessInputLine("filter 1 rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Removed Filter 1 pattern=foobar job=* (all attached jobs)", event.output.AsString());
// Create a new job.
console.ProcessInputLine("job new");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Job 2 state=\"Not attached\" name=\"\"", event.output.AsString());
// Create a new filter specifically for the new job.
console.ProcessInputLine("job 2 attach ninjas");
// This will issue a warning because the job isn't attached. This comes as a separate output
// event. Ignore this.
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
"Waiting for process matching \"ninjas\".\n"
"Type \"filter\" to see the current filters.",
// The filter list should be the 2nd filter with the 1st one's settings and the job-specific one.
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
" # pattern job\n"
" 2 foobar *\n"
"▶ 3 ninjas 2\n",
// Delete the job.
console.ProcessInputLine("job rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Removed Job 2 state=\"Not attached\" name=\"\"", event.output.AsString());
// Deleting the job again should yield an error.
console.ProcessInputLine("job rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("No job to remove.", event.output.AsString());
// The associated filter should have been automatically deleted.
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
ASSERT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
" # pattern job\n"
" 2 foobar *\n",
TEST_F(VerbNewRmTest, Process) {
MockConsole console(&session());
// Create process 2. It will become the current one.
console.ProcessInputLine("pr new");
auto event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Process 2 state=\"Not running\" name=\"\"", event.output.AsString());
console.ProcessInputLine("process rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Removed Process 2 state=\"Not running\" name=\"\"", event.output.AsString());
// The removal should have reassigned the current process to #1.
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
" # State Koid Name\n"
"▶ 1 Not running \n",
// Trying to delete the last one should fail.
console.ProcessInputLine("pr 1 rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Can't delete the last target.", event.output.AsString());
TEST_F(VerbNewRmTest, Breakpoint) {
MockConsole console(&session());
// Removing with no breakpoint.
console.ProcessInputLine("bp rm");
auto event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("No breakpoint to remove.", event.output.AsString());
// Create a new breakpoint.
console.ProcessInputLine("bp new");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Breakpoint 1 pending @ <no location>\n", event.output.AsString());
// Delete it.
console.ProcessInputLine("breakpoint rm");
event = console.GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ("Removed Breakpoint 1 pending @ <no location>\n", event.output.AsString());
} // namespace zxdb