blob: c6815d9a11e2bd4a96f8a39d787dbba95cf5305a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/verb_attach.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/console/commands/attach_command_test.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
class VerbAttach : public AttachCommandTest {};
} // namespace
TEST_F(VerbAttach, Bad) {
// Missing argument.
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Wrong number of arguments to attach.", event.output.AsString());
// Can't attach to a process by filter.
console().ProcessInputLine("process attach foo");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Attaching by process name (a non-numeric argument)\nonly supports the \"job\" noun.",
TEST_F(VerbAttach, Koid) {
constexpr uint64_t kKoid = 7890u;
const char kCommand[] = "attach 7890";
// This should create a new process context and give "process 2" because the default console test
// harness makes a mock running process #1 by default.
ASSERT_EQ(kKoid, attach_remote_api()->last_attach->request.koid);
debug_ipc::AttachReply reply;
reply.status = debug::Status();
reply.koid = kKoid; = "some process";
attach_remote_api()->last_attach->cb(Err(), reply);
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Attached Process 2 state=Running koid=7890 name=\"some process\"",
// Attaching to the same process again should give an error.
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Process 7890 is already being debugged.", event.output.AsString());
TEST_F(VerbAttach, Filter) {
// Note: the commands in this test issue a warning because there's no attached job. This warning
// is currently implemented to be output as a separate output event which we ignore separately to
// avoid having to hardcode the entire warning text in this test. If the implementation changes
// how this is output, this test may need to change somewhat.
// Normal filter case.
console().ProcessInputLine("attach foo");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat warning.
auto event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
"Waiting for process matching \"foo\".\n"
"Type \"filter\" to see the current filters.",
// Extra long filter case.
const std::string kSuperLongName = "super_long_name_with_over_32_characters";
console().ProcessInputLine("attach " + kSuperLongName);
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat warning.
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("The filter is trimmed to " + std::to_string(kZirconMaxNameLength) +
" characters because it's the maximum length for a process name in Zircon.",
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Waiting for process matching \"" + kSuperLongName.substr(0, kZirconMaxNameLength) +
"Type \"filter\" to see the current filters.",
// Don't allow attaching by wildcard without a job. This one doesn't have the job warning since
// it's an error case.
console().ProcessInputLine("attach *");
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
EXPECT_EQ("Use a specific job (\"job 3 attach *\") when attaching to all processes.",
// Wildcard within a job is OK.
console().ProcessInputLine("job 1 attach *");
console().GetOutputEvent(); // Eat warning.
event = console().GetOutputEvent();
EXPECT_EQ(MockConsole::OutputEvent::Type::kOutput, event.type);
"Waiting for process matching \"*\".\n"
"Type \"filter\" to see the current filters.",
} // namespace zxdb