blob: c6fe51187e47c7170d215945b1fb756cfd31eb21 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ctime>
#include <filesystem>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
// TODO: modernize this file using std::filesystem.
namespace zxdb {
// Extracts the substring into the given file path of the last path component (the stuff following
// the last slash). If the path ends in a slash, it will return an empty StringView. If the input
// has no slash, it will return the whole thing.
std::string_view ExtractLastFileComponent(std::string_view path);
// Returns true if the given file path is absolute (begins with a slash). The contents could still
// have relative components ("/foo/../bar" is still absolute).
bool IsPathAbsolute(const std::string& path);
// Returns true if the given |path| matches the |right_query| from the right-hand side. This
// requires both that the |path| end in |right_query| (case-sensitive) AND the start of the match is
// either the beginning of |path| or immediately following a path separator.
// Examples:
// path = "", right_query = "" => TRUE
// path = "bar/", right_query = "" => TRUE
// path = "", right_query = "" => FALSE
bool PathEndsWith(std::string_view path, std::string_view right_query);
// Concatenates the two path components with a slash in between them. "first" can end with a slash
// or not. The second component shouldn't begin with a slash.
std::string CatPathComponents(const std::string& first, const std::string& second);
// Resolves "." and ".." components to the extent possible. If there are leading "..", then they
// will be preserved.
std::string NormalizePath(const std::string& path);
// Returns the modification time of the given file, or 0 if it could not be determined.
std::time_t GetFileModificationTime(const std::string& path);
// Check if a path starts with another path. Return false if either one is relative.
bool PathStartsWith(const std::filesystem::path& path, const std::filesystem::path& base);
// Compute the relative path from base. Both inputs must be absolute.
std::filesystem::path PathRelativeTo(const std::filesystem::path& path,
const std::filesystem::path& base);
} // namespace zxdb