blob: b5adb866e2a871a4e91ffb75acf4a8cbc26b23dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/target_impl.h"
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/logging/logging.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/status.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/zx_status.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process_impl.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/remote_api.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/session.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/setting_schema_definition.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/system.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h"
namespace zxdb {
TargetImpl::TargetImpl(System* system)
: Target(system->session()),
impl_weak_factory_(this) {
TargetImpl::~TargetImpl() {
// If the process is still running, make sure we broadcast terminated notifications before
// deleting everything.
std::unique_ptr<TargetImpl> TargetImpl::Clone(System* system) {
auto result = std::make_unique<TargetImpl>(system);
result->args_ = args_;
result->symbols_ = symbols_;
return result;
void TargetImpl::ProcessCreatedInJob(uint64_t koid, const std::string& process_name,
uint64_t timestamp) {
FX_DCHECK(state_ == State::kNone);
FX_DCHECK(!process_.get()); // Shouldn't have a process.
state_ = State::kRunning;
process_ = CreateProcessImpl(koid, process_name, Process::StartType::kAttach);
for (auto& observer : session()->process_observers())
observer.DidCreateProcess(process_.get(), true, timestamp);
void TargetImpl::ProcessCreatedAsComponent(uint64_t koid, const std::string& process_name,
uint64_t timestamp) {
FX_DCHECK(state_ == State::kNone);
state_ = State::kRunning;
process_ = CreateProcessImpl(koid, process_name, Process::StartType::kComponent);
for (auto& observer : session()->process_observers())
observer.DidCreateProcess(process_.get(), false, timestamp);
void TargetImpl::CreateProcessForTesting(uint64_t koid, const std::string& process_name) {
FX_DCHECK(state_ == State::kNone);
state_ = State::kStarting;
uint64_t cur_mock_timestamp = mock_timestamp_;
mock_timestamp_ += 1000;
OnLaunchOrAttachReply(CallbackWithTimestamp(), Err(), koid, process_name, cur_mock_timestamp);
void TargetImpl::ImplicitlyDetach() {
if (GetProcess()) {
ProcessObserver::DestroyReason::kDetach, Err(), debug::Status(),
[](fxl::WeakPtr<Target>, const Err&) {}, 0);
Target::State TargetImpl::GetState() const { return state_; }
Process* TargetImpl::GetProcess() const { return process_.get(); }
const TargetSymbols* TargetImpl::GetSymbols() const { return &symbols_; }
const std::vector<std::string>& TargetImpl::GetArgs() const { return args_; }
void TargetImpl::SetArgs(std::vector<std::string> args) { args_ = std::move(args); }
void TargetImpl::Launch(CallbackWithTimestamp callback) {
Err err;
if (state_ != State::kNone)
err = Err("Can't launch, program is already running or starting.");
else if (args_.empty())
err = Err("No program specified to launch.");
if (err.has_error()) {
// Avoid reentering caller to dispatch the error.
FROM_HERE, [callback = std::move(callback), err, weak_ptr = GetWeakPtr()]() mutable {
callback(std::move(weak_ptr), err, 0);
state_ = State::kStarting;
debug_ipc::LaunchRequest request;
request.inferior_type = debug_ipc::InferiorType::kBinary;
request.argv = args_;
request, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_target = impl_weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::LaunchReply reply) mutable {
TargetImpl::OnLaunchOrAttachReplyThunk(weak_target, std::move(callback), err,
reply.process_id, reply.status, reply.process_name,
void TargetImpl::Kill(Callback callback) {
if (!process_.get()) {
FROM_HERE, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_ptr = GetWeakPtr()]() mutable {
callback(std::move(weak_ptr), Err("Error killing: No process."));
debug_ipc::KillRequest request;
request.process_koid = process_->GetKoid();
request, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_target = impl_weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::KillReply reply) mutable {
if (weak_target) {
weak_target->OnKillOrDetachReply(ProcessObserver::DestroyReason::kKill, err, reply.status,
std::move(callback), reply.timestamp);
} else {
// The reply that the process was launched came after the local objects were destroyed.
// We're still OK to dispatch either way.
callback(weak_target, err);
void TargetImpl::Attach(uint64_t koid, CallbackWithTimestamp callback) {
if (state_ != State::kNone) {
// Avoid reentering caller to dispatch the error.
FROM_HERE, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_ptr = GetWeakPtr()]() mutable {
Err("Can't attach, program is already running or starting."), 0);
state_ = State::kAttaching;
debug_ipc::AttachRequest request;
request.koid = koid;
[koid, callback = std::move(callback), weak_target = impl_weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::AttachReply reply) mutable {
OnLaunchOrAttachReplyThunk(std::move(weak_target), std::move(callback), err, koid,
reply.status,, reply.timestamp);
void TargetImpl::Detach(Callback callback) {
if (!process_.get()) {
FROM_HERE, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_ptr = GetWeakPtr()]() mutable {
callback(std::move(weak_ptr), Err("Error detaching: No process."));
debug_ipc::DetachRequest request;
request.koid = process_->GetKoid();
request, [callback = std::move(callback), weak_target = impl_weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::DetachReply reply) mutable {
if (weak_target) {
weak_target->OnKillOrDetachReply(ProcessObserver::DestroyReason::kDetach, err,
reply.status, std::move(callback), reply.timestamp);
} else {
// The reply that the process was launched came after the local objects were destroyed.
// We're still OK to dispatch either way.
callback(weak_target, err);
void TargetImpl::OnProcessExiting(int return_code, uint64_t timestamp) {
FX_DCHECK(state_ == State::kRunning);
state_ = State::kNone;
for (auto& observer : session()->process_observers())
observer.WillDestroyProcess(process_.get(), ProcessObserver::DestroyReason::kExit, return_code,
// static
void TargetImpl::OnLaunchOrAttachReplyThunk(fxl::WeakPtr<TargetImpl> target,
CallbackWithTimestamp callback, const Err& input_err,
uint64_t koid, const debug::Status& status,
const std::string& process_name, uint64_t timestamp) {
// The input Err indicates a transport error while the debug::Status indicates the remote error,
// map them to a single value.
Err err = input_err;
if (err.ok())
err = Err(status);
if (target) {
target->OnLaunchOrAttachReply(std::move(callback), err, koid, process_name, timestamp);
} else {
// The reply that the process was launched came after the local objects were destroyed.
if (err.has_error()) {
// Process not launched, forward the error.
callback(target, err, timestamp);
} else {
// TODO(brettw) handle this more gracefully. Maybe kill the remote process?
callback(target, Err("Warning: process launch race, extra process is likely running."),
void TargetImpl::OnLaunchOrAttachReply(CallbackWithTimestamp callback, const Err& err,
uint64_t koid, const std::string& process_name,
uint64_t timestamp) {
FX_DCHECK(state_ == State::kAttaching || state_ == State::kStarting);
FX_DCHECK(!process_.get()); // Shouldn't have a process.
if (err.has_error()) {
if (err.type() == ErrType::kAlreadyExists) {
HandleAttachAlreadyExists(std::move(callback), koid, process_name, timestamp);
return; // The above handler will issue the callback.
state_ = State::kNone;
} else {
Process::StartType start_type =
state_ == State::kAttaching ? Process::StartType::kAttach : Process::StartType::kLaunch;
state_ = State::kRunning;
process_ = CreateProcessImpl(koid, process_name, start_type);
if (callback)
callback(GetWeakPtr(), err, timestamp);
if (state_ == State::kRunning) {
for (auto& observer : session()->process_observers())
observer.DidCreateProcess(process_.get(), false, timestamp);
void TargetImpl::HandleAttachAlreadyExists(CallbackWithTimestamp callback, uint64_t koid,
const std::string& process_name, uint64_t timestamp) {
// "Already exists" can mean two things. In the first case, it could be a mistake where the user
// is trying to attach to the same process twice.
if (system_->ProcessFromKoid(koid)) {
callback(GetWeakPtr(), Err("Process " + std::to_string(koid) + " is already being debugged."),
// The other case for "already exists" is that the agent is attached to that process already
// but the debugger doesn't know about it. This can happen when connecting to an already-running
// debug agent. In this case, get the status to sync with the agent.
debug_ipc::ProcessStatusRequest request = {};
request.process_koid = koid;
DEBUG_LOG(Session) << "Re-attaching to process " << process_name << " (" << koid << ").";
request, [target = GetWeakPtr(), callback = std::move(callback), process_name, timestamp](
const Err& err, debug_ipc::ProcessStatusReply reply) mutable {
if (!target)
if (err.has_error())
return callback(target, err, timestamp);
if (reply.status.has_error()) {
Err error("Could not attach to process %s: %s", process_name.c_str(),
return callback(target, err, timestamp);
return callback(target, Err(), timestamp);
void TargetImpl::OnKillOrDetachReply(ProcessObserver::DestroyReason reason, const Err& err,
const debug::Status& status, Callback callback,
uint64_t timestamp) {
FX_DCHECK(process_.get()); // Should have a process.
Err issue_err; // Error to send in callback.
if (err.has_error()) {
// Error from transport.
state_ = State::kNone;
issue_err = err;
} else if (status.has_error()) {
// Error from detaching.
// TODO(davemoore): Not sure what state the target should be if we error upon detach.
issue_err =
Err(fxl::StringPrintf("Error %sing: %s", ProcessObserver::DestroyReasonToString(reason),
} else {
// Successfully detached.
state_ = State::kNone;
// Keep the process alive for the observer call, but remove it from the target as per the
// observer specification.
for (auto& observer : session()->process_observers())
observer.WillDestroyProcess(process_.get(), reason, 0, timestamp);
callback(GetWeakPtr(), issue_err);
std::unique_ptr<ProcessImpl> TargetImpl::CreateProcessImpl(uint64_t koid, const std::string& name,
Process::StartType start_type) {
return std::make_unique<ProcessImpl>(this, koid, name, Process::StartType::kAttach);
} // namespace zxdb