blob: bd2e1c98e82d54735e2cac68ba41c8ff64dae72c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/zircon_system_interface.h"
#include <string_view>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/component_manager.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/system_interface.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/zircon_job_handle.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/debug_agent/zircon_utils.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/test_with_loop.h"
namespace debug_agent {
namespace {
// Recursively walks the process tree and returns true if there is a process
// matching the given koid. Fills the process_name if such process can be found.
// Fills the component_info if the process belongs to some component.
bool FindProcess(const debug_ipc::ProcessTreeRecord& record, zx_koid_t koid_to_find,
std::string* process_name, ComponentManager::ComponentInfo* component_info) {
if (record.koid == koid_to_find) {
*process_name =;
return true;
for (const auto& child : record.children) {
if (FindProcess(child, koid_to_find, process_name, component_info)) {
if (component_info->moniker.empty() && !record.component_url.empty()) {
component_info->moniker = record.component_moniker;
component_info->url = record.component_url;
return true;
return false;
class SystemInfoTest : public debug::TestWithLoop {};
} // namespace
TEST_F(SystemInfoTest, GetProcessTree) {
ZirconSystemInterface system_interface;
debug_ipc::ProcessTreeRecord root = system_interface.GetProcessTree();
// The root node should be a job with some children.
EXPECT_EQ(debug_ipc::ProcessTreeRecord::Type::kJob, root.type);
// Query ourself.
auto self = zx::process::self();
zx_koid_t self_koid = zircon::KoidForObject(*self);
// Our koid should be somewhere in the tree.
std::string process_name;
ComponentManager::ComponentInfo component_info;
EXPECT_TRUE(FindProcess(root, self_koid, &process_name, &component_info));
// The process_name and component info should match
EXPECT_EQ(zircon::NameForObject(*self), process_name);
// The moniker is empty because it's actually "." in the test environment and the "." is stripped.
EXPECT_EQ("", component_info.moniker);
// The url will include a hash that cannot be compared.
std::string_view prefix = "fuchsia-pkg://";
std::string_view suffix = "#meta/";
EXPECT_EQ(prefix, component_info.url.substr(0, prefix.size()));
EXPECT_EQ(suffix, component_info.url.substr(component_info.url.size() - suffix.size()));
} // namespace debug_agent