blob: 54bfad4f119780925bcd35d60a18edf1c1da83e4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Note this leads to "$root_out_dir/obj/ABS_PATH/..." files in the build.
bssl_dir = "//zircon/../third_party/boringssl"
# Zircon code that depends on BoringSSL should have a "#define BORINGSSL_NO_CXX"
# statement before any "#include <openssl/...>" statements to avoid pulling in
# C++ headers.
zx_library("boringssl") {
kernel = true
host = true
static = true
sdk = "static"
sdk_headers = [
if (is_kernel) {
sources = rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_kernel_sources, ".", bssl_dir) +
[ "zircon-mem.c" ]
include_dirs = rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_include_dirs, ".", bssl_dir)
# Avoid circularity.
configs -= [ "//zircon/kernel/vm:headers.config" ]
defines = [
# The assembly code uses vector registers, which is not allowed in
# kernel code.
} else {
sources = rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_system_sources, ".", bssl_dir) +
[ "zircon-unused.c" ]
if (current_cpu == "arm64") {
sources +=
rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_system_arm64_sources, ".", bssl_dir)
} else if (current_cpu == "x64") {
if (current_os == "mac") {
sources += rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_system_x64_darwin_sources,
} else if (current_os == "linux" || current_os == "fuchsia") {
# Fuchsia can use the Linux optimized assembly without modification.
sources += rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_system_x64_linux_sources,
} else {
assert(false, "Unsupported OS")
} else {
assert("Unsupported CPU")
include_dirs = rebase_path(boringssl_zircon_include_dirs, ".", bssl_dir) +
[ "$bssl_dir/src" ]
if (is_fuchsia) {
deps = [ "//src/zircon/lib/zircon" ]
} else {
defines = [
# Required for `pthread_rwlock_t`.
# TODO(41904): UBSan has found an instance of undefined behavior in this target.
# Disable UBSan for this target temporarily until it is migrated into CI/CQ.
configs += [ "//build/config/zircon:temporarily_disable_ubsan_do_not_use" ]
# This code doesn't use the annotation attribute.
configs -= [ "//build/config/zircon:warn-implicit-fallthrough" ]