blob: 00534b25e0822c98f7b23f97b7046e3c053e3477 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "error_test.h"
#include "fidl/diagnostics.h"
#include "test_library.h"
namespace {
TEST(RecoverableCompilationTests, BadRecoverInLibraryConsume) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
protocol P {};
protocol P {}; // Error: name collision
table Table {
1: string? s; // Error: nullable table member
union Union {
1: string? s; // Error: nullable union member
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 3);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrNameCollision);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrNullableTableMember);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[2], fidl::ErrNullableUnionMember);
TEST(RecoverableCompilationTests, BadRecoverInLibraryCompile) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
union Union {
1: string string_value;
2: UnknownType unknown_value; // Error: unknown type
enum Enum {
ZERO = 0;
ONE = 1;
TWO = 1; // Error: duplicate value
THREE = 3;
enum OtherEnum {
NONE = 0;
ONE = 1;
ONE = 2; // Error: duplicate name
table NonDenseTable {
1: string s;
3: uint8 b; // Error: non-dense ordinals
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 4);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrUnknownType);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrDuplicateMemberName);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[2], fidl::ErrNonDenseOrdinal);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[3], fidl::ErrDuplicateMemberValue);
TEST(RecoverableCompilationTests, BadRecoverInLibraryVerifyAttributes) {
TestLibrary library(R"FIDL(
library example;
[ForDeprecatedCBindings = "True"] // Error: invalid placement & value
union Union {
1: string foo;
[Transitional] // Error: invalid placement
table Table {
1: string foo;
[MaxBytes = "1"] // Error: too large
struct Struct {
uint16 foo;
const auto& errors = library.errors();
ASSERT_EQ(errors.size(), 4);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[0], fidl::ErrInvalidAttributePlacement);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[1], fidl::ErrInvalidAttributeValue);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[2], fidl::ErrInvalidAttributePlacement);
ASSERT_ERR(errors[3], fidl::ErrTooManyBytes);
} // namespace