blob: 97bb1794aacd2503a9ac01c8c52dd68d2d265e7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zx/interrupt.h>
#include <lib/zx/msi.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmar.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "fixture.h"
using MsiTest = RootResourceFixture;
namespace {
zx::status<std::pair<zx::vmo, void*>> GetMsiTestVmo(zx::unowned_bti bti) {
zx::vmo vmo;
const size_t vmo_size = 4096;
zx_vaddr_t ptr = 0;
// MSI syscalls are expected to use physical VMOs, but can use contiguous, uncached, commit
zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create_contiguous(*bti, vmo_size, 0, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
if ((status = vmo.set_cache_policy(ZX_CACHE_POLICY_UNCACHED_DEVICE)) != ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
if ((zx::vmar::root_self()->map(ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE, 0, vmo, 0, vmo_size, &ptr)) !=
ZX_OK) {
return zx::error(status);
return zx::ok(std::make_pair(std::move(vmo), reinterpret_cast<void*>(ptr)));
// Differentiate the two test categories while still allowing the use of the helper
// functions in this file.
TEST_F(MsiTest, AllocateSyscall) {
if (!MsiTestsSupported()) {
// clang-format off
constexpr std::pair<zx_status_t, uint32_t> kTests[] = {
{ ZX_OK, 1 },
{ ZX_OK, 2 },
{ ZX_OK, 4 },
{ ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, 5 }, // platform allocations need to be pow2.
{ ZX_OK, 8 },
{ ZX_OK, 16 },
{ ZX_OK, 32 },
{ ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, 64 }, // 64 exceeds the present platform max of 32.
{ ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max() },
// clang-format on
for (const auto& test : kTests) {
zx::msi msi = {};
EXPECT_EQ(test.first, zx::msi::allocate(*root_resource_, test.second, &msi),
"irq_cnt = %u failed.", test.second);
struct MsiCreateTestCase {
zx_handle_t msi;
uint32_t opt;
uint32_t id;
zx_handle_t vmo;
uint32_t off;
zx_status_t status;
// Copied from MsiDispatcher's MsiCapability, but we can't include that kernel header.
namespace FakeMsi {
// All of these values are sourced from the PCI Local Bus Specification rev 3.0 figure 6-9
// and the header msi_dispatcher.h which cannot be included due to being kernel-side. The
// intent is to mock the bare minimum functionality of an MSI capability so that the dispatcher
// behavior can be controlled and observed.
// TODO( The maximum size for this capability can vary based on PVM and bit count,
// so add tests to validate the 4 possible sizes against the VMO.
struct Capability {
uint8_t id;
uint8_t next;
uint16_t control;
uint64_t reserved1_; // For 32 bit this is Address, Data, and a reserved field.
// For 64 bit this is Address and Address Upper.
uint32_t mask_bits_32; // For 64 bit this is Data and a reserved field.
uint32_t mask_bits_64;
uint32_t reserved2_; // Pending Bits
static_assert(offsetof(Capability, mask_bits_32) == 0x0C);
static_assert(offsetof(Capability, mask_bits_64) == 0x10);
static_assert(sizeof(Capability) == 24);
const uint8_t Id = 0x5;
const uint16_t CtrlPvmSupported = (1u << 8);
struct TableEntry {
uint32_t msg_addr;
uint32_t msg_upper_addr;
uint32_t msg_data;
uint32_t vector_control;
uint32_t kVectorControlMasked = (1u << 0);
} // namespace FakeMsi
TEST_F(MsiTest, CreateSyscallArgs) {
if (!MsiTestsSupported()) {
zx::msi msi;
constexpr uint32_t msi_cnt = 8;
auto [vmo, ptr] = GetMsiTestVmo(bti_.borrow()).value();
ASSERT_OK(zx::msi::allocate(*root_resource_, msi_cnt, &msi));
zx_info_msi_t msi_info;
ASSERT_OK(msi.get_info(ZX_INFO_MSI, &msi_info, sizeof(msi_info), nullptr, nullptr));
zx_info_vmo_t vmo_info;
ASSERT_OK(vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &vmo_info, sizeof(vmo_info), nullptr, nullptr));
uint32_t vmo_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(vmo_info.size_bytes);
ASSERT_LE(vmo_size, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
// clang-format off
const struct MsiCreateTestCase kTests[] = {
// Bad handle.
{ .msi = 123456, .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = 0, .status = ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE },
// Valid handle but wrong type for MSI.
{ .msi = vmo.get(), .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = 0, .status = ZX_ERR_WRONG_TYPE },
// |vmo| is invalid.
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = 123456, .off = 0, .status = ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE },
// |msi_id| exceeds number of allocated interrupts.
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = 0, .id = msi_cnt, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = 0, .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS },
// |options| must be zero, or ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = ~ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = 0, .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS },
// |vmo_offset| is past the end of the VMO.
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = vmo_size, .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS},
// |vmo_offset| doesn't provide enough space for the capability.
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = static_cast<uint32_t>(vmo_size - sizeof(FakeMsi::Capability)), .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS },
// |vmo_offset| is the max size possible.
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = 0, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS },
// clang-format on
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(kTests); i++) {
auto& test = kTests[i];
zx::interrupt interrupt;
zx::msi::create(*zx::unowned_msi(test.msi), test.opt,,
*zx::unowned_vmo(test.vmo),, &interrupt),
"kTests[%zu] failed.", i);
TEST_F(MsiTest, Msi) {
if (!MsiTestsSupported()) {
zx::msi msi;
constexpr uint32_t msi_cnt = 8;
ASSERT_OK(zx::msi::allocate(*root_resource_, msi_cnt, &msi));
zx::interrupt interrupt, interrupt_dup;
auto [vmo, ptr] = GetMsiTestVmo(bti_.borrow()).value();
auto cap = reinterpret_cast<volatile FakeMsi::Capability*>(ptr);
// With no options the syscall should check if the Capability's ID matches MSI's.
zx::msi::create(msi, /*options=*/0, /*msi_id=*/0, vmo, /*vmo_offset=*/0, &interrupt),
cap->id = FakeMsi::Id;
cap->control = FakeMsi::CtrlPvmSupported;
cap->mask_bits_32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
ASSERT_OK(zx::msi::create(msi, /*options=*/0, /*msi_id=*/0, vmo, /*vmo_offset=*/0, &interrupt));
zx_info_msi_t msi_info;
ASSERT_OK(msi.get_info(ZX_INFO_MSI, &msi_info, sizeof(msi_info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(msi_info.interrupt_count, 1);
ASSERT_EQ(cap->mask_bits_32 & 0x1, 0);
zx::msi::create(msi, /*options=*/0, /*msi_id=*/0, vmo, /*vmo_offset=*/0, &interrupt_dup),
zx::msi::create(msi, /*options=*/0, /*msi_id=*/1, vmo, /*vmo_offset=*/0, &interrupt_dup));
ASSERT_OK(msi.get_info(ZX_INFO_MSI, &msi_info, sizeof(msi_info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(msi_info.interrupt_count, 2);
ASSERT_OK(msi.get_info(ZX_INFO_MSI, &msi_info, sizeof(msi_info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_EQ(msi_info.interrupt_count, 0);
constexpr uint32_t SizeNeededForMsi(size_t vmo_size, uint32_t msi_id) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(vmo_size - (sizeof(FakeMsi::TableEntry) * (msi_id + 1)));
TEST_F(MsiTest, Msix) {
if (!MsiTestsSupported()) {
const uint32_t msi_cnt = 8;
zx::msi msi = {};
ASSERT_OK(zx::msi::allocate(*root_resource_, msi_cnt, &msi));
auto [vmo, ptr] = GetMsiTestVmo(bti_.borrow()).value();
zx_info_vmo_t vmo_info = {};
zx_info_msi_t msi_info = {};
ASSERT_OK(vmo.get_info(ZX_INFO_VMO, &vmo_info, sizeof(vmo_info), nullptr, nullptr));
ASSERT_OK(msi.get_info(ZX_INFO_MSI, &msi_info, sizeof(msi_info), nullptr, nullptr));
uint32_t vmo_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(vmo_info.size_bytes);
ASSERT_LE(vmo_size, std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
__UNUSED auto msix_table = reinterpret_cast<volatile FakeMsi::TableEntry*>(ptr);
// clang-format off
const struct MsiCreateTestCase kTests[] = {
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, .id = 0, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = SizeNeededForMsi(vmo_size, 1), .status = ZX_OK },
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, .id = 1, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = SizeNeededForMsi(vmo_size, 1), .status = ZX_OK },
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, .id = 2, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = SizeNeededForMsi(vmo_size, 1), .status = ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS },
{ .msi = msi.get(), .opt = ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, .id = 2, .vmo = vmo.get(), .off = SizeNeededForMsi(vmo_size, 2), .status = ZX_OK },
// clang-format on
for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(kTests); i++) {
auto& test = kTests[i];
zx::interrupt interrupt;
zx::msi::create(*zx::unowned_msi(test.msi), test.opt,,
*zx::unowned_vmo(test.vmo),, &interrupt),
"kTests[%zu] failed.", i);
// Verify the table entry is correctly configured in the right location by the new dispatcher.
for (uint32_t id = 0; id < msi_info.num_irq; id++) {
zx::interrupt interrupt;
msix_table[id].vector_control = FakeMsi::kVectorControlMasked;
ASSERT_OK(zx::msi::create(msi, ZX_MSI_MODE_MSI_X, id, vmo, 0, &interrupt));
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(msi_info.target_addr), msix_table[id].msg_addr);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(msi_info.target_addr >> 32), msix_table[id].msg_upper_addr);
EXPECT_EQ(msi_info.target_data + id, msix_table[id].msg_data);
EXPECT_EQ(0, msix_table[id].vector_control & FakeMsi::kVectorControlMasked);
// When freed an MsixDispatcherImpl should clear out the table and mask the interrupt.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, msix_table[id].msg_addr);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, msix_table[id].msg_upper_addr);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, msix_table[id].msg_data);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, msix_table[id].vector_control & FakeMsi::kVectorControlMasked);
} // namespace