blob: daa4fae6c530628860efc80087b7872b29a16bee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <align.h>
#include <arch.h>
#include <lib/ktrace.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <arch/kernel_aspace.h>
#include <ktl/span.h>
#include <vm/arch_vm_aspace.h>
// Evaluates to true if tracing is enabled for the given level.
#define VM_KTRACE_LEVEL_ENABLED(level) ((VM_TRACING_LEVEL) >= (level))
#define VM_KTRACE_DURATION(level, string, args...) \
TraceDuration<TraceEnabled<VM_KTRACE_LEVEL_ENABLED(level)>, KTRACE_GRP_VM, \
TraceContext::Thread> \
duration{KTRACE_STRING_REF(string), ##args};
#define VM_KTRACE_FLOW_BEGIN(level, string, flow_id, args...) \
ktrace_flow_begin(LocalTrace<VM_KTRACE_LEVEL_ENABLED(level)>, TraceContext::Thread, \
KTRACE_GRP_VM, KTRACE_STRING_REF(string), flow_id, ##args);
#define VM_KTRACE_FLOW_END(level, string, flow_id, args...) \
ktrace_flow_end(LocalTrace<VM_KTRACE_LEVEL_ENABLED(level)>, TraceContext::Thread, \
KTRACE_GRP_VM, KTRACE_STRING_REF(string), flow_id, ##args);
class VmAspace;
// kernel address space
static inline bool is_kernel_address(vaddr_t va) {
return (va >= (vaddr_t)KERNEL_ASPACE_BASE &&
va - (vaddr_t)KERNEL_ASPACE_BASE < (vaddr_t)KERNEL_ASPACE_SIZE);
// user address space, defaults to below kernel space with a 16MB guard gap on either side
static inline bool is_user_address(vaddr_t va) {
return (va >= USER_ASPACE_BASE && va <= (USER_ASPACE_BASE + (USER_ASPACE_SIZE - 1)));
static inline bool is_user_address_range(vaddr_t va, size_t len) {
return va + len >= va && is_user_address(va) && (len == 0 || is_user_address(va + len - 1));
// linker script provided variables for various virtual kernel addresses
extern char __code_start[];
extern char __code_end[];
extern char __rodata_start[];
extern char __rodata_end[];
extern char __data_start[];
extern char __data_end[];
extern char __bss_start[];
extern char _end[];
// return the physical address corresponding to _start
static inline paddr_t get_kernel_base_phys() {
extern paddr_t kernel_base_phys;
return kernel_base_phys;
static inline size_t get_kernel_size() { return _end - __code_start; }
// return a pointer to the zero page
static inline vm_page_t* vm_get_zero_page(void) {
extern vm_page_t* zero_page;
return zero_page;
// return the physical address of the zero page
static inline paddr_t vm_get_zero_page_paddr(void) {
extern paddr_t zero_page_paddr;
return zero_page_paddr;
// List of the kernel program's various segments.
struct kernel_region {
const char* name;
vaddr_t base;
size_t size;
uint arch_mmu_flags;
extern const ktl::span<const kernel_region> kernel_regions;
// internal kernel routines below, do not call directly
// internal routine by the scheduler to swap mmu contexts
void vmm_context_switch(VmAspace* oldspace, VmAspace* newaspace);
// set the current user aspace as active on the current thread.
// NULL is a valid argument, which unmaps the current user address space
void vmm_set_active_aspace(VmAspace* aspace);
// specialized version of above function that must be called with the thread_lock already held.
// This is only intended for use by panic handlers.
void vmm_set_active_aspace_locked(VmAspace* aspace);