blob: 74b4d4a92d3ad1fbbdde82e674b433800fe3bed6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testsharder
import (
func affectedShard(env build.Environment, os string, ids *Shard {
var tests []Test
for _, id := range ids {
tests = append(tests, makeTest(id, os))
return &Shard{
Name: affectedShardPrefix + environmentName(env),
Tests: tests,
Env: env,
func TestMultiplyShards(t *testing.T) {
env1 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "QEMU"},
Tags: []string{},
env2 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "NUC"},
Tags: []string{},
env3 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{OS: "linux"},
Tags: []string{},
makeTestModifier := func(id int, os string, runs int) TestModifier {
return TestModifier{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("test%d", id),
OS: os,
TotalRuns: runs,
multShard := func(env build.Environment, os string, id, runs, timeoutSecs int) *Shard {
test := makeTest(id, os)
test.Runs = runs
test.RunAlgorithm = StopOnFailure
test.TimeoutSecs = timeoutSecs
return &Shard{
Name: multipliedShardPrefix + environmentName(env) + "-" + normalizeTestName(test.Name),
Tests: []Test{test},
Env: env,
testCases := []struct {
name string
shards []*Shard
multipliers []TestModifier
testDurations TestDurationsMap
targetDuration time.Duration
targetTestCount int
expected []*Shard
err error
name: "empty os matches any os",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
shard(env3, "linux", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "", 5),
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 5, 0),
multShard(env3, "linux", 1, 5, 0),
name: "checks every shard",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 4),
shard(env3, "linux", 3),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 5),
makeTestModifier(3, "linux", 3),
expected: []*Shard{
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
// We multiplied the test with id 1 five times from the first two shards.
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 5, 0),
multShard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 5, 0),
multShard(env3, "linux", 3, 3, 0),
name: "fills up a shard of targetDuration if totalRuns is unset",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 0),
testDurations: TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: time.Second},
targetDuration: 3 * time.Second,
expected: []*Shard{
// The expected duration for this test is 1 second and our
// target duration is three seconds.
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 3, 3),
name: "fills up a shard of targetTestCount if totalRuns is unset",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 0),
targetTestCount: 4,
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 4, 0),
name: "runs defaults to 1 if no configuration values are set",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 0),
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 1, 0),
name: "does not exceed max runs if totalRuns is unset",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 0),
testDurations: TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: time.Second},
targetDuration: (multipliedTestMaxRuns + 10) * time.Second,
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, multipliedTestMaxRuns, multipliedTestMaxRuns+10),
name: "runs at least once even if duration is longer than target duration",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 0),
testDurations: TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 10 * time.Second},
targetDuration: 2 * time.Second,
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 1, 2),
name: "uses regex matches if no tests match exactly",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 210),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "1", TotalRuns: 1},
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 210, 1, 0),
name: "matches on test path/package URL as well as GN name",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "fuchsia-pkg", TotalRuns: 1},
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 1, 0),
name: "rejects multiplier that matches too many tests",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 1),
err: errTooManyMultiplierMatches,
name: "rejects invalid multiplier regex",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "["},
err: errInvalidMultiplierRegex,
name: "doesn't include affected prefix in multiplied shard names",
shards: []*Shard{
affectedShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "fuchsia-pkg", TotalRuns: 5},
expected: []*Shard{
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 5, 0),
name: "removes multiplied test from shard",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 2),
expected: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 2),
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 0),
name: "choose less runs if multiple multipliers for same test",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2),
multipliers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 3),
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 2),
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", 5),
expected: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 2),
multShard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 0),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
actual, err := MultiplyShards(
if !errors.Is(err, tc.err) {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected error %v, expected: %v", err, tc.err)
if err != nil {
assertEqual(t, tc.expected, actual)
func TestShardAffected(t *testing.T) {
env1 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "QEMU"},
Tags: []string{},
env2 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "NUC"},
Tags: []string{},
env3 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{OS: "linux"},
Tags: []string{},
type modifyDetails struct {
index int
maxAttempts int
shardWithModify := func(s *Shard, md []modifyDetails) *Shard {
for _, m := range md {
i := m.index
s.Tests[i].Runs = m.maxAttempts
if m.maxAttempts > 1 {
s.Tests[i].RunAlgorithm = StopOnSuccess
} else {
s.Tests[i].RunAlgorithm = ""
return s
makeTestModifier := func(id int, os string, affected bool) TestModifier {
return TestModifier{
Name: fullTestName(id, os),
OS: os,
Affected: affected,
MaxAttempts: 1,
testCases := []struct {
name string
shards []*Shard
modifiers []TestModifier
affectedOnly bool
expected []*Shard
err error
name: "matches any os",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3),
shard(env3, "linux", 1, 2, 3),
modifiers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "fuchsia-pkg://", Affected: true},
{Name: "/path/to/test1", Affected: true},
expected: []*Shard{
affectedShard(env1, "fuchsia", 3),
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2),
affectedShard(env3, "linux", 1),
shard(env3, "linux", 2, 3),
name: "shards correctly",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 4),
shard(env3, "linux", 3, 4),
modifiers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", false),
makeTestModifier(2, "fuchsia", false),
makeTestModifier(2, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(4, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(3, "linux", true),
expected: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
affectedShard(env1, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
affectedShard(env2, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1),
affectedShard(env3, "linux", 3),
shard(env3, "linux", 4),
name: "shards only affected tests",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 4),
shard(env3, "linux", 3, 4),
modifiers: []TestModifier{
makeTestModifier(1, "fuchsia", false),
makeTestModifier(2, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(4, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(3, "linux", true),
affectedOnly: true,
expected: []*Shard{
affectedShard(env1, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
affectedShard(env2, "fuchsia", 2, 4),
affectedShard(env3, "linux", 3),
name: "copies other fields correctly",
shards: []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 4, 5),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 4),
shard(env3, "linux", 3, 4),
modifiers: []TestModifier{
{Name: "*", MaxAttempts: 5},
makeTestModifier(4, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(5, "fuchsia", true),
makeTestModifier(3, "linux", true),
expected: []*Shard{
affectedShard(env1, "fuchsia", 4, 5),
shardWithModify(shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1), []modifyDetails{{0, 5}}),
affectedShard(env2, "fuchsia", 4),
shardWithModify(shard(env2, "fuchsia", 1, 2), []modifyDetails{{0, 5}, {1, 5}}),
affectedShard(env3, "linux", 3),
shardWithModify(shard(env3, "linux", 4), []modifyDetails{{0, 5}}),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
actual, err := ShardAffected(
if !errors.Is(err, tc.err) {
t.Fatalf("got unexpected error %v, expected: %v", err, tc.err)
if err != nil {
assertEqual(t, tc.expected, actual)
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b
// assertShardsContainTests checks that the input shards are the same as
// expectedShards, ignoring the relative ordering of the shards and the ordering
// of tests within each shard.
func assertShardsContainTests(t *testing.T, shards []*Shard, expectedShards [][]string) {
if len(shards) != len(expectedShards) {
t.Fatalf("shard count (%d) != expected shard count (%d)", len(shards), len(expectedShards))
for _, shard := range shards {
actualTestNames := []string{}
for _, test := range shard.Tests {
for i := 0; i < test.minRequiredRuns(); i++ {
actualTestNames = append(actualTestNames, test.Test.Name)
// Check that we're expecting a shard that contains this exact set of
// tests.
foundMatch := false
for i, expectedTestNames := range expectedShards {
if stringSlicesEq(actualTestNames, expectedTestNames) {
// Remove this expected shard so other actual shards don't get
// matched with it.
expectedShards = append(expectedShards[:i], expectedShards[i+1:]...)
foundMatch = true
if !foundMatch {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard with tests %v", actualTestNames)
type runConfig struct {
runs int
runAlgorithm RunAlgorithm
func runConfigSlicesEq(s []runConfig, t []runConfig) bool {
if len(s) != len(t) {
return false
seen := make(map[runConfig]int)
for i := range s {
for _, v := range seen {
if v != 0 {
return false
return true
func assertShardsContainRunConfigs(t *testing.T, shards []*Shard, expectedShards [][]runConfig) {
if len(shards) != len(expectedShards) {
t.Fatalf("shard count (%d) != expected shard count (%d)", len(shards), len(expectedShards))
for _, shard := range shards {
actual := []runConfig{}
for _, test := range shard.Tests {
actual = append(actual, runConfig{test.Runs, test.RunAlgorithm})
// Check that we're expecting a shard that contains this exact set of
// run configs.
foundMatch := false
for i, expected := range expectedShards {
if runConfigSlicesEq(actual, expected) {
// Remove this expected shard so other actual shards don't get
// matched with it.
expectedShards = append(expectedShards[:i], expectedShards[i+1:]...)
foundMatch = true
if !foundMatch {
t.Fatalf("unexpected shard with run config %v, expected: %v", actual, expectedShards)
func TestWithTargetDuration(t *testing.T) {
env1 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "env1"},
Tags: []string{"env1"},
env2 := build.Environment{
Dimensions: build.DimensionSet{DeviceType: "env2"},
Tags: []string{"env2"},
defaultInput := []*Shard{shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)}
defaultDurations := TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 1},
test := func(id int) string {
return fullTestName(id, "fuchsia")
t.Run("does nothing if test count and duration are 0", func(t *testing.T) {
assertEqual(t, defaultInput, WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, 0, 0, 0, defaultDurations))
t.Run("does nothing if test count and duration are < 0", func(t *testing.T) {
assertEqual(t, defaultInput, WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, -5, -7, 0, defaultDurations))
t.Run("returns one shard if target test count is greater than test count", func(t *testing.T) {
actual := WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, 0, 20, 0, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(2), test(3), test(4), test(5), test(6)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("returns one shard if target duration is greater than total duration", func(t *testing.T) {
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(2), test(3), test(4), test(5), test(6)},
targetDuration := time.Duration(len(expectedTests[0]) + 1)
actual := WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, targetDuration, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("obeys max-shards-per-env", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3)}
maxShardsPerEnvironment := 1
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 1, 0, maxShardsPerEnvironment, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(2), test(3)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("evenly distributes equal-duration tests", func(t *testing.T) {
actual := WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, 4, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(3), test(5)},
{test(2), test(4), test(6)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("puts long tests on their own shards", func(t *testing.T) {
durations := TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 1},
test(1): {MedianDuration: 10},
actual := WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, 5, 0, 0, durations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(2), test(3), test(4), test(5), test(6)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("uses longest test as target duration, if longer than target duration", func(t *testing.T) {
durations := TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 1},
test(1): {MedianDuration: 10},
// targetDuration is 2, but the longest test's duration is 10 and we
// can't split a single test across shards. So we must have at least one
// shard of duration >= 10. Therefore, we won't gain anything from
// splitting the other tests into shards of duration < 10, so they
// should all go in the same shard, even if its duration is greater than
// the given target.
actual := WithTargetDuration(defaultInput, 2, 0, 0, durations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(2), test(3), test(4), test(5), test(6)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("produces shards of similar expected durations", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)}
durations := TestDurationsMap{
test(1): {MedianDuration: 1},
test(2): {MedianDuration: 2},
test(3): {MedianDuration: 2},
test(4): {MedianDuration: 2},
test(5): {MedianDuration: 5},
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 7, 0, 0, durations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(5)}, // total duration: 1 + 5 = 6
{test(2), test(3), test(4)}, // total duration: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("keeps different environments separate", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 4, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(2), test(4), test(6)},
{test(3), test(5), test(7)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("evenly divides tests even if all durations are zero", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
durations := TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 0},
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 4, 0, 2, durations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(3), test(5)},
{test(2), test(4), test(6)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("assigns one shard per test if all durations are zero and test count < max-shards-per-env", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2, 3)}
maxShardsPerEnvironment := 4
durations := TestDurationsMap{
"*": {MedianDuration: 0},
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 1, 0, maxShardsPerEnvironment, durations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1)}, {test(2)}, {test(3)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("adjusts other envs if one env exceeds max shard count", func(t *testing.T) {
var env2Tests []int
maxShardsPerEnvironment := 8
for i := 3; i <= 2+(maxShardsPerEnvironment*2); i++ {
env2Tests = append(env2Tests, i)
input := []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 1, 2),
shard(env2, "fuchsia", env2Tests...),
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 1, 0, maxShardsPerEnvironment, defaultDurations)
// The subshards created for env2 must each have two tests and take
// twice the target duration, since there are 2 *
// maxShardsPerEnvironment tests that each take 1ns (which is the target
// duration). So even though env1's two tests could be put on separate
// shards without exceeding maxShardsPerEnvironment, we put them in a
// single shard because the expected maximum duration of all shards is
// two times the target duration anyway.
expectedEnvs := make([]build.Environment, maxShardsPerEnvironment+1)
expectedEnvs[0] = env1
for i := 1; i < maxShardsPerEnvironment+1; i++ {
expectedEnvs[i] = env2
actualEnvs := make([]build.Environment, len(actual))
for i, shard := range actual {
if len(shard.Tests) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("shard doesn't have two tests: %v", shard)
actualEnvs[i] = shard.Env
if !reflect.DeepEqual(expectedEnvs, actualEnvs) {
t.Fatalf("expected shard envs %v, got %v", actual, actualEnvs)
t.Run("sorts shards by basename of first test", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{
shard(env1, "fuchsia", 3, 2, 1, 4, 0),
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 1, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
if len(actual) != len(input[0].Tests) {
t.Fatalf("expected %d shards but got %d", len(actual), len(input[0].Tests))
for i, shard := range actual {
expectedFirstTest := fullTestName(i, "fuchsia")
if len(shard.Tests) != 1 || shard.Tests[0].Name != expectedFirstTest {
t.Fatalf("expected shard %s to contain test %s", shard.Name, expectedFirstTest)
t.Run("evenly distributes multiplier shards", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{{
Name: "env1",
Env: env1,
Tests: []Test{{
Test: makeTest(1, "fuchsia").Test,
Runs: 5,
RunAlgorithm: KeepGoing,
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 2, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(1)},
{test(1), test(1)},
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
t.Run("evenly distributes shards based on run algorithm", func(t *testing.T) {
input := []*Shard{{
Name: "env1",
Env: env1,
Tests: []Test{
Test: makeTest(1, "fuchsia").Test,
Runs: 5,
RunAlgorithm: StopOnSuccess,
Test: makeTest(2, "fuchsia").Test,
Runs: 5,
RunAlgorithm: StopOnSuccess,
}}, {
Name: "mult",
Env: env1,
Tests: []Test{
Test: makeTest(1, "fuchsia").Test,
Runs: 5,
RunAlgorithm: KeepGoing,
actual := WithTargetDuration(input, 2, 0, 0, defaultDurations)
expectedTests := [][]string{
{test(1), test(2)},
{test(1), test(1)},
{test(1), test(1)},
expectedRuns := [][]runConfig{
{{5, StopOnSuccess}, {5, StopOnSuccess}},
{{2, KeepGoing}},
{{2, KeepGoing}},
{{1, KeepGoing}}}
assertShardsContainRunConfigs(t, actual, expectedRuns)
assertShardsContainTests(t, actual, expectedTests)
func depsFile(t *testing.T, buildDir string, deps ...string) string {
depsFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(buildDir, "deps")
if err != nil {
name := depsFile.Name()
b, err := json.Marshal([]string(deps))
if err != nil {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, b, 0o400); err != nil {
return filepath.Base(name)
func shardHasExpectedDeps(t *testing.T, buildDir string, tests []Test, expected []string) {
shard := &Shard{
Tests: tests,
if err := extractDepsFromShard(shard, buildDir); err != nil {
if !unorderedSlicesAreEqual(shard.Deps, expected) {
t.Fatalf("deps not as expected;\nactual:%#v\nexpected:%#v", shard.Deps, expected)
func unorderedSlicesAreEqual(a, b []string) bool {
if len(a) != len(b) {
return false
for i, v := range a {
if v != b[i] {
return false
return true
func TestExtractDeps(t *testing.T) {
buildDir := t.TempDir()
t.Run("no deps", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []Test{{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "A",
expected := []string{}
shardHasExpectedDeps(t, buildDir, tests, expected)
t.Run("some deps", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []Test{{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "A",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "1", "2"),
}}, {
Test: build.Test{
Name: "B",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "3"),
expected := []string{"1", "2", "3"}
shardHasExpectedDeps(t, buildDir, tests, expected)
// Also check that the depfiles have been set to empty.
for _, test := range tests {
if test.RuntimeDepsFile != "" {
t.Fatalf("test %q had a nonempty RuntimeDepsFile field", test.Name)
t.Run("deps are deduped", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []Test{{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "A",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "1", "2", "2"),
}}, {
Test: build.Test{
Name: "B",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "2", "3"),
expected := []string{"1", "2", "3"}
shardHasExpectedDeps(t, buildDir, tests, expected)
t.Run("host test paths are added to deps", func(t *testing.T) {
tests := []Test{
Test: build.Test{
Name: "A",
OS: "linux",
Path: "path/to/A",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "1"),
Test: build.Test{
Name: "B",
OS: "mac",
Path: "path/to/B",
RuntimeDepsFile: depsFile(t, buildDir, "2"),
expected := []string{"1", "2", "path/to/A", "path/to/B"}
shardHasExpectedDeps(t, buildDir, tests, expected)
func TestApplyRealmLabel(t *testing.T) {
shardTests1 := []Test{
{Test: build.Test{Name: "test1", OS: linux, CPU: "arm64"}},
{Test: build.Test{Name: "test2", OS: linux, CPU: "arm64"}},
shardTests2 := []Test{
{Test: build.Test{Name: "test3", OS: linux, CPU: x64}},
{Test: build.Test{Name: "test4", OS: linux, CPU: x64}},
t.Run("realm label applies to all tests on all shards", func(t *testing.T) {
shards := []*Shard{
{Name: "foo", Tests: shardTests1},
{Name: "bar", Tests: shardTests2},
ApplyRealmLabel(shards, "testrealm")
expected := []*Shard{
Name: "foo",
Tests: []Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "test1", OS: linux, CPU: "arm64"},
RealmLabel: "testrealm",
Test: build.Test{Name: "test2", OS: linux, CPU: "arm64"},
RealmLabel: "testrealm",
Name: "bar",
Tests: []Test{
Test: build.Test{Name: "test3", OS: linux, CPU: x64},
RealmLabel: "testrealm",
Test: build.Test{Name: "test4", OS: linux, CPU: x64},
RealmLabel: "testrealm",
assertEqual(t, expected, shards)