blob: 33b85a9b0c5e65f3e54d5e0e6663cf604c2c04fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/client/process.h"
#include "src/lib/fidl_codec/wire_object.h"
#include "src/lib/fidl_codec/wire_types.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/inference.h"
#include "tools/fidlcat/lib/type_decoder.h"
namespace fidlcat {
class HandleInfo;
class Location;
class Process;
class SyscallDisplayDispatcher;
// Printer which allows us to print the infered data for handles.
class FidlcatPrinter : public fidl_codec::PrettyPrinter {
FidlcatPrinter(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, Process* process, std::ostream& os,
const fidl_codec::Colors& colors, std::string_view line_header,
int tabulations = 0);
FidlcatPrinter(SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher, Process* process, std::ostream& os,
std::string_view line_header, int tabulations = 0);
const Inference& inference() const { return inference_; }
Process* process() const { return process_; }
bool display_stack_frame() const { return display_stack_frame_; }
SyscallDisplayDispatcher* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
bool DumpMessages() const override { return dump_messages_; }
void DisplayHandle(const zx_handle_disposition_t& handle) override;
void DisplayHandle(zx_handle_t handle) {
zx_handle_disposition_t disposition = {.operation = fidl_codec::kNoHandleDisposition,
.handle = handle,
.type = 0,
.rights = 0,
.result = ZX_OK};
void DisplayHandleInfo(HandleInfo* handle_info);
void DisplayStatus(zx_status_t status);
void DisplayInline(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::StructMember>>& members,
const std::map<const fidl_codec::StructMember*, std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::Value>>& values);
void DisplayOutline(
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::StructMember>>& members,
const std::map<const fidl_codec::StructMember*, std::unique_ptr<fidl_codec::Value>>& values);
void DisplayStackFrame(const std::vector<Location>& stack_frame);
const Inference& inference_;
Process* const process_;
const bool display_stack_frame_;
const bool dump_messages_;
SyscallDisplayDispatcher* const dispatcher_;
} // namespace fidlcat