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// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package summarize
import (
// Strictness is whether an aggregate is strict or flexible.
type Strictness string
var (
// noStrict denotes no defined strictness for this element.
noStrict Strictness = ""
// isStrict strictness value.
isStrict Strictness = "strict"
// isFlexible strictness value.
isFlexible Strictness = "flexible"
// Resourceness is whether the aggregate has resources or not.
type Resourceness string
var (
// isValue resourceness is the "default", so we omit it altogether.
isValue Resourceness = ""
// isResource is an aggregate that contains e.g. handles.
isResource Resourceness = "resource"
// Kind is the encoding of the type, e.g. 'const'.
type Kind string
// Decl is the underlying type declaration. For `enum Foo : int32`,
// this will be `int32`.
type Decl string
// Name is the fully qualified name of the element.
type Name string
// ElementStr is a generic stringly-typed view of an Element. The aim is to
// keep the structure as flat as possible, and omit fields which have no
// bearing to the Kind of element represented.
type ElementStr struct {
Name `json:"name"`
Kind `json:"kind"`
Decl `json:"declaration,omitempty"`
Strictness `json:"strictness,omitempty"`
Resourceness `json:"resourceness,omitempty"`
func (e ElementStr) String() string {
var p []string
if e.Resourceness != "" {
p = append(p, string(e.Resourceness))
if e.Strictness != "" {
p = append(p, string(e.Strictness))
p = append(p, string(e.Kind), string(e.Name))
if e.Decl != "" {
p = append(p, string(e.Decl))
return strings.Join(p, " ")
func (e ElementStr) Less(other ElementStr) bool {
n1 := newFqn(Name(e.Name))
n2 := newFqn(Name(other.Name))
return n1.Less(n2)
// IsStrict returns true of this element is strict. The result makes sense only
// on elements that have a defined strictness.
func (e ElementStr) IsStrict() bool {
return e.Strictness == isStrict
// HasStrictness returns true if this ElementStr has a notion of strictness, as
// not all ElementStrs do.
func (e ElementStr) HasStrictness() bool {
return e.Strictness != noStrict
// LoadSummariesJSON loads several the API summaries in the JSON format from
// the given reader readers. Returns the respective summaries in the order of
// supplied readers, or the first encountered error.
func LoadSummariesJSON(rs ([][]ElementStr, error) {
var rets [][]ElementStr
for _, r := range rs {
var ret []ElementStr
d := json.NewDecoder(r)
if err := d.Decode(&ret); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("while decoding the summary: %w", err)
rets = append(rets, ret)
return rets, nil