blob: 58fd6f60c8dac69b51fbdd169cda742bd497f641 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
const fragmentMethodRequestTmpl = `
{{- define "MethodRequestDeclaration" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
struct {{ .WireRequest }} final {
{{- /* Add underscore to prevent name collision */}}
fidl_message_header_t _hdr;
{{- range $index, $param := .RequestArgs }}
{{ $param.Type }} {{ $param.Name }};
{{- end }}
{{- if .RequestArgs }}
explicit {{ .WireRequest.Self }}(zx_txid_t _txid {{- .RequestArgs | CalleeCommaParams }})
{{ .RequestArgs | InitMessage }} {
{{- end }}
explicit {{ .WireRequest.Self }}(zx_txid_t _txid) {
static constexpr const fidl_type_t* Type =
{{- if .RequestArgs }}
&{{ .Request.WireCodingTable }};
{{- else }}
{{- end }}
static constexpr uint32_t MaxNumHandles = {{ .Request.MaxHandles }};
static constexpr uint32_t PrimarySize = {{ .Request.InlineSize }};
static constexpr uint32_t MaxOutOfLine = {{ .Request.MaxOutOfLine }};
static constexpr uint32_t AltPrimarySize = {{ .Request.InlineSize }};
static constexpr uint32_t AltMaxOutOfLine = {{ .Request.MaxOutOfLine }};
static constexpr bool HasFlexibleEnvelope = {{ .Request.IsFlexible }};
static constexpr bool HasPointer = {{ .Request.HasPointer }};
static constexpr ::fidl::internal::TransactionalMessageKind MessageKind =
{{- if and .HasResponse .ResponseArgs }}
using ResponseType = {{ .WireResponse }};
{{- end }}
{{- if .Request.IsResource }}
void _CloseHandles();
{{- end }}
class UnownedEncodedMessage final {
UnownedEncodedMessage(uint8_t* _bytes, uint32_t _byte_size, zx_txid_t _txid
{{- .RequestArgs | CalleeCommaParams }})
: message_(_bytes, _byte_size, sizeof({{ .WireRequest.Self }}),
{{- if gt .Request.MaxHandles 0 }}
handles_, std::min(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES, MaxNumHandles), 0
{{- else }}
nullptr, 0, 0
{{- end }}
) {
FIDL_ALIGNDECL {{ .WireRequest.Self }} _request(_txid
{{- .RequestArgs | ForwardCommaParams -}}
message_.Encode<{{ .WireRequest.Self }}>(&_request);
UnownedEncodedMessage(uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t byte_size, {{ .WireRequest.Self }}* request)
: message_(bytes, byte_size, sizeof({{ .WireRequest.Self }}),
{{- if gt .Request.MaxHandles 0 }}
handles_, std::min(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES, MaxNumHandles), 0
{{- else }}
nullptr, 0, 0
{{- end }}
) {
message_.Encode<{{ .WireRequest.Self }}>(request);
UnownedEncodedMessage(const UnownedEncodedMessage&) = delete;
UnownedEncodedMessage(UnownedEncodedMessage&&) = delete;
UnownedEncodedMessage* operator=(const UnownedEncodedMessage&) = delete;
UnownedEncodedMessage* operator=(UnownedEncodedMessage&&) = delete;
zx_status_t status() const { return message_.status(); }
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
const char* status_string() const { return message_.status_string(); }
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
bool ok() const { return message_.status() == ZX_OK; }
const char* error() const { return message_.error(); }
::fidl::OutgoingMessage& GetOutgoingMessage() { return message_; }
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
template <typename ChannelLike>
void Write(ChannelLike&& client) { message_.Write(std::forward<ChannelLike>(client)); }
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{- if gt .Request.MaxHandles 0 }}
zx_handle_disposition_t handles_[std::min(ZX_CHANNEL_MAX_MSG_HANDLES, MaxNumHandles)];
{{- end }}
::fidl::OutgoingMessage message_;
class OwnedEncodedMessage final {
explicit OwnedEncodedMessage(zx_txid_t _txid
{{- .RequestArgs | CalleeCommaParams }})
: message_(, bytes_.size(), _txid
{{- .RequestArgs | ForwardCommaParams }}) {}
explicit OwnedEncodedMessage({{ .WireRequest.Self }}* request)
: message_(, bytes_.size(), request) {}
OwnedEncodedMessage(const OwnedEncodedMessage&) = delete;
OwnedEncodedMessage(OwnedEncodedMessage&&) = delete;
OwnedEncodedMessage* operator=(const OwnedEncodedMessage&) = delete;
OwnedEncodedMessage* operator=(OwnedEncodedMessage&&) = delete;
zx_status_t status() const { return message_.status(); }
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
const char* status_string() const { return message_.status_string(); }
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
bool ok() const { return message_.ok(); }
const char* error() const { return message_.error(); }
::fidl::OutgoingMessage& GetOutgoingMessage() { return message_.GetOutgoingMessage(); }
{{- IfdefFuchsia -}}
template <typename ChannelLike>
void Write(ChannelLike&& client) { message_.Write(std::forward<ChannelLike>(client)); }
{{- EndifFuchsia -}}
{{ .Request.ClientAllocation.ByteBufferType }} bytes_;
UnownedEncodedMessage message_;
class DecodedMessage final : public ::fidl::internal::IncomingMessage {
DecodedMessage(uint8_t* bytes, uint32_t byte_actual, zx_handle_info_t* handles = nullptr,
uint32_t handle_actual = 0)
: ::fidl::internal::IncomingMessage(bytes, byte_actual, handles, handle_actual) {
Decode<{{ .WireRequest.Self }}>();
DecodedMessage(fidl_incoming_msg_t* msg) : ::fidl::internal::IncomingMessage(msg) {
Decode<{{ .WireRequest.Self }}>();
DecodedMessage(const DecodedMessage&) = delete;
DecodedMessage(DecodedMessage&&) = delete;
DecodedMessage* operator=(const DecodedMessage&) = delete;
DecodedMessage* operator=(DecodedMessage&&) = delete;
{{- if .Request.IsResource }}
~DecodedMessage() {
if (ok() && (PrimaryObject() != nullptr)) {
{{- end }}
{{ .WireRequest.Self }}* PrimaryObject() {
return reinterpret_cast<{{ .WireRequest.Self }}*>(bytes());
// Release the ownership of the decoded message. That means that the handles won't be closed
// When the object is destroyed.
// After calling this method, the DecodedMessage object should not be used anymore.
void ReleasePrimaryObject() { ResetBytes(); }
void _InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid);
{{- end }}
{{- define "MethodRequestDefinition" }}
{{- EnsureNamespace "" }}
void {{ .WireRequest }}::_InitHeader(zx_txid_t _txid) {
fidl_init_txn_header(&_hdr, _txid, {{ .OrdinalName }});
{{ if .Request.IsResource }}
void {{ .WireRequest }}::_CloseHandles() {
{{- range .RequestArgs }}
{{- CloseHandles . false false }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}