blob: e8f408532e58dfb0566a992f657a7c22a7b02794 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::fidl::{self, *},
anyhow::{anyhow, Error},
pub enum Decl<'a> {
Const { data: &'a fidl::Const },
Enum { data: &'a fidl::Enum },
Interface { data: &'a fidl::Interface },
Struct { data: &'a fidl::Struct },
TypeAlias { data: &'a fidl::TypeAlias },
Union { data: &'a fidl::Union },
pub fn get_declarations<'b>(ir: &'b FidlIr) -> Result<Vec<Decl<'b>>, Error> {
.filter_map(|ident| match ir.get_declaration(ident).ok()? {
Declaration::Const => Some(Decl::Const {
data: ir.const_declarations.iter().filter(|c| == *ident).next()?,
Declaration::Enum => Some(Decl::Enum {
data: ir.enum_declarations.iter().filter(|e| == *ident).next()?,
Declaration::Interface => Some(Decl::Interface {
data: ir.interface_declarations.iter().filter(|e| == *ident).next()?,
Declaration::Struct => Some(Decl::Struct {
data: ir.struct_declarations.iter().filter(|e| == *ident).next()?,
Declaration::TypeAlias => Some(Decl::TypeAlias {
data: ir.type_alias_declarations.iter().filter(|e| == *ident).next()?,
Declaration::Union => Some(Decl::Union {
data: ir.union_declarations.iter().filter(|e| == *ident).next()?,
_ => None,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ProtocolType {
impl From<&Option<Vec<Attribute>>> for ProtocolType {
fn from(maybe_attributes: &Option<Vec<Attribute>>) -> Self {
if let Some(layout) = maybe_attributes.get("BanjoLayout") {
if layout == "ddk-callback" {
} else if layout == "ddk-interface" {
} else if layout == "ddk-protocol" {
} else {
panic!("Unknown layout attribute: {}", layout)
} else {
pub fn filter_protocol<'b>(declaration: &Decl<'b>) -> Option<&'b Interface> {
match declaration {
Decl::Interface { data } => match ProtocolType::from(&data.maybe_attributes) {
ProtocolType::Protocol => Some(data),
_ => None,
_ => None,
pub fn filter_interface<'b>(declaration: &Decl<'b>) -> Option<&'b Interface> {
match declaration {
Decl::Interface { data } => match ProtocolType::from(&data.maybe_attributes) {
ProtocolType::Interface => Some(data),
_ => None,
_ => None,
pub fn get_doc_comment(maybe_attrs: &Option<Vec<Attribute>>, tabs: usize) -> String {
if let Some(attrs) = maybe_attrs {
for attr in attrs.iter() {
if == "Doc" {
if attr.value.is_empty() {
let tabs: String = iter::repeat(' ').take(tabs * 4).collect();
return attr
.map(|line| format!("{}//{}\n", tabs, line))
pub fn validate_transport(maybe_attrs: &Option<Vec<Attribute>>) -> Result<(), Error> {
if let Some(attrs) = maybe_attrs {
for attr in attrs.iter() {
if == "Transport" {
if attr.value == "Banjo" {
return Ok(());
} else {
return Err(anyhow!("Invalid transport, expected \"Banjo\": {:?}", attr.value));
return Err(anyhow!("Transport attribute not specified, expected \"Banjo\""));
pub fn validate_declarations(declarations: &Vec<Decl<'_>>) -> Result<(), Error> {
for data in declarations.iter().filter_map(|declaration| match declaration {
Decl::Interface { data } => Some(data),
_ => None,
}) {
// Utilities shared by the four C/C++ backends.
pub fn to_c_name(name: &str) -> String {
if name.is_empty() {
} else {
// strip FQN
let name = name.split(".").last().unwrap();
// Force uppercase characters the follow one another to lowercase.
// e.g. GUIDType becomes Guidtype
let mut iter = name.chars();
let name = iter::once(
.chain(|(c1, c2)| {
if c2.is_ascii_uppercase() {
} else {
pub fn primitive_type_to_c_str(ty: &PrimitiveSubtype) -> Result<String, Error> {
match ty {
PrimitiveSubtype::Bool => Ok(String::from("bool")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Float32 => Ok(String::from("float")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Float64 => Ok(String::from("double")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Int8 => Ok(String::from("int8_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Int16 => Ok(String::from("int16_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Int32 => Ok(String::from("int32_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Int64 => Ok(String::from("int64_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Uint8 => Ok(String::from("uint8_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Uint16 => Ok(String::from("uint16_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Uint32 => Ok(String::from("uint32_t")),
PrimitiveSubtype::Uint64 => Ok(String::from("uint64_t")),
pub fn not_callback(id: &CompoundIdentifier, ir: &FidlIr) -> Result<bool, Error> {
if let Some(layout) = ir.get_protocol_attributes(id)?.get("BanjoLayout") {
if layout == "ddk-callback" {
return Ok(false);
pub fn array_bounds(ty: &Type) -> Option<String> {
if let Type::Array { ref element_type, element_count } = ty {
return if let Some(bounds) = array_bounds(element_type) {
Some(format!("[{}]{}", element_count.0, bounds))
} else {
Some(format!("[{}]", element_count.0))
pub fn name_buffer(maybe_attributes: &Option<Vec<Attribute>>) -> &'static str {
if maybe_attributes.has("Buffer") {
} else {
pub fn name_size(maybe_attributes: &Option<Vec<Attribute>>) -> &'static str {
if maybe_attributes.has("Buffer") {
} else {
// Utilities shared by the three C++ backends.
pub fn to_cpp_name(name: &str) -> &str {
// strip FQN
pub fn handle_type_to_cpp_str(ty: &HandleSubtype) -> String {
match ty {
HandleSubtype::Handle => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::Bti => String::from("zx::bti"),
HandleSubtype::Channel => String::from("zx::channel"),
HandleSubtype::Clock => String::from("zx::clock"),
HandleSubtype::Debuglog => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::Event => String::from("zx::event"),
HandleSubtype::EventPair => String::from("zx::eventpair"),
HandleSubtype::Exception => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::Fifo => String::from("zx::fifo"),
HandleSubtype::Guest => String::from("zx::guest"),
HandleSubtype::Interrupt => String::from("zx::interrupt"),
HandleSubtype::Iommu => String::from("zx::iommu"),
HandleSubtype::Job => String::from("zx::job"),
HandleSubtype::Pager => String::from("zx::pager"),
HandleSubtype::PciDevice => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::Pmt => String::from("zx::pmt"),
HandleSubtype::Port => String::from("zx::port"),
HandleSubtype::Process => String::from("zx::process"),
HandleSubtype::Profile => String::from("zx::profile"),
HandleSubtype::Resource => String::from("zx::resource"),
HandleSubtype::Socket => String::from("zx::socket"),
HandleSubtype::Stream => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::SuspendToken => String::from("zx::handle"),
HandleSubtype::Thread => String::from("zx::thread"),
HandleSubtype::Timer => String::from("zx::timer"),
HandleSubtype::Vcpu => String::from("zx::vcpu"),
HandleSubtype::Vmar => String::from("zx::vmar"),
HandleSubtype::Vmo => String::from("zx::vmo"),
pub fn type_to_cpp_str(ty: &Type, wrappers: bool, ir: &FidlIr) -> Result<String, Error> {
match ty {
Type::Array { ref element_type, .. } => type_to_cpp_str(element_type, wrappers, ir),
Type::Vector { ref element_type, .. } => type_to_cpp_str(element_type, wrappers, ir),
Type::Str { .. } => Ok(String::from("char*")),
Type::Primitive { ref subtype } => primitive_type_to_c_str(subtype),
Type::Identifier { identifier, .. } => match ir
.expect(&format!("Could not find declaration for {:?}", identifier))
Declaration::Struct | Declaration::Union | Declaration::Enum => {
Ok(format!("{}_t", to_c_name(&identifier.get_name())))
Declaration::Interface => {
let c_name = to_c_name(&identifier.get_name());
if not_callback(identifier, ir)? {
return Ok(format!("{}_protocol_t", c_name));
} else {
return Ok(format!("{}_t", c_name));
_ => Err(anyhow!("Identifier type not handled: {:?}", identifier)),
Type::Handle { ref subtype, .. } => {
if wrappers {
} else {
_ => Err(anyhow!("Type not handled in C++: {:?}", ty)),
pub fn protocol_to_ops_cpp_str(id: &CompoundIdentifier, ir: &FidlIr) -> Result<String, Error> {
if ir.is_protocol(id) {
return Ok(to_c_name(id.get_name()) + "_protocol_ops_t");
Err(anyhow!("Identifier does not represent a protocol {:?}", id))
pub fn get_base_type_from_alias(alias: &Option<&String>) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(name) = alias {
if name.starts_with("zx/") {
return Some(format!("zx_{}_t", &name[3..]));
pub fn get_first_param(method: &Method, ir: &FidlIr) -> Result<(bool, String), Error> {
if let Some(response) = &method.maybe_response {
if let Some(param) = response.get(0) {
if let Some(arg_type) = get_base_type_from_alias(
&param.experimental_maybe_from_type_alias.as_ref().map(|t| &,
) {
return Ok((true, arg_type));
if param._type.is_primitive(ir)? {
return Ok((true, type_to_cpp_str(&param._type, false, ir)?));
Ok((false, "void".to_string()))
pub fn get_in_params(
m: &Method,
wrappers: bool,
transform: bool,
ir: &FidlIr,
) -> Result<Vec<String>, Error> {
if !m.has_request {
return Ok(vec![]);
.map(|param| {
let name = to_c_name(&;
if let Some(arg_type) = get_base_type_from_alias(
&param.experimental_maybe_from_type_alias.as_ref().map(|t| &,
) {
return Ok(format!("{} {}", arg_type, name));
let ty_name = type_to_cpp_str(&param._type, wrappers, ir)?;
match &param._type {
Type::Identifier { identifier, .. } => {
if identifier.is_base_type() {
return Ok(format!("{} {}", ty_name, name));
match ir.get_declaration(identifier).unwrap() {
Declaration::Interface => {
if transform && not_callback(identifier, ir)? {
let ty_name = protocol_to_ops_cpp_str(identifier, ir).unwrap();
"void* {name}_ctx, {ty_name}* {name}_ops",
ty_name = ty_name,
name = name
} else {
Ok(format!("const {}* {}", ty_name, name))
Declaration::Struct | Declaration::Union => {
let prefix =
if param.maybe_attributes.has("InOut") { "" } else { "const " };
Ok(format!("{}{}* {}", prefix, ty_name, name))
Declaration::Enum => Ok(format!("{} {}", ty_name, name)),
decl => Err(anyhow!("Unsupported declaration: {:?}", decl)),
Type::Str { .. } => Ok(format!("const {} {}", ty_name, name)),
Type::Array { .. } => {
let bounds = array_bounds(&param._type).unwrap();
"const {ty} {name}{bounds}",
bounds = bounds,
ty = ty_name,
name = name
Type::Vector { .. } => {
// Note: wrappers are explicitly disabled here.
let ty_name = type_to_cpp_str(&param._type, false, ir)?;
let ptr = if param.maybe_attributes.has("InnerPointer") { "*" } else { "" };
"const {ty}{ptr}* {name}_{buffer}, size_t {name}_{size}",
buffer = name_buffer(&param.maybe_attributes),
size = name_size(&param.maybe_attributes),
ty = ty_name,
ptr = ptr,
name = name
_ => Ok(format!("{} {}", ty_name, name)),
pub fn get_out_params(
m: &Method,
name: &str,
wrappers: bool,
ir: &FidlIr,
) -> Result<(Vec<String>, String), Error> {
let protocol_name = to_c_name(name);
let method_name = to_c_name(&;
if m.maybe_attributes.has("Async") {
return Ok((
"{protocol_name}_{method_name}_callback callback",
protocol_name = protocol_name,
method_name = method_name
"void* cookie".to_string(),
let (skip, return_param) = get_first_param(m, ir)?;
let skip_amt = if skip { 1 } else { 0 };
Ok((m.maybe_response.as_ref().map_or(Vec::new(), |response| { response.iter().skip(skip_amt).map(|param| {
let name = to_c_name(&;
if let Some(arg_type) = get_base_type_from_alias(
&param.experimental_maybe_from_type_alias.as_ref().map(|t| &,
) {
return format!("{}* out_{}", arg_type, name);
let ty_name = type_to_cpp_str(&param._type, wrappers, ir).unwrap();
match &param._type {
Type::Str { .. } => {
format!("{} out_{name}, size_t {name}_capacity", ty_name,
Type::Array { .. } => {
let bounds = array_bounds(&param._type).unwrap();
"{ty} out_{name}{bounds}",
bounds = bounds,
ty = ty_name,
name = name
Type::Vector { .. } => {
// Note: wrappers are explicitly disabled here.
let ty_name = type_to_cpp_str(&param._type, false, ir).unwrap();
let buffer_name = name_buffer(&param.maybe_attributes);
let size_name = name_size(&param.maybe_attributes);
if param.maybe_attributes.has("CalleeAllocated") {
format!("{ty}** out_{name}_{buffer}, size_t* {name}_{size}",
buffer = buffer_name,
size = size_name,
ty = ty_name,
name = name)
} else {
format!("{ty}* out_{name}_{buffer}, size_t {name}_{size}, size_t* out_{name}_actual",
buffer = buffer_name,
size = size_name,
ty = ty_name,
name = name)
Type::Handle { .. } => format!("{}* out_{}", ty_name, name),
Type::Identifier { nullable, .. } => {
let ptr = if *nullable { "*" } else { "" };
format!("{}{}* out_{}", ty_name, ptr, name)
_ => format!("{}* out_{}", ty_name, name)
}).collect()}), return_param))