blob: 7b8a6ed7e2c4d8d8920b2939ef0b546a754eec6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message_builder.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/internal/message_handler.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/internal/message_reader.h"
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/internal/proxy.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
// Controls the client endpoint of a FIDL channel.
// A |ProxyController| controls the protocol-specific "proxy" object. Proxy
// objects are used on the client endpoint of a FIDL channel to encode messages
// into the channel and send them to the server endpoint, whose "stub" object
// decodes them and dispatches them to an implementation of the protocol.
class ProxyController : public MessageHandler {
~ProxyController() override;
ProxyController(const ProxyController&) = delete;
ProxyController& operator=(const ProxyController&) = delete;
ProxyController& operator=(ProxyController&&);
// The |MessageReader| that is listening for responses to messages sent by
// this object.
MessageReader& reader() { return reader_; }
const MessageReader& reader() const { return reader_; }
// The protocol-specific object that decodes messages and dispatches them to
// an implementation of the protocol.
// The proxy must be set to a non-null value before messages are read from the
// underlying channel. Typically, the caller will set a non-null proxy before
// binding a channel to the |MessageReader|.
Proxy* proxy() const { return proxy_; }
void set_proxy(Proxy* proxy) { proxy_ = proxy; }
// Send a message over the channel.
// If |response_handler| is non-null, the message will be assigned a
// transaction identifier before being encoded and sent over the channel. The
// |response_handler| will be retained by the |ProxyController| until the
// |ProxyController| recieves a response to the message, at which time the
// |ProxyController| will call the |OnMessage| method of the
// |response_handler|.
// Calls |error_handler_| on |reader_| upon failure to validate or write the
// message.
void Send(const fidl_type_t* type, HLCPPOutgoingMessage message,
std::unique_ptr<SingleUseMessageHandler> response_handler);
// Clears all the state associated with this |ProxyController|.
// After this method returns, the |ProxyController| is in the same state it
// would have been in if freshly constructed.
void Reset();
// Called by the |MessageReader| when a message arrives on the channel from
// the server.
// The message might be a response to a previously sent message or an
// unsolicited event.
zx_status_t OnMessage(HLCPPIncomingMessage message) final;
// Causes the |ProxyController| to |ClearPendingHandlers()|.
void OnChannelGone() final;
// Causes the |ProxyController| to destroy all pending response handlers and
// reset its transition identifiers.
void ClearPendingHandlers();
MessageReader reader_;
Proxy* proxy_ = nullptr;
std::map<zx_txid_t, std::unique_ptr<SingleUseMessageHandler>> handlers_;
zx_txid_t next_txid_;
// RAII object to disable ProxyController's client side error reporting when in scope.
// TODO( Remove this.
struct TransitoryProxyControllerClientSideErrorDisabler {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl