blob: 166e0d26307488829e5623383ad36bdc21217770 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/wait.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message_buffer.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/internal/message_handler.h"
namespace fidl {
namespace internal {
class ProxyController;
class MessageReader final {
explicit MessageReader(MessageHandler* message_handler = nullptr);
MessageReader(const MessageReader&) = delete;
MessageReader& operator=(const MessageReader&) = delete;
// Binds the given channel to this |MessageReader|.
// The |MessageReader| will wait asynchronously for messages on this channel
// and dispatch them to the message handler using |dispatcher|. After this
// method returns, the |MessageReader| will be waiting for incomming messages.
// If the |MessageReader| is already bound, the |MessageReader| will first
// be unbound.
// If |dispatcher| is null, the current thread must have a default
// async_dispatcher_t.
zx_status_t Bind(zx::channel channel, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = nullptr);
// Unbinds the channel from this |MessageReader|.
// The |MessageReader| will stop waiting for the messages on this channel.
// Returns the channel to which this |MessageReader| was previously bound, if
// any.
zx::channel Unbind();
// Unbinds the channel from this |MessageReader| and clears the error handler.
void Reset();
// Unbinds the channel from |other| and bindings it to this |MessageReader|.
// Also moves the error handler from |other| to this |MessageReader|.
// Useful for implementing move semantics for objects that have a
// |MessageReader|.
zx_status_t TakeChannelAndErrorHandlerFrom(MessageReader* other);
// Sends an epitaph with the given value, unbinds, and then closes the channel
// associated with this |MessageReader|.
// The |MessageReader| will send an Epitaph with the given error, unbind
// the channel, and then close it.
// The return value can be any of the return values of zx_channel_write.
zx_status_t Close(zx_status_t epitaph_value);
// Whether the |MessageReader| is currently bound.
// See |Bind()| and |Unbind()|.
bool is_bound() const { return channel_.is_valid(); }
// The channel to which this |MessageReader| is bound, if any.
const zx::channel& channel() const { return channel_; }
// The |async_dispatcher_t| to which this |MessageReader| is bound, if any.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
// Synchronously waits on |channel()| until either a message is available or
// the peer closes. If the channel is readable, reads a single message from
// the channel and dispatches it to the message handler.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE| if this |MessageReader| is not bound, or if it
// receives a malformed Epitaph.
zx_status_t WaitAndDispatchOneMessageUntil(zx::time deadline);
// The given message handler is called whenever the |MessageReader| reads a
// message from the channel.
// The |Message| given to the message handler will be valid until the message
// handler returns.
// The handler should return ZX_OK if the message was handled and an error
// otherwise. If the handler returns ZX_OK, the |MessageReader| will continue
// to wait for messages.
// The handler can destroy the |MessageReader|, in which case the
// handler MUST return |ZX_ERR_STOP|. If the handler returns
// |ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT|, the |MessageReader| will continue waiting. Other
// errors cause the |MessageReader| to unbind from the channel and call the
// error handler.
void set_message_handler(MessageHandler* message_handler) { message_handler_ = message_handler; }
// Whether an error handler has been set.
// See |set_error_handler()|.
constexpr bool has_error_handler() const { return static_cast<bool>(error_handler_); }
// The given error handler is called whenever the |MessageReader| encounters
// an error on the channel.
// If the error is being reported because an error occurred on the local side
// of the channel, the zx_status_t of that error will be passed as the
// parameter to the handler.
// If an Epitaph was present on the channel, its error value will be passed as
// the parameter. See the FIDL language specification for more detail on
// Epitaphs.
// For example, the error handler will be called if the remote side of the
// channel sends an invalid message. When the error handler is called, the
// |Binding| will no longer be bound to the channel.
// The handler can destroy the |MessageReader|.
void set_error_handler(fit::function<void(zx_status_t)> error_handler) {
error_handler_ = std::move(error_handler);
static void CallHandler(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async_wait_t* wait, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
void OnHandleReady(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, zx_status_t status,
const zx_packet_signal_t* signal);
zx_status_t ReadAndDispatchMessage(IncomingMessageBuffer* buffer);
void NotifyError(zx_status_t epitaph_value);
void Stop();
async_wait_t wait_; // Must be first.
zx::channel channel_;
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
bool* should_stop_; // See |Canary| in
bool* destroyed_; // See |Canary| in
MessageHandler* message_handler_;
fit::function<void(zx_status_t)> error_handler_;
friend class ProxyController;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fidl