blob: 6a0e86b1ac3a50e1c517294477f0f85084922cde [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.block;
using zx;
using as storage_metrics;
/// All writes to the block device will fail.
const uint32 FLAG_READONLY = 0x00000001;
/// The block device may be removed from the device during operation.
const uint32 FLAG_REMOVABLE = 0x00000002;
/// The device has a bootdata partition map.
const uint32 FLAG_BOOTPART = 0x00000004;
/// The device provides trim support.
const uint32 FLAG_TRIM_SUPPORT = 0x00000008;
/// The maximum value for a transfer size, identifying that there
/// effectively exists no maximum for a single operation.
/// Describes metatadata about a block device.
struct BlockInfo {
/// The number of blocks in this block device.
uint64 block_count;
/// The size of a single block.
uint32 block_size;
/// The maximum size, in bytes, of a transfer.
/// Set to MAX_TRANSFER_UNBOUNDED if no such maximum exists.
uint32 max_transfer_size;
/// Identifiers about the device; refer to the "FLAG_*" documentation above.
uint32 flags;
uint32 reserved;
/// Describes statistics about the operations on the block device since boot.
/// storage_metrics.CallStat.bytes_transferred is number of bytes requested
/// to be transferred.
struct BlockStats {
/// The stats about read from the device.
storage_metrics.CallStat read;
/// The stats about write to the device.
storage_metrics.CallStat write;
/// The stats about trim commands.
storage_metrics.CallStat trim;
/// The stats about flush commands.
storage_metrics.CallStat flush;
/// The stats about barrier before commands.
storage_metrics.CallStat barrier_before;
/// The stats about barrier after commands.
storage_metrics.CallStat barrier_after;
/// A client-identifier to a VMO.
/// This value may be utilized by clients to refer to a VMO which is being held
/// by a block device server.
struct VmoId {
uint16 id;
/// Dummy value reserved for "invalid" VmoId. Will never be allocated by the server,
/// and may be utilized as a local value for an unallocated ID.
const uint16 VMOID_INVALID = 0;
/// Defines access to a device which is accessible in block-granularity chunks
/// for reading and writing.
protocol Block {
/// Get information about the underlying block device.
GetInfo() -> (zx.status status, BlockInfo? info);
/// Returns stats about the block device on the provided buffer and optionally
/// clears the counters.
GetStats(bool clear) -> (zx.status status, BlockStats? stats);
/// Sets up a FIFO-based server on the block device; acquire the handle to it.
GetFifo() -> (zx.status status, zx.handle:FIFO? fifo);
/// Attaches a VMO to the currently running FIFO server.
AttachVmo(zx.handle:VMO vmo) -> (zx.status status, VmoId? vmoid);
/// Shuts down the fifo server, waiting for it to be ready to be started again.
/// When this method returns, a client may safely invoke GetFifo to acquire
/// a new connection to the block server, without being told that a server
/// is already serving requests on a different fifo.
/// If, instead of invoking "CloseFifo", a client merely closes their fifo,
/// the server automatically cleans up all resources anyway. In this case,
/// however, the client will have no guarantee that the next invocation of
/// "GetFifo" will return a connection successfully.
CloseFifo() -> (zx.status status);
/// Rebinds the block device (if supported).
/// WARNING: This is only added for parity with block device ioctls;
/// this is going to move into the device FIDL API.
RebindDevice() -> (zx.status status);