blob: fe0da164039928ced237b62c535c8e4a9d9a3563 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.8
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'queries/index.dart';
import 'queries/source_lang.dart';
import 'types.dart';
/// A funtion which produces a `Query`.
typedef QueryThunk = Query Function();
class IsolateWithPort {
const IsolateWithPort(
this.isolate, this.sendPort, this.receivePort, this.shutdownEvent);
final Isolate isolate;
final SendPort sendPort;
final ReceivePort receivePort;
final Future<List<Query>> shutdownEvent;
/// Run queries on bloaty reports in parallel, and collect their results
/// in `query`.
class QueryRunner {
QueryRunner(this.queryThunks, {int numConcurrency, this.onlyLang})
: queries = => f()).toList(growable: false),
concurrency = numConcurrency != null
? numConcurrency
// Up to 12 isolates if inferring from `numberOfProcessors`.
: ((v) =>
v < 2 ? 2 : v > 12 ? 12 : v)(Platform.numberOfProcessors ~/ 2) {
for (var i = 0; i < concurrency; i++) {
final rx = ReceivePort();
final isolateTx = rx.sendPort;
Future<IsolateWithPort> future;
final errorEvent = ReceivePort();
final subs = <StreamSubscription>[];
future = Isolate.spawn(isolateMain, isolateTx,
errorsAreFatal: true, onError: errorEvent.sendPort)
.then((isolate) async {
final rxBroadcast = rx.asBroadcastStream();
final tx = await rxBroadcast.first;
for (final f in queryThunks) {
final shutdownCompleter = Completer<List<Query>>();
final key = IsolateWithPort(isolate, tx, rx, shutdownCompleter.future);
taskDepth[key] = 0;
if (!spawning.remove(future))
throw Exception('Unexpected isolated spawned');
final collatedQueries = <Query>[];
subs.add(rxBroadcast.listen((message) {
if (message is int) {
taskDepth[key] -= message;
if (taskDepth[key] < 0) throw Exception('Negative task depth');
} else if (message is Query) {
if (collatedQueries.length == queries.length) {
// Isolate processed our shutdown message.
// Clean up all the streams and subscriptions.
..forEach((sub) => sub.cancel())
return key;
subs.add(errorEvent.listen((message) {
// Detected error from within the isolate.
throw message;
/// List of functions which when evaluated, constructs a query that could be
/// sent to an isolate.
final List<QueryThunk> queryThunks;
/// If non-null, only collect statistics from binaries of this language.
final SourceLang onlyLang;
final List<Query> queries;
final int concurrency;
List<IsolateWithPort> isolates = [];
Set<Future<IsolateWithPort>> spawning = <Future<IsolateWithPort>>{};
Map<IsolateWithPort, int> taskDepth = <IsolateWithPort, int>{};
Future<void> addReport(AnalysisItem item) async {
// Find the most free isolate.
IsolateWithPort mostFree;
int minDepth;
for (final depth in taskDepth.entries) {
if (minDepth == null || depth.value < minDepth) {
minDepth = depth.value;
mostFree = depth.key;
// Bump the task depth by report file size.
// We use the size of the report file as a proxy to how much work it is
// to process the report.
final fileSize = File(item.path).statSync().size;
// If we have not finished launching all isolates, wait for the next
// isolate to start up and send the item there.
if (minDepth != 0 && taskDepth.length < concurrency) {
final nextSpawned = await spawning.first;
taskDepth[nextSpawned] += fileSize;
// Otherwise, send the item to the most free isolate.
taskDepth[mostFree] += fileSize;
Future<void> join() async {
await Future.wait(spawning);
for (final isolate in isolates) isolate.sendPort.send(null);
final queriesFromIsolates =
await Future.wait( => e.shutdownEvent));
for (final isolateQueries in queriesFromIsolates) {
if (isolateQueries.length != queries.length)
throw Exception('Expected ${queries.length} queries from isolate');
for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
queries[i].mergeWith( => e[i]));
isolates = [];
spawning = {};
taskDepth = {};
static Future<void> isolateMain(SendPort sendPort) async {
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
final rxStream = receivePort.asBroadcastStream();
final SourceLang onlyLang = await rxStream.first;
final int numQueries = await rxStream.first;
final queries = <Query>[];
for (var i = 0; i < numQueries; i++) {
queries.add(await rxStream.first);
await for (final message in rxStream) {
if (message == null) {
final AnalysisItem reportFile = message;
Report parse(String name, Uint8List bytes,
{ProgramContext reuseContext}) {
try {
return Report.fromBytes(name, bytes, reuseContext: reuseContext);
} on Exception {
print('Error loading report from ${reportFile.path}');
final bytes = await File(reportFile.path).readAsBytes();
final report = parse(, bytes);
// Additionally load the filtered report if generated.
Report filteredReport = report;
if (reportFile.filteredCounterpart != null) {
final filteredBytes =
await File(reportFile.filteredCounterpart).readAsBytes();
filteredReport =
parse(, filteredBytes, reuseContext: report.context);
for (final query in queries) {
if (onlyLang != null) {
if (filteredReport.context.lang != onlyLang) continue;
if (query is IgnorePageInHeatmapFilter)