blob: 2faaaff521b08f5dbdad7c48cd6766b10c7730cc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use carnelian::input::{self};
const HID_USAGE_KEY_ENTER: u32 = 0x28;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_ESC: u32 = 0x29;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE: u32 = 0x2a;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_TAB: u32 = 0x2b;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_INSERT: u32 = 0x49;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_HOME: u32 = 0x4a;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_PAGEUP: u32 = 0x4b;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE: u32 = 0x4c;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_END: u32 = 0x4d;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_PAGEDOWN: u32 = 0x4e;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT: u32 = 0x4f;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT: u32 = 0x50;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_DOWN: u32 = 0x51;
const HID_USAGE_KEY_UP: u32 = 0x52;
/// Converts the given keyboard event into a String suitable to send to the shell.
/// If the conversion fails for any reason None is returned instead of an Error
/// to promote performance since we do not need to handle all errors for keyboard
/// events which are not supported.
pub fn get_input_sequence_for_key_event(event: &input::keyboard::Event) -> Option<String> {
match event.phase {
input::keyboard::Phase::Pressed | input::keyboard::Phase::Repeat => {
match event.code_point {
None => HidUsage(event.hid_usage).into(),
Some(code_point) => {
CodePoint { code_point: code_point, modifiers: event.modifiers }.into()
_ => None,
/// A trait which can be used to determine if a value indicates that it
/// represents a control key modifier
trait ControlModifier {
/// Returns true if self should be represented as a control only modifier.
fn is_control_only(&self) -> bool;
impl ControlModifier for carnelian::input::Modifiers {
fn is_control_only(&self) -> bool {
self.control && !self.shift && !self.alt && !self.caps_lock
/// A struct which can be used to convert a code point
/// and key modifiers to a String
struct CodePoint {
code_point: u32,
modifiers: carnelian::input::Modifiers,
impl From<CodePoint> for Option<String> {
fn from(item: CodePoint) -> Self {
// We currently don't support higher code points.
if item.code_point > 128 {
return None;
let mut code_point = item.code_point;
// Convert to a control code if we are holding ctrl
if item.modifiers.is_control_only() {
if let Some(c) = std::char::from_u32(item.code_point) {
match c {
'a'..='z' => code_point = code_point - 96,
'A'..='Z' => code_point = code_point - 64,
_ => (),
String::from_utf8(vec![code_point as u8]).ok()
/// A struct which can be used to convert a keyboard event's hid_usage
/// to a suitable string.
struct HidUsage(u32);
impl From<HidUsage> for Option<String> {
fn from(item: HidUsage) -> Self {
let esc: char = 0x1b_u8.into();
macro_rules! escape_string {
($x:expr) => {{
Some(format!("{}{}", esc, $x))
match item.0 {
HID_USAGE_KEY_BACKSPACE => Some(String::from("\x7f")),
HID_USAGE_KEY_ESC => escape_string!(""),
HID_USAGE_KEY_PAGEDOWN => escape_string!("[6~"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_PAGEUP => escape_string!("[5~"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_END => escape_string!("[F"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_HOME => escape_string!("[H"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_LEFT => escape_string!("[D"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_UP => escape_string!("[A"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_RIGHT => escape_string!("[C"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_DOWN => escape_string!("[B"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_INSERT => escape_string!("[2~"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_DELETE => escape_string!("[3~"),
HID_USAGE_KEY_ENTER => Some(String::from("\n")),
HID_USAGE_KEY_TAB => Some(String::from("\t")),
_ => None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn convert_from_code_point_unsupported_values() {
assert!(Option::<String>::from(CodePoint {
code_point: 129,
modifiers: carnelian::input::Modifiers::default()
fn modifiers_with_control() -> carnelian::input::Modifiers {
carnelian::input::Modifiers { control: true, ..carnelian::input::Modifiers::default() }
fn convert_from_code_point_shifts_when_control_pressed_lowercase() {
let mut i = 0;
for c in (b'a'..=b'z').map(char::from) {
i = i + 1;
let result = Option::<String>::from(CodePoint {
code_point: c as u32,
modifiers: modifiers_with_control(),
let expected = String::from_utf8(vec![i]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn convert_from_code_point_shifts_when_control_pressed_uppercase() {
let mut i = 0;
for c in (b'A'..=b'Z').map(char::from) {
i = i + 1;
let result = Option::<String>::from(CodePoint {
code_point: c as u32,
modifiers: modifiers_with_control(),
let expected = String::from_utf8(vec![i]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result, expected);