blob: 6d8afbca4a539a333e8a190e2325c64a57416e79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::utils::{self, Either, WatchOrSetResult},
fidl_fuchsia_settings::{DisplayProxy, DisplaySettings, LowLightMode, Theme},
pub async fn command(
proxy: DisplayProxy,
brightness: Option<f32>,
auto_brightness: Option<bool>,
auto_brightness_value: Option<f32>,
light_sensor: bool,
low_light_mode: Option<LowLightMode>,
theme: Option<Theme>,
screen_enabled: Option<bool>,
) -> WatchOrSetResult {
// Light sensor Watch.
if light_sensor {
return Ok(Either::Watch(utils::watch_to_stream(proxy, |p| p.watch_light_sensor2(0.0))));
// Set call.
let mut settings = DisplaySettings::EMPTY;
settings.auto_brightness = auto_brightness;
settings.adjusted_auto_brightness = auto_brightness_value;
settings.brightness_value = brightness;
settings.low_light_mode = low_light_mode;
settings.screen_enabled = screen_enabled;
if let Some(Theme { theme_type: Some(theme_type), .. }) = theme {
settings.theme = Some(Theme { theme_type: Some(theme_type), ..Theme::EMPTY });
if settings == DisplaySettings::EMPTY {
// No fields were set, interpret as a Watch.
return Ok(Either::Watch(utils::watch_to_stream(proxy, |p|;
} else {
let mutate_result = proxy.set(settings.clone()).await?;
match mutate_result {
Ok(_) => {
Ok(Either::Set(format!("Successfully set display settings to {:?}", settings)))
Err(err) => Ok(Either::Set(format!("{:?}", err))),