blob: 2440ca875100b492d8ad60b000049e353cfd7799 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
crate::utils::{watch_to_stream, Either, WatchOrSetResult},
fidl_fuchsia_settings::{AudioInput, AudioProxy, AudioSettings, AudioStreamSettings, Volume},
pub async fn command(
proxy: AudioProxy,
stream: Option<fidl_fuchsia_media::AudioRenderUsage>,
source: Option<fidl_fuchsia_settings::AudioStreamSettingSource>,
level: Option<f32>,
volume_muted: Option<bool>,
input_muted: Option<bool>,
) -> WatchOrSetResult {
let mut audio_settings = AudioSettings::EMPTY;
let mut stream_settings = AudioStreamSettings::EMPTY;
let mut volume = Volume::EMPTY;
let mut input = AudioInput::EMPTY;
volume.level = level;
volume.muted = volume_muted; = stream;
stream_settings.source = source;
if volume != Volume::EMPTY {
stream_settings.user_volume = Some(volume);
input.muted = input_muted;
if stream_settings != AudioStreamSettings::EMPTY {
audio_settings.streams = Some(vec![stream_settings]);
if input != AudioInput::EMPTY {
audio_settings.input = Some(input);
let none_set = stream.is_none()
&& source.is_none()
&& level.is_none()
&& volume_muted.is_none()
&& input_muted.is_none();
Ok(if none_set {
Either::Watch(watch_to_stream(proxy, |p|
} else {
let mut output = String::new();
fx_log_info!("Setting audio_settings {:?}", audio_settings);
let mutate_result = proxy.set(audio_settings).await?;
match mutate_result {
Ok(_) => {
if let Some(stream_val) = stream {
output.push_str(&format!("Successfully set stream to {:?}\n", stream_val));
if let Some(source_val) = source {
output.push_str(&format!("Successfully set source to {:?}\n", source_val));
if let Some(level_val) = level {
output.push_str(&format!("Successfully set level to {}\n", level_val));
if let Some(volume_muted_val) = volume_muted {
"Successfully set volume_muted to {}\n",
if let Some(input_muted_val) = input_muted {
"Successfully set input_muted to {}\n",
// TODO( This should return an error rather than silently formatting
// into the result.
Err(err) => output.push_str(&format!("{:?}", err)),