blob: 8f800632726783c1890ce5c09ed25b3f278eb6e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
// This defines the struct shared with the kernel.
#include <lib/userabi/vdso-constants.h>
extern __LOCAL const struct vdso_constants DATA_CONSTANTS;
extern "C" {
// This declares the VDSO_zx_* aliases for the vDSO entry points.
// Calls made from within the vDSO must use these names rather than
// the public names so as to avoid PLT entries.
#include <zircon/syscall-vdso-definitions.h>
__LOCAL decltype(zx_clock_get_monotonic) CODE_clock_get_monotonic_via_kernel_ticks;
__LOCAL decltype(zx_deadline_after) CODE_deadline_after_via_kernel_mono;
__LOCAL decltype(zx_deadline_after) CODE_deadline_after_via_kernel_ticks;
// Code should define '_zx_foo' and then do 'VDSO_INTERFACE_FUNCTION(zx_foo);'
// to define the public name 'zx_foo' and the vDSO-private name 'VDSO_zx_foo'.
decltype(name) name __WEAK_ALIAS("_" #name); \
decltype(name) VDSO_##name __LOCAL __ALIAS("_" #name)
// This symbol is expected to appear in the build-time vDSO symbol table so
// kernel/lib/userabi/ code can use it.
#define VDSO_KERNEL_EXPORT __attribute__((used))