blob: 2db1072766433840bed2c74abe25b2ae1f3b632f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <fs/journal/internal/journal_writer.h>
#include <fs/trace.h>
#include <fs/transaction/writeback.h>
#include "entry_view.h"
namespace fs {
namespace {
using storage::OperationType;
} // namespace
namespace internal {
JournalWriter::JournalWriter(TransactionHandler* transaction_handler,
JournalSuperblock journal_superblock, uint64_t journal_start_block,
uint64_t entries_length)
: transaction_handler_(transaction_handler),
entries_length_(entries_length) {}
JournalWriter::JournalWriter(TransactionHandler* transaction_handler)
: transaction_handler_(transaction_handler) {}
fit::result<void, zx_status_t> JournalWriter::WriteData(JournalWorkItem work) {
// If any of the data operations we're about to write overlap with in-flight metadata
// operations, then we risk those metadata operations "overwriting" our data blocks
// on replay.
// Before writing data, identify that those metadata blocks should not be replayed.
for (const auto& operation : work.operations) {
range::Range<uint64_t> range(operation.op.dev_offset,
operation.op.dev_offset + operation.op.length);
if (live_metadata_operations_.Overlaps(range)) {
// TODO(smklein): Write "real" revocation records instead of merely updating the info block.
// Currently, writing the info block is sufficient to "avoid metadata replay", but this
// is only the case because the JournalWriter is synchronous, single-threaded, and
// non-caching. If we enable asynchronous writeback, emitting revocation records
// may be a more desirable option than "blocking until all prior operations complete,
// then blocking on writing the info block".
zx_status_t status = WriteInfoBlock();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("journal: Failed to write data: %s\n", zx_status_get_string(status));
return fit::error(status);
zx_status_t status = WriteOperations(work.operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("journal: Failed to write data: %s\n", zx_status_get_string(status));
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<void, zx_status_t> JournalWriter::WriteMetadata(JournalWorkItem work) {
const uint64_t block_count = work.reservation.length();
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("WriteMetadata: Writing %zu blocks (includes header, commit)\n", block_count);
// Ensure the info block is caught up, so it doesn't point to the middle of an invalid entry.
zx_status_t status = WriteInfoBlockIfIntersect(block_count);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteMetadata: Failed to write info block: %s\n", zx_status_get_string(status));
return fit::error(status);
// Monitor the in-flight metadata operations.
for (const auto& operation : work.operations) {
range::Range<uint64_t> range(operation.op.dev_offset,
operation.op.dev_offset + operation.op.length);
// Write metadata to the journal itself.
status = WriteMetadataToJournal(&work);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteMetadata: Failed to write metadata to journal: %s\n",
return fit::error(status);
// Write metadata to the final on-disk, non-journal location.
status = WriteOperations(work.operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteMetadata: Failed to write metadata to final location: %s\n",
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
fit::result<void, zx_status_t> JournalWriter::TrimData(
fbl::Vector<storage::BufferedOperation> operations) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("TrimData: trimming %zu blocks\n", BlockCount(operations));
zx_status_t status = FlushRequests(transaction_handler_, operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("TrimData: Failed to trim requests: %s\n", zx_status_get_string(status));
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
zx_status_t JournalWriter::WriteOperationToJournal(const storage::BlockBufferView& view) {
const uint64_t total_block_count = view.length();
const uint64_t max_reservation_size = EntriesLength();
uint64_t written_block_count = 0;
fbl::Vector<storage::BufferedOperation> journal_operations;
storage::BufferedOperation operation;
operation.vmoid = view.vmoid();
operation.op.type = storage::OperationType::kWrite;
// Both the reservation and the on-disk location may wraparound.
while (written_block_count != total_block_count) {
operation.op.vmo_offset = (view.start() + written_block_count) % max_reservation_size;
operation.op.dev_offset = EntriesStartBlock() + next_entry_start_block_;
// The maximum number of blocks that can be written to the journal, on-disk, before needing to
// wrap around.
const uint64_t journal_block_max = EntriesLength() - next_entry_start_block_;
// The maximum number of blocks that can be written from the reservation, in-memory, before
// needing to wrap around.
const uint64_t reservation_block_max = max_reservation_size - operation.op.vmo_offset;
operation.op.length = std::min(total_block_count - written_block_count,
std::min(journal_block_max, reservation_block_max));
written_block_count += operation.op.length;
next_entry_start_block_ = (next_entry_start_block_ + operation.op.length) % EntriesLength();
zx_status_t status = WriteOperations(journal_operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("JournalWriter::WriteOperationToJournal: Failed to write: %s\n",
return status;
return status;
fit::result<void, zx_status_t> JournalWriter::Sync() {
if (!IsWritebackEnabled()) {
return fit::error(ZX_ERR_IO_REFUSED);
if (!IsJournalingEnabled()) {
return fit::ok();
if (next_sequence_number_ == journal_superblock_.sequence_number()) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("Sync: Skipping write to info block (no sequence update)\n");
return fit::ok();
zx_status_t status = WriteInfoBlock();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return fit::error(status);
return fit::ok();
zx_status_t JournalWriter::WriteMetadataToJournal(JournalWorkItem* work) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("WriteMetadataToJournal: Writing %zu blocks with sequence_number %zu\n",
work->reservation.length(), next_sequence_number_);
// Set the header and commit blocks within the journal.
JournalEntryView entry(work->reservation.buffer_view(), work->operations,
zx_status_t status = WriteOperationToJournal(work->reservation.buffer_view());
// Although the payload may be encoded while written to the journal, it should be decoded
// when written to the final on-disk location later.
return status;
zx_status_t JournalWriter::WriteInfoBlockIfIntersect(uint64_t block_count) {
// We need to write the info block now if [journal tail, journal tail + block_count)
// intersects with [journal head, journal tail).
// Logically, the journal is a circular buffer:
// [ ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____ ]
// Within that buffer, the journal has some entries which will be replayed
// Info Block Next Entry Start Block
// | |
// [ ____, head, data, tail, ____, ____ ]
// In this diagram, it would be safe to write one, two, or three additional blocks:
// they would fit within the journal. However, if four blocks are written, the journal
// would "eat its own head":
// Info Block
// |
// [ blk3, blk4, data, tail, blk1, blk2 ]
// |
// Collision!
// If power failure occurred, replay would be unable to parse prior entries, since the
// start block would point to an invalid entry. However, if we also wrote the info block
// repeatedly, the journaling code would incur a significant write amplification cost.
// To compromise, we write the info block before any writes that would trigger this collision.
const uint64_t head = journal_superblock_.start();
const uint64_t tail = next_entry_start_block_;
const uint64_t capacity = EntriesLength();
// It's a little tricky to distinguish between an "empty" and "full" journal, so we observe
// that case explicitly first, using the sequence number to make the distinction.
// We require an info block update if the journal is full, but not if it's empty.
bool write_info =
(head == tail) && (next_sequence_number_ != journal_superblock_.sequence_number());
if (!write_info) {
const uint64_t journal_used = (head <= tail) ? (tail - head) : ((capacity - head) + tail);
const uint64_t journal_free = capacity - journal_used;
if (journal_free < block_count) {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("WriteInfoBlockIfIntersect: Writing info block (can't write %zu blocks)\n",
write_info = true;
} else {
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("WriteInfoBlockIfIntersect: Not writing info (have %zu, need %zu blocks)\n",
journal_free, block_count);
if (write_info) {
zx_status_t status = WriteInfoBlock();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteInfoBlockIfIntersect: Failed to write info block\n");
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t JournalWriter::WriteInfoBlock() {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_sequence_number_ > journal_superblock_.sequence_number());
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("WriteInfoBlock: Updating sequence_number from %zu to %zu\n",
journal_superblock_.sequence_number(), next_sequence_number_);
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_entry_start_block_ < EntriesLength());
journal_superblock_.Update(next_entry_start_block_, next_sequence_number_);
fbl::Vector<storage::BufferedOperation> journal_operations;
storage::BufferedOperation operation;
operation.vmoid = journal_superblock_.buffer().vmoid();
operation.op.type = storage::OperationType::kWrite;
operation.op.vmo_offset = 0;
operation.op.dev_offset = InfoStartBlock();
operation.op.length = InfoLength();
zx_status_t status = WriteOperations(journal_operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Immediately after the info block is updated, no metadata operations should be replayed
// on reboot.
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t JournalWriter::WriteOperations(
const fbl::Vector<storage::BufferedOperation>& operations) {
if (!IsWritebackEnabled()) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteOperations: Not issuing writeback because writeback is disabled\n");
zx_status_t status = FlushRequests(transaction_handler_, operations);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("WriteOperations: Failed to write requests: %s. Filesystem now read-only.\n",
return status;
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace fs