blob: 93c31e238ef6824a1245f5dada8eaba19f865197 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <fs/journal/data_streamer.h>
#include <storage/operation/buffered-operation.h>
namespace fs {
void DataStreamer::StreamData(storage::UnbufferedOperation operation) {
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(operation.op.type == storage::OperationType::kWrite);
const size_t max_chunk_blocks = (3 * writeback_capacity_) / 4;
uint64_t delta_blocks = std::min(operation.op.length, max_chunk_blocks);
while (operation.op.length > 0) {
// If enqueueing these blocks could push us past the writeback buffer capacity
// when combined with all previous writes, break this transaction into a smaller
// chunk first.
if (operations_.BlockCount() + delta_blocks > max_chunk_blocks) {
storage::UnbufferedOperation partial_operation = {.vmo = zx::unowned_vmo(operation.vmo->get()),
.type = storage::OperationType::kWrite,
.vmo_offset = operation.op.vmo_offset,
.dev_offset = operation.op.dev_offset,
.length = delta_blocks,
operation.op.vmo_offset += delta_blocks;
operation.op.dev_offset += delta_blocks;
operation.op.length -= delta_blocks;
delta_blocks = std::min(operation.op.length, max_chunk_blocks);
fs::Journal::Promise DataStreamer::Flush() {
// Issue locally buffered operations, to ensure that all data passed through |StreamData()|
// has been issued to the executor.
// Return the joined result of all data operations that have been issued.
return fit::join_promise_vector(std::move(promises_))
.then([](fit::context& context,
fit::result<std::vector<fit::result<void, zx_status_t>>>& result) mutable
-> fit::result<void, zx_status_t> {
ZX_ASSERT_MSG(result.is_ok(), "join_promise_vector should only return success type");
// If any of the intermediate promises fail, return the first seen error status.
for (const auto& intermediate_result : result.value()) {
if (intermediate_result.is_error()) {
return fit::error(intermediate_result.error());
return fit::ok();
void DataStreamer::IssueOperations() {
auto operations = operations_.TakeOperations();
if (!operations.size()) {
// Reserve space within the writeback buffer.
fs::Journal::Promise work = journal_->WriteData(std::move(operations));
// Initiate the writeback operation, tracking the completion of the write.
promises_.push_back(fit::schedule_for_consumer(journal_, std::move(work)).promise());
} // namespace fs