blob: af2e85bf245b8669479cf3fc6de7029bc2de0e8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FS_VFS_H_
#define FS_VFS_H_
#include <lib/fdio/vfs.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/device/vfs.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fs/locking.h>
#include <fs/vfs_types.h>
#include <fs/vnode.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fdio/io.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_hash_table.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fs/mount_channel.h>
#endif // __Fuchsia__
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_counted.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <fbl/string_piece.h>
namespace fs {
namespace internal {
class Connection;
} // namespace internal
class Vnode;
// A storage class for a vdircookie which is passed to Readdir.
// Common vnode implementations may use this struct as scratch
// space, or cast it to an alternative structure of the same
// size (or smaller).
// TODO(smklein): To implement seekdir and telldir, the size
// of this vdircookie may need to shrink to a 'long'.
struct vdircookie_t {
void Reset() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(vdircookie_t)); }
uint64_t n;
void* p;
// The Vfs object contains global per-filesystem state, which
// may be valid across a collection of Vnodes.
// The Vfs object must outlive the Vnodes which it serves.
// This class is thread-safe.
class Vfs {
virtual ~Vfs();
class OpenResult {
// When this variant is active, the indicated error occurred.
using Error = zx_status_t;
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// When this variant is active, the path being opened contains a remote node.
// |path| is the remaining portion of the path yet to be traversed.
// The caller should forward the remainder of this open request to that vnode.
struct Remote {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode;
fbl::StringPiece path;
// When this variant is active, the path being opened is a remote node itself.
// The caller should clone the connection associated with this vnode.
struct RemoteRoot {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
// When this variant is active, |Open| has successfully reached a vnode under
// this filesystem. |validated_options| contains options to be used on the new
// connection, potentially adjusted for posix-flag rights expansion.
struct Ok {
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode;
Vnode::ValidatedOptions validated_options;
// Forwards the constructor arguments into the underlying |std::variant|.
// This allows |OpenResult| to be constructed directly from one of the variants, e.g.
// OpenResult r = OpenResult::Error{ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED};
template <typename T>
OpenResult(T&& v) : variants_(std::forward<T>(v)) {}
// Applies the |visitor| function to the variant payload. It simply forwards the visitor into
// the underlying |std::variant|. Returns the return value of |visitor|.
// Refer to C++ documentation for |std::visit|.
template <class Visitor>
constexpr auto visit(Visitor&& visitor) -> decltype(visitor(std::declval<zx_status_t>())) {
return std::visit(std::forward<Visitor>(visitor), variants_);
Error& error() { return std::get<Error>(variants_); }
bool is_error() const { return std::holds_alternative<Error>(variants_); }
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
Remote& remote() { return std::get<Remote>(variants_); }
bool is_remote() const { return std::holds_alternative<Remote>(variants_); }
RemoteRoot& remote_root() { return std::get<RemoteRoot>(variants_); }
bool is_remote_root() const { return std::holds_alternative<RemoteRoot>(variants_); }
#endif // __Fuchsia__
Ok& ok() { return std::get<Ok>(variants_); }
bool is_ok() const { return std::holds_alternative<Ok>(variants_); }
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
using Variants = std::variant<Error, Remote, RemoteRoot, Ok>;
using Variants = std::variant<Error, Ok>;
#endif // __Fuchsia__
Variants variants_ = {};
// Traverse the path to the target vnode, and create / open it using
// the underlying filesystem functions (lookup, create, open).
// The return value will suggest the next action to take. Refer to the variants in
// |OpenResult| for more information.
OpenResult Open(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, fbl::StringPiece path, VnodeConnectionOptions options,
Rights parent_rights, uint32_t mode) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
zx_status_t Unlink(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, fbl::StringPiece path) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Sets whether this file system is read-only.
void SetReadonly(bool value) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
using ShutdownCallback = fit::callback<void(zx_status_t status)>;
// Unmounts the underlying filesystem. The result of shutdown is delivered via
// calling |closure|.
// |Shutdown| may be synchronous or asynchronous.
// The closure may be invoked before or after |Shutdown| returns.
virtual void Shutdown(ShutdownCallback closure) = 0;
// Identifies if the filesystem is in the process of terminating.
// May be checked by active connections, which, upon reading new
// port packets, should ignore them and close immediately.
virtual bool IsTerminating() const = 0;
void TokenDiscard(zx::event ios_token) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
zx_status_t VnodeToToken(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::event* ios_token, zx::event* out)
zx_status_t Link(zx::event token, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> oldparent, fbl::StringPiece oldStr,
fbl::StringPiece newStr) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
zx_status_t Rename(zx::event token, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> oldparent, fbl::StringPiece oldStr,
fbl::StringPiece newStr) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Calls readdir on the Vnode while holding the vfs_lock, preventing path
// modification operations for the duration of the operation.
zx_status_t Readdir(Vnode* vn, vdircookie_t* cookie, void* dirents, size_t len,
size_t* out_actual) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
explicit Vfs(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
void SetDispatcher(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher);
// Begins serving VFS messages over the specified channel.
// If the vnode supports multiple protocols and the client requested more than one of them,
// it would use |Vnode::Negotiate| to tie-break and obtain the resulting protocol.
zx_status_t Serve(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode, zx::channel channel, VnodeConnectionOptions options)
// Begins serving VFS messages over the specified channel. This version takes an |options|
// that have been validated.
zx_status_t Serve(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vnode, zx::channel channel, Vnode::ValidatedOptions options)
// Called by a VFS connection when it is closed remotely.
// The VFS is now responsible for destroying the connection.
void OnConnectionClosedRemotely(internal::Connection* connection) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Serves a Vnode over the specified channel (used for creating new filesystems);
// the Vnode must be a directory.
zx_status_t ServeDirectory(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::channel channel, Rights rights);
// Convenience wrapper over |ServeDirectory| with maximum rights.
zx_status_t ServeDirectory(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::channel channel) {
return ServeDirectory(vn, std::move(channel), fs::Rights::All());
// Pins a handle to a remote filesystem onto a vnode, if possible.
zx_status_t InstallRemote(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, MountChannel h) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Create and mount a directory with a provided name
zx_status_t MountMkdir(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, fbl::StringPiece name, MountChannel h,
uint32_t flags) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Unpin a handle to a remote filesystem from a vnode, if one exists.
zx_status_t UninstallRemote(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::channel* h) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Forwards an open request to a remote handle.
// If the remote handle is closed (handing off returns ZX_ERR_PEER_CLOSED),
// it is automatically unmounted.
zx_status_t ForwardOpenRemote(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::channel channel, fbl::StringPiece path,
VnodeConnectionOptions options, uint32_t mode)
// Unpins all remote filesystems in the current filesystem, and waits for the
// response of each one with the provided deadline.
zx_status_t UninstallAll(zx::time deadline) FS_TA_EXCLUDES(vfs_lock_);
// Shuts down a remote filesystem, by sending a ||
// request to the filesystem serving |handle| and awaits a response.
// |deadline| is the deadline for waiting for response.
static zx_status_t UnmountHandle(zx::channel handle, zx::time deadline);
// Whether this file system is read-only.
bool ReadonlyLocked() const FS_TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_) { return readonly_; }
// Starting at vnode |vn|, walk the tree described by the path string,
// until either there is only one path segment remaining in the string
// or we encounter a vnode that represents a remote filesystem
// On success,
// |out| is the vnode at which we stopped searching.
// |pathout| is the remainder of the path to search.
zx_status_t Walk(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out, fbl::StringPiece path,
fbl::StringPiece* pathout) FS_TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_);
OpenResult OpenLocked(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, fbl::StringPiece path,
VnodeConnectionOptions options, Rights parent_rights, uint32_t mode)
// Attempt to create an entry with name |name| within the |vndir| directory.
// - Upon success, returns a reference to the new vnode via |out_vn|, and return ZX_OK.
// - Upon recoverable error (e.g. target already exists but |options| did not specify this to be
// fatal), attempt to lookup the vnode.
// In the above two cases, |did_create| will be updated to indicate if an entry was created.
// Otherwise, a corresponding error code is returned.
zx_status_t EnsureExists(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vndir, fbl::StringPiece name,
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out_vn, fs::VnodeConnectionOptions options,
uint32_t mode, bool* did_create) FS_TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_);
bool readonly_{};
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
zx_status_t TokenToVnode(zx::event token, fbl::RefPtr<Vnode>* out) FS_TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_);
zx_status_t InstallRemoteLocked(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, MountChannel h) FS_TA_REQUIRES(vfs_lock_);
zx_status_t UninstallRemoteLocked(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn, zx::channel* h)
fbl::HashTable<zx_koid_t, std::unique_ptr<VnodeToken>> vnode_tokens_;
// Non-intrusive node in linked list of vnodes acting as mount points
class MountNode final : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<std::unique_ptr<MountNode>> {
using ListType = fbl::DoublyLinkedList<std::unique_ptr<MountNode>>;
constexpr MountNode();
void SetNode(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn);
zx::channel ReleaseRemote();
bool VnodeMatch(fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn) const;
fbl::RefPtr<Vnode> vn_;
// The mount list is a global static variable, but it only uses
// constexpr constructors during initialization. As a consequence,
// the .init_array section of the compiled vfs-mount object file is
// empty; "remote_list" is a member of the bss section.
MountNode::ListType remote_list_ FS_TA_GUARDED(vfs_lock_){};
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_{};
// A lock which should be used to protect lookup and walk operations
mtx_t vfs_lock_{};
// Starts tracking the lifetime of the connection.
virtual void RegisterConnection(std::unique_ptr<internal::Connection> connection) = 0;
// Stops tracking the lifetime of the connection.
virtual void UnregisterConnection(internal::Connection* connection) = 0;
#endif // ifdef __Fuchsia__
} // namespace fs
#endif // FS_VFS_H_