blob: f5e5f94074cfecd5dc7bcac236f4f2bba8e51715 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef FBL_MACROS_H_
#define FBL_MACROS_H_
#include <type_traits>
// Macro used to simplify the task of deleting all of the default copy
// constructors and assignment operators.
#define DISALLOW_COPY_ASSIGN_AND_MOVE(_class_name) \
_class_name(const _class_name&) = delete; \
_class_name(_class_name&&) = delete; \
_class_name& operator=(const _class_name&) = delete; \
_class_name& operator=(_class_name&&) = delete
// Macro used to simplify the task of deleting the non rvalue reference copy
// constructors and assignment operators. (IOW - forcing move semantics)
_class_name(const _class_name&) = delete; \
_class_name& operator=(const _class_name&) = delete
// Macro used to simplify the task of deleting the new and new[]
// operators. (IOW - disallow heap allocations)
#define DISALLOW_NEW \
static void* operator new(size_t) = delete; \
static void* operator new[](size_t) = delete
// Macro for defining a trait that checks if a type T has a method with the
// given name. This is not as strong as using is_same to check function
// signatures, but checking this trait first gives a better static_assert
// message than the compiler warnings from is_same if the function doesn't
// exist.
// Note that the resulting trait_name will be in the namespace where the macro
// is used.
// Example:
// DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_bar, Bar);
// template <typename T>
// class Foo {
// static_assert(has_bar_v<T>, "Foo classes must implement Bar()!");
// // TODO: use 'if constexpr' to avoid this next static_assert once c++17
// lands.
// static_assert(is_same_v<decltype(&T::Bar), void (T::*)(int)>,
// "Bar must be a non-static member function with signature "
// "'void Bar(int)', and must be visible to Foo (either "
// "because it is public, or due to friendship).");
// };
#define DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(trait_name, fn_name) \
template <typename T> \
struct trait_name { \
private: \
template <typename C> \
static std::true_type test(decltype(&C::fn_name)); \
template <typename C> \
static std::false_type test(...); \
public: \
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T>(nullptr))::value; \
}; \
template <typename T> \
static inline constexpr bool trait_name##_v = trait_name<T>::value
// Similar to DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN but also checks the function signature.
// This is especially useful when the desired function may be overloaded.
// The signature must take the form "ResultType (C::*)(ArgType1, ArgType2)".
// Example:
// DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN_WITH_SIGNATURE(has_c_str, c_str, const char* (C::*)() const);
#define DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN_WITH_SIGNATURE(trait_name, fn_name, sig) \
template <typename T> \
struct trait_name { \
private: \
template <typename C> \
static std::true_type test(decltype(static_cast<sig>(&C::fn_name))); \
template <typename C> \
static std::false_type test(...); \
public: \
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T>(nullptr))::value; \
}; \
template <typename T> \
static inline constexpr bool trait_name##_v = trait_name<T>::value
// Similar to DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN but for member types.
// Example:
// DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_TYPE(has_value_type, ValueType);
#define DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_TYPE(trait_name, type_name) \
template <typename T> \
struct trait_name { \
private: \
template <typename C> \
static std::true_type test(typename C::type_name*); \
template <typename C> \
static std::false_type test(...); \
public: \
static constexpr bool value = decltype(test<T>(nullptr))::value; \
}; \
template <typename T> \
static inline constexpr bool trait_name##_v = trait_name<T>::value
#endif // FBL_MACROS_H_