blob: f160d8a0f5193576c55e7403ae556527c90d1a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __Fuchsia__
#error Fuchsia-only Header
#include <lib/async/cpp/paged_vmo.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/wait.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/condition_variable.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include "user-pager.h"
namespace blobfs {
// Responsible for attaching a paged VMO to a user pager, populating pages of the VMO on demand, and
// detaching the VMO from the pager when done.
class PageWatcher {
PageWatcher(UserPager* pager, uint32_t identifier)
: page_request_handler_(this), user_pager_(pager), identifier_(identifier) {}
~PageWatcher() { DetachPagedVmoSync(); }
// Creates a paged VMO |vmo_out| that will be backed by |user_pager_|.
// |vmo_out| is owned by the caller.
zx_status_t CreatePagedVmo(size_t vmo_size, zx::vmo* vmo_out);
// Detaches the paged VMO from the pager and waits for the page request handler to receive a
// ZX_PAGER_VMO_COMPLETE packet. Should be called before the associated VMO or the |PageWatcher|
// is destroyed. This is required to prevent use-after-frees.
// TODO(rashaeqbal): Consider moving the paged VMO's |mapping_| to this class when paging is the
// default, to directly manage the lifetime of the VMO.
void DetachPagedVmoSync();
// Handles a received page request port packet, which can be of two types:
// ZX_PAGER_VMO_READ - issues reads for a certain range in the paged VMO and
// populates the pages spanning that range.
// ZX_PAGER_VMO_COMPLETE - acknowledges detaching of the paged VMO from the
// user pager and prepares the page watcher for safe destruction.
void HandlePageRequest(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::PagedVmoBase* paged_vmo,
zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_page_request_t* request);
// Extends the requested read range to also include pre-fetched pages.
void GetPrefetchRangeInBytes(const uint64_t requested_offset, const uint64_t requested_length,
uint64_t* prefetch_offset, uint64_t* prefetch_length);
// Fulfills page read requests for a certain range in the paged VMO. Called by |HandlePageRequest|
// for a ZX_PAGER_VMO_READ packet. |offset| and |length| are in bytes.
void PopulatePagesInRange(uint64_t offset, uint64_t length);
// Signals condition variable that is holding up destruction, indicating that it's safe to
// delete the paged VMO now that the pager has been detached. Called by |HandlePageRequest| on
void SignalPagerDetach();
// PagedVmoMethod instance which is responsible for creating the pager-backed VMO, handling page
// requests on it, and detaching it when done.
async::PagedVmoMethod<PageWatcher, &PageWatcher::HandlePageRequest> page_request_handler_;
fbl::Mutex vmo_attached_mutex_;
fbl::ConditionVariable vmo_attached_condvar_;
// Used to track if the paged VMO is currently attached to the pager. If it is, the |PageWatcher|
// cannot be destroyed. The pager can still issue requests on its |page_request_handler_| as long
// as the VMO is attached, causing potential use-after-frees.
bool vmo_attached_to_pager_ __TA_GUARDED(vmo_attached_mutex_) = false;
// Pointer to the user pager. Required to create the paged VMO and populate its pages.
UserPager* const user_pager_;
// Unique identifier for the caller / object the |PageWatcher| is attached to. Is set at the
// time of creation and is used by |user_pager_| to issue block reads to the underlying block
// device.
uint32_t const identifier_;
// Unowned VMO corresponding to the paged VMO. Used by |page_request_handler_| to populate pages.
zx::unowned_vmo vmo_;
} // namespace blobfs