blob: 6c034b1a0a35f0ab9f918f3be04f49712ea79867 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/cksum.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <memory>
#include <new>
#include <optional>
#include <utility>
#include <blobfs/format.h>
#include <blobfs/host.h>
#include <blobfs/host/fsck.h>
#include <digest/digest.h>
#include <digest/merkle-tree.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fs-host/common.h>
#include <fs/trace.h>
#include <fs/transaction/block_transaction.h>
#include <safemath/checked_math.h>
#include "compression/compressor.h"
#include "compression/zstd.h"
using digest::Digest;
using digest::MerkleTreeCreator;
using digest::MerkleTreeVerifier;
constexpr uint32_t kExtentCount = 5;
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
using HostCompressor = ZSTDCompressor;
const auto HostDecompressor = ZSTDDecompress;
constexpr uint32_t kBlobFlagCompressed = kBlobFlagZSTDCompressed;
zx_status_t ReadBlockOffset(int fd, uint64_t bno, off_t offset, void* data) {
off_t off = offset + bno * kBlobfsBlockSize;
if (pread(fd, data, kBlobfsBlockSize, off) != kBlobfsBlockSize) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: cannot read block %" PRIu64 "\n", bno);
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t WriteBlockOffset(int fd, uint64_t bno, off_t offset, const void* data) {
off_t off = offset + bno * kBlobfsBlockSize;
if (pwrite(fd, data, kBlobfsBlockSize, off) != kBlobfsBlockSize) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: cannot write block %" PRIu64 "\n", bno);
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return ZX_OK;
// From a buffer, create a merkle tree.
// Given a mapped blob at |blob_data| of length |length|, compute the
// Merkle digest and the output merkle tree as a uint8_t array.
zx_status_t buffer_create_merkle(const FileMapping& mapping, MerkleInfo* out_info) {
zx_status_t status;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t []> merkle_tree;
size_t merkle_size;
if ((status = MerkleTreeCreator::Create(, mapping.length(), &merkle_tree,
&merkle_size, &out_info->digest)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
out_info->merkle.reset(merkle_tree.release(), merkle_size);
out_info->length = mapping.length();
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t buffer_compress(const FileMapping& mapping, MerkleInfo* out_info) {
size_t max = HostCompressor::BufferMax(mapping.length());
out_info->compressed_data.reset(new uint8_t[max]);
out_info->compressed = false;
if (mapping.length() < kCompressionMinBytesSaved) {
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t status;
std::unique_ptr<HostCompressor> compressor;
if ((status = HostCompressor::Create(mapping.length(), out_info->compressed_data.get(), max,
&compressor)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize blobfs compressor: %d\n", status);
return status;
if ((status = compressor->Update(, mapping.length())) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to update blobfs compressor: %d\n", status);
return status;
if ((status = compressor->End()) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to complete blobfs compressor: %d\n", status);
return status;
if (mapping.length() > compressor->Size() + kCompressionMinBytesSaved) {
out_info->compressed_length = compressor->Size();
out_info->compressed = true;
return ZX_OK;
// Given a buffer (and pre-computed merkle tree), add the buffer as a
// blob in Blobfs.
zx_status_t blobfs_add_mapped_blob_with_merkle(Blobfs* bs, FileSizeRecorder* size_recorder,
const FileMapping& mapping, const MerkleInfo& info) {
ZX_ASSERT(mapping.length() == info.length);
const void* data;
if (info.compressed) {
data = info.compressed_data.get();
} else {
data =;
// After we've pre-calculated all necessary information, actually add the
// blob to the filesystem itself.
static std::mutex add_blob_mutex_;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(add_blob_mutex_);
std::unique_ptr<InodeBlock> inode_block;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = bs->NewBlob(info.digest, &inode_block)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: Failed to allocate a new blob\n");
return status;
if (inode_block == nullptr) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: No nodes available on blobfs image\n");
Inode* inode = inode_block->GetInode();
inode->blob_size = mapping.length();
uint64_t block_count = MerkleTreeBlocks(*inode) + info.GetDataBlocks();
if (block_count > std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: Block count too large\n");
inode->block_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(block_count);
inode->header.flags |= kBlobFlagAllocated | (info.compressed ? kBlobFlagCompressed : 0);
// TODO(smklein): Currently, host-side tools can only generate single-extent
// blobs. This should be fixed.
if (inode->block_count > kBlockCountMax) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: Blobs larger than %lu blocks not yet implemented\n", kBlockCountMax);
size_t start_block = 0;
if ((status = bs->AllocateBlocks(inode->block_count, &start_block)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("error: No blocks available\n");
return status;
// TODO(smklein): This is hardcoded alongside the check against "kBlockCountMax" above.
inode->extent_count = 1;
if (size_recorder) {
kBlobfsBlockSize * inode->block_count);
if ((status = bs->WriteData(inode,, data)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if ((status = bs->WriteBitmap(inode->block_count, inode->extents[0].Start())) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else if ((status = bs->WriteNode(std::move(inode_block))) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else if ((status = bs->WriteInfo()) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
// Returns ZX_OK and copies blobfs info_block_t, which is a block worth of data containing
// superblock, into |out_info_block| if the block read from fd belongs to blobfs.
zx_status_t blobfs_load_info_block(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, info_block_t* out_info_block,
off_t start = 0, std::optional<off_t> end = std::nullopt) {
info_block_t info_block;
if (ReadBlockOffset(fd.get(), 0, start, (void*)info_block.block) < 0) {
return ZX_ERR_IO;
uint64_t blocks;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = GetBlockCount(fd.get(), &blocks)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: cannot find end of underlying device\n");
return status;
if (end &&
((blocks * kBlobfsBlockSize) < safemath::checked_cast<uint64_t>(end.value() - start))) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Invalid file size\n");
} else if ((status = CheckSuperblock(&, blocks)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Info check failed\n");
return status;
memcpy(out_info_block, &info_block, sizeof(*out_info_block));
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t get_superblock(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, off_t start, std::optional<off_t> end,
Superblock* info) {
info_block_t info_block;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = blobfs_load_info_block(fd, &info_block, start, end)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
memcpy(info, &, sizeof(;
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace
zx_status_t ReadBlock(int fd, uint64_t bno, void* data) {
off_t off = bno * kBlobfsBlockSize;
if (pread(fd, data, kBlobfsBlockSize, off) != kBlobfsBlockSize) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: cannot read block %" PRIu64 "\n", bno);
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t WriteBlock(int fd, uint64_t bno, const void* data) {
off_t off = bno * kBlobfsBlockSize;
if (pwrite(fd, data, kBlobfsBlockSize, off) != kBlobfsBlockSize) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: cannot write block %" PRIu64 "\n", bno);
return ZX_ERR_IO;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t GetBlockCount(int fd, uint64_t* out) {
struct stat s;
if (fstat(fd, &s) < 0) {
*out = s.st_size / kBlobfsBlockSize;
return ZX_OK;
int Mkfs(int fd, uint64_t block_count) {
Superblock info;
InitializeSuperblock(block_count, &info);
zx_status_t status = CheckSuperblock(&info, block_count);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to initialize superblock: %d\n", status);
return -1;
uint64_t block_bitmap_blocks = BlockMapBlocks(info);
uint64_t node_map_blocks = NodeMapBlocks(info);
RawBitmap block_bitmap;
if (block_bitmap.Reset(block_bitmap_blocks * kBlobfsBlockBits)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Couldn't allocate blobfs block map\n");
return -1;
} else if (block_bitmap.Shrink(info.data_block_count)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Couldn't shrink blobfs block map\n");
return -1;
// Reserve first |kStartBlockMinimum| data blocks
block_bitmap.Set(0, kStartBlockMinimum);
// All in-memory structures have been created successfully. Dump everything to disk.
char block[kBlobfsBlockSize] = {};
// Write the journal to disk.
// 1) Write the Info block.
// 2) Write the rest of the journal as zeros.
fs::JournalInfo* journal_info = reinterpret_cast<fs::JournalInfo*>(block);
journal_info->magic = fs::kJournalMagic;
journal_info->checksum =
crc32(0, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(block), sizeof(fs::JournalInfo));
if ((status = WriteBlock(fd, JournalStartBlock(info), block)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write journal block\n");
return -1;
for (uint64_t n = 1; n < JournalBlocks(info); n++) {
memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
status = WriteBlock(fd, JournalStartBlock(info) + n, block);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write journal block\n");
return -1;
// Write the root block to disk.
memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
memcpy(block, &info, sizeof(info));
if ((status = WriteBlock(fd, 0, block)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write root block\n");
return -1;
// Write allocation bitmap to disk.
for (uint64_t n = 0; n < block_bitmap_blocks; n++) {
void* bmdata = GetRawBitmapData(block_bitmap, n);
if ((status = WriteBlock(fd, BlockMapStartBlock(info) + n, bmdata)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to write blockmap block %" PRIu64 "\n", n);
return -1;
// Write node map to disk.
for (uint64_t n = 0; n < node_map_blocks; n++) {
memset(block, 0, sizeof(block));
if (WriteBlock(fd, NodeMapStartBlock(info) + n, block)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: failed writing inode map\n");
return -1;
FS_TRACE_DEBUG("BLOBFS: mkfs success\n");
return 0;
zx_status_t UsedDataSize(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, uint64_t* out_size, off_t start,
std::optional<off_t> end) {
Superblock info;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = get_superblock(fd, start, end, &info)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_size = info.alloc_block_count * info.block_size;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t UsedInodes(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, uint64_t* out_inodes, off_t start,
std::optional<off_t> end) {
Superblock info;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = get_superblock(fd, start, end, &info)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_inodes = info.alloc_inode_count;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t UsedSize(const fbl::unique_fd& fd, uint64_t* out_size, off_t start,
std::optional<off_t> end) {
Superblock info;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = get_superblock(fd, start, end, &info)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*out_size = (TotalNonDataBlocks(info) + info.alloc_block_count) * info.block_size;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t blobfs_create(std::unique_ptr<Blobfs>* out, fbl::unique_fd fd) {
info_block_t info_block;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = blobfs_load_info_block(fd, &info_block)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
fbl::Array<size_t> extent_lengths(new size_t[kExtentCount], kExtentCount);
extent_lengths[0] = BlockMapStartBlock( * kBlobfsBlockSize;
extent_lengths[1] = BlockMapBlocks( * kBlobfsBlockSize;
extent_lengths[2] = NodeMapBlocks( * kBlobfsBlockSize;
extent_lengths[3] = JournalBlocks( * kBlobfsBlockSize;
extent_lengths[4] = DataBlocks( * kBlobfsBlockSize;
if ((status = Blobfs::Create(std::move(fd), 0, info_block, extent_lengths, out)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: mount failed; could not create blobfs\n");
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t blobfs_create_sparse(std::unique_ptr<Blobfs>* out, fbl::unique_fd fd, off_t start,
off_t end, const fbl::Vector<size_t>& extent_vector) {
if (start >= end) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Insufficient space allocated\n");
if (extent_vector.size() != kExtentCount) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Incorrect number of extents\n");
info_block_t info_block;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = blobfs_load_info_block(fd, &info_block, start, end)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
fbl::Array<size_t> extent_lengths(new size_t[kExtentCount], kExtentCount);
extent_lengths[0] = extent_vector[0];
extent_lengths[1] = extent_vector[1];
extent_lengths[2] = extent_vector[2];
extent_lengths[3] = extent_vector[3];
extent_lengths[4] = extent_vector[4];
if ((status = Blobfs::Create(std::move(fd), start, info_block, extent_lengths, out)) != ZX_OK) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: mount failed; could not create blobfs\n");
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t blobfs_preprocess(int data_fd, bool compress, MerkleInfo* out_info) {
FileMapping mapping;
zx_status_t status = mapping.Map(data_fd);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if ((status = buffer_create_merkle(mapping, out_info)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (compress) {
status = buffer_compress(mapping, out_info);
return status;
zx_status_t blobfs_add_blob(Blobfs* bs, FileSizeRecorder* size_recorder, int data_fd) {
FileMapping mapping;
zx_status_t status = mapping.Map(data_fd);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Calculate the actual Merkle tree.
MerkleInfo info;
status = buffer_create_merkle(mapping, &info);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return blobfs_add_mapped_blob_with_merkle(bs, size_recorder, mapping, info);
zx_status_t blobfs_add_blob_with_merkle(Blobfs* bs, FileSizeRecorder* size_recorder, int data_fd,
const MerkleInfo& info) {
FileMapping mapping;
zx_status_t status = mapping.Map(data_fd);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return blobfs_add_mapped_blob_with_merkle(bs, size_recorder, mapping, info);
zx_status_t blobfs_fsck(fbl::unique_fd fd, off_t start, off_t end,
const fbl::Vector<size_t>& extent_lengths) {
std::unique_ptr<Blobfs> blob;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = blobfs_create_sparse(&blob, std::move(fd), start, end, extent_lengths)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
bool apply_journal = false;
if ((status = Fsck(std::move(blob), apply_journal)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
Blobfs::Blobfs(fbl::unique_fd fd, off_t offset, const info_block_t& info_block,
const fbl::Array<size_t>& extent_lengths)
: blockfd_(std::move(fd)), dirty_(false), offset_(offset) {
ZX_ASSERT(extent_lengths.size() == kExtentCount);
memcpy(&info_block_, info_block.block, kBlobfsBlockSize);
cache_.bno = 0;
block_map_start_block_ = extent_lengths[0] / kBlobfsBlockSize;
block_map_block_count_ = extent_lengths[1] / kBlobfsBlockSize;
node_map_start_block_ = block_map_start_block_ + block_map_block_count_;
node_map_block_count_ = extent_lengths[2] / kBlobfsBlockSize;
journal_start_block_ = node_map_start_block_ + node_map_block_count_;
journal_block_count_ = extent_lengths[3] / kBlobfsBlockSize;
data_start_block_ = journal_start_block_ + journal_block_count_;
data_block_count_ = extent_lengths[4] / kBlobfsBlockSize;
zx_status_t Blobfs::Create(fbl::unique_fd blockfd_, off_t offset, const info_block_t& info_block,
const fbl::Array<size_t>& extent_lengths, std::unique_ptr<Blobfs>* out) {
zx_status_t status = CheckSuperblock(&, TotalBlocks(;
if (status < 0) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Check info failure\n");
return status;
ZX_ASSERT(extent_lengths.size() == kExtentCount);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (extent_lengths[i] % kBlobfsBlockSize) {
auto fs =
std::unique_ptr<Blobfs>(new Blobfs(std::move(blockfd_), offset, info_block, extent_lengths));
if ((status = fs->LoadBitmap()) < 0) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("blobfs: Failed to load bitmaps\n");
return status;
*out = std::move(fs);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::LoadBitmap() {
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = block_map_.Reset(block_map_block_count_ * kBlobfsBlockBits)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else if ((status = block_map_.Shrink(info_.data_block_count)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
const void* bmstart = block_map_.StorageUnsafe()->GetData();
for (size_t n = 0; n < block_map_block_count_; n++) {
void* bmdata = fs::GetBlock(kBlobfsBlockSize, bmstart, n);
if (n >= node_map_start_block_) {
memset(bmdata, 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
} else if ((status = ReadBlock(block_map_start_block_ + n)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else {
memcpy(bmdata, cache_.blk, kBlobfsBlockSize);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::NewBlob(const Digest& digest, std::unique_ptr<InodeBlock>* out) {
size_t ino = info_.inode_count;
for (size_t i = 0; i < info_.inode_count; ++i) {
size_t bno = (i / kBlobfsInodesPerBlock) + node_map_start_block_;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = ReadBlock(bno)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
auto iblk = reinterpret_cast<const Inode*>(cache_.blk);
auto observed_inode = &iblk[i % kBlobfsInodesPerBlock];
if (observed_inode->header.IsAllocated() && !observed_inode->header.IsExtentContainer()) {
if (digest == observed_inode->merkle_root_hash) {
} else if (ino >= info_.inode_count) {
// If |ino| has not already been set to a valid value, set it to the
// first free value we find.
// We still check all the remaining inodes to avoid adding a duplicate blob.
ino = i;
if (ino >= info_.inode_count) {
size_t bno = (ino / kBlobfsInodesPerBlock) + NodeMapStartBlock(info_);
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = ReadBlock(bno)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
Inode* inodes = reinterpret_cast<Inode*>(cache_.blk);
std::unique_ptr<InodeBlock> ino_block(
new InodeBlock(bno, &inodes[ino % kBlobfsInodesPerBlock], digest));
dirty_ = true;
*out = std::move(ino_block);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::AllocateBlocks(size_t nblocks, size_t* blkno_out) {
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = block_map_.Find(false, 0, block_map_.size(), nblocks, blkno_out)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
} else if ((status = block_map_.Set(*blkno_out, *blkno_out + nblocks)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
info_.alloc_block_count += nblocks;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::WriteBitmap(size_t nblocks, size_t start_block) {
uint64_t block_bitmap_start_block = start_block / kBlobfsBlockBits;
uint64_t block_bitmap_end_block =
fbl::round_up(start_block + nblocks, kBlobfsBlockBits) / kBlobfsBlockBits;
const void* bmstart = block_map_.StorageUnsafe()->GetData();
for (size_t n = block_bitmap_start_block; n < block_bitmap_end_block; n++) {
const void* data = fs::GetBlock(kBlobfsBlockSize, bmstart, n);
uint64_t bno = block_map_start_block_ + n;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = WriteBlock(bno, data)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::WriteNode(std::unique_ptr<InodeBlock> ino_block) {
if (ino_block->GetBno() != cache_.bno) {
dirty_ = false;
return WriteBlock(cache_.bno, cache_.blk);
zx_status_t Blobfs::WriteData(Inode* inode, const void* merkle_data, const void* blob_data) {
const size_t merkle_blocks = MerkleTreeBlocks(*inode);
const size_t data_blocks = inode->block_count - merkle_blocks;
for (size_t n = 0; n < merkle_blocks; n++) {
const void* data = fs::GetBlock(kBlobfsBlockSize, merkle_data, n);
uint64_t bno = data_start_block_ + inode->extents[0].Start() + n;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = WriteBlock(bno, data)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
for (size_t n = 0; n < data_blocks; n++) {
const void* data = fs::GetBlock(kBlobfsBlockSize, blob_data, n);
// If we try to write a block, will it be reaching beyond the end of the
// mapped file?
size_t off = n * kBlobfsBlockSize;
uint8_t last_data[kBlobfsBlockSize];
if (inode->blob_size < off + kBlobfsBlockSize) {
// Read the partial block from a block-sized buffer which zero-pads the data.
memset(last_data, 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
memcpy(last_data, data, inode->blob_size - off);
data = last_data;
uint64_t bno = data_start_block_ + inode->extents[0].Start() + merkle_blocks + n;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = WriteBlock(bno, data)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::WriteInfo() { return WriteBlock(0, info_block_); }
zx_status_t Blobfs::ReadBlock(size_t bno) {
if (dirty_) {
zx_status_t status;
if ((cache_.bno != bno) &&
((status = ReadBlockOffset(blockfd_.get(), bno, offset_, &cache_.blk)) != ZX_OK)) {
return status;
cache_.bno = bno;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t Blobfs::WriteBlock(size_t bno, const void* data) {
return WriteBlockOffset(blockfd_.get(), bno, offset_, data);
zx_status_t Blobfs::ResetCache() {
if (dirty_) {
if (cache_.bno != 0) {
memset(cache_.blk, 0, kBlobfsBlockSize);
cache_.bno = 0;
return ZX_OK;
Inode* Blobfs::GetNode(uint32_t index) {
size_t bno = node_map_start_block_ + index / kBlobfsInodesPerBlock;
if (bno >= data_start_block_) {
// Set cache to 0 so we can return a pointer to an empty inode
if (ResetCache() != ZX_OK) {
return nullptr;
} else if (ReadBlock(bno) < 0) {
return nullptr;
auto iblock = reinterpret_cast<Inode*>(cache_.blk);
return &iblock[index % kBlobfsInodesPerBlock];
zx_status_t Blobfs::VerifyBlob(uint32_t node_index) {
Inode inode = *GetNode(node_index);
// Determine size for (uncompressed) data buffer.
uint64_t data_blocks = BlobDataBlocks(inode);
uint64_t merkle_blocks = MerkleTreeBlocks(inode);
uint64_t num_blocks = data_blocks + merkle_blocks;
size_t target_size;
if (mul_overflow(num_blocks, kBlobfsBlockSize, &target_size)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Multiplication overflow");
// Create data buffer.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> data(new uint8_t[target_size]);
if (inode.header.flags & kBlobFlagCompressed) {
// Read in uncompressed merkle blocks.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < merkle_blocks; i++) {
ReadBlock(data_start_block_ + inode.extents[0].Start() + i);
memcpy(data.get() + (i * kBlobfsBlockSize), cache_.blk, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Determine size for compressed data buffer.
size_t compressed_blocks = (inode.block_count - merkle_blocks);
size_t compressed_size;
if (mul_overflow(compressed_blocks, kBlobfsBlockSize, &compressed_size)) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Multiplication overflow");
// Create compressed data buffer.
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> compressed_data(new uint8_t[compressed_size]);
// Read in all compressed blob data.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < compressed_blocks; i++) {
ReadBlock(data_start_block_ + inode.extents[0].Start() + i + merkle_blocks);
memcpy(compressed_data.get() + (i * kBlobfsBlockSize), cache_.blk, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Decompress the compressed data into the target buffer.
zx_status_t status;
target_size = inode.blob_size;
uint8_t* data_ptr = data.get() + (merkle_blocks * kBlobfsBlockSize);
if ((status = HostDecompressor(data_ptr, &target_size, compressed_data.get(),
&compressed_size)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (target_size != inode.blob_size) {
FS_TRACE_ERROR("Failed to fully decompress blob (%zu of %" PRIu64 " expected)\n", target_size,
} else {
// For uncompressed blobs, read entire blob straight into the data buffer.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < inode.block_count; i++) {
ReadBlock(data_start_block_ + inode.extents[0].Start() + i);
memcpy(data.get() + (i * kBlobfsBlockSize), cache_.blk, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Verify the contents of the blob.
uint8_t* data_ptr = data.get() + (merkle_blocks * kBlobfsBlockSize);
MerkleTreeVerifier mtv;
zx_status_t status;
if ((status = mtv.SetDataLength(inode.blob_size)) != ZX_OK ||
(status = mtv.SetTree(data.get(), mtv.GetTreeLength(), inode.merkle_root_hash,
sizeof(inode.merkle_root_hash))) != ZX_OK ||
(status = mtv.Verify(data_ptr, inode.blob_size, 0)) != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
} // namespace blobfs