blob: dedf322194e72e344ffb99256b04194aec25570f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <bitmap/bitmap.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
namespace bitmap {
namespace internal {
DECLARE_HAS_MEMBER_FN(has_grow, Grow);
} // namespace internal
const size_t kBits = sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT;
// Translates a max bit into a final index in the bitmap array.
constexpr size_t LastIdx(size_t bitmax) { return (bitmax - 1) / kBits; }
// Base class for RawGenericBitmap, to reduce what needs to be templated.
class RawBitmapBase : public Bitmap {
// Returns the size of this bitmap.
size_t size() const { return size_; }
// Shrinks the accessible portion of the bitmap, without re-allocating
// the underlying storage.
// This is useful for programs which require underlying bitmap storage
// to be aligned to a certain size (initialized via Reset), but want to
// restrict access to a smaller portion of the bitmap (via Shrink).
zx_status_t Shrink(size_t size);
// Returns true if all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*) match
// *is_set*, otherwise returns false and sets *out* (if provided) to the
// first (or last, in the case of ReverseScan) bit that doesn't match. An
// empty region (i.e. *bitoff* is greater than *bitmax*, or *bitoff* is
// outside the range of the bitmap) will return true.
bool Scan(size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax, bool is_set, size_t* out = nullptr) const;
bool ReverseScan(size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax, bool is_set, size_t* out = nullptr) const;
// Finds the first (or last, in the case of ReverseFind) run of *run_len*
// *is_set* bits, in [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Returns the start of the run in
// *out* and returns ZX_OK if a run is found, otherwise returns
zx_status_t Find(bool is_set, size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax, size_t run_len,
size_t* out) const override;
zx_status_t ReverseFind(bool is_set, size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax, size_t run_len,
size_t* out) const;
// Returns true if all the bits in [*bitoff*, *bitmax*) are set. Afterwards,
// *first_unset* will be set to the lesser of bitmax and the index of the
// first unset bit after *bitoff*.
bool Get(size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax, size_t* first_unset = nullptr) const override;
// Sets all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Returns an error if
// bitmax < bitoff or size_ < bitmax, and ZX_OK otherwise.
zx_status_t Set(size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax) override;
// Clears all bits in the range [*bitoff*, *bitmax*). Returns an error if
// bitmax < bitoff or size_ < bitmax, and ZX_OK otherwise.
zx_status_t Clear(size_t bitoff, size_t bitmax) override;
// Clear all bits in the bitmap.
void ClearAll() override;
// The size of this bitmap, in bits.
size_t size_ = 0;
// Owned by bits_, cached
size_t* data_ = nullptr;
// A simple bitmap backed by generic storage.
// Storage must implement:
// - zx_status_t Allocate(size_t size)
// To allocate |size| bytes of storage.
// - void* GetData()
// To access the underlying storage.
// - zx_status_t Grow(size_t size)
// (optional) To expand the underlying storage to fit at least |size|
// bytes.
template <typename Storage>
class RawBitmapGeneric final : public RawBitmapBase {
RawBitmapGeneric() = default;
virtual ~RawBitmapGeneric() = default;
RawBitmapGeneric(RawBitmapGeneric&& rhs) = default;
RawBitmapGeneric& operator=(RawBitmapGeneric&& rhs) = default;
// Increases the bitmap size
template <typename U = Storage>
typename std::enable_if<internal::has_grow<U>::value, zx_status_t>::type Grow(size_t size) {
if (size < size_) {
} else if (size == size_) {
return ZX_OK;
size_t old_len = LastIdx(size_) + 1;
size_t new_len = LastIdx(size) + 1;
size_t new_bitsize = sizeof(size_t) * new_len;
ZX_ASSERT(new_bitsize >= new_len); // Overflow
zx_status_t status = bits_.Grow(new_bitsize);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Clear all the "newly grown" bytes
uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bits_.GetData()) + old_len * sizeof(size_t);
memset(reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr), 0, (new_len - old_len) * sizeof(size_t));
size_t old_size = size_;
data_ = static_cast<size_t*>(bits_.GetData());
size_ = size;
// Clear the partial bits not included in the new "size_t"s.
Clear(old_size, fbl::min(old_len * kBits, size_));
return ZX_OK;
template <typename U = Storage>
typename std::enable_if<!internal::has_grow<U>::value, zx_status_t>::type Grow(size_t size) {
// Resets the bitmap; clearing and resizing it.
// Allocates memory, and can fail.
zx_status_t Reset(size_t size) {
size_ = size;
if (size_ == 0) {
data_ = nullptr;
return ZX_OK;
size_t last_idx = LastIdx(size);
zx_status_t status = bits_.Allocate(sizeof(size_t) * (last_idx + 1));
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
data_ = static_cast<size_t*>(bits_.GetData());
return ZX_OK;
// This function allows access to underlying data, but is dangerous: It
// leaks the pointer to bits_. Reset and the bitmap destructor should not
// be called on the bitmap while the pointer returned from data() is alive.
const Storage* StorageUnsafe() const { return &bits_; }
// The storage backing this bitmap.
Storage bits_;
} // namespace bitmap