blob: d13a0383030ce6b7af02ea099272bc5e6a51949c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.io2;
using zx;
/// A [`fuchsia.io2/Node`] that is capable of containing other nodes.
protocol Directory {
compose Node;
/// Opens or creates a new node relative to this directory node.
/// + `path` identifies the node to open.
/// If `path` contains multiple segments, then the directory is traversed,
/// one segment at a time, relative to the directory represented by this
/// connection.
/// See [`fuchsia.io2/Path`] for what constitutes a valid path.
/// To open another connection to the current directory, use
/// [`fuchsia.io2/Node.Reopen`] instead.
/// + `mode` controls whether to open existing/create new etc.
/// + `options` additional options applicable to both `Open` and `Reopen`,
/// including negotiating protocol and restricting rights.
/// See [`fuchsia.io2/ConnectionOptions`].
/// + `object_request` is the server end of a channel created for the new
/// connection. The caller may proceed to send messages on the
/// corresponding client end right away.
/// This method requires the following rights on the current connection:
/// * [`Rights.ENUMERATE`]
/// * [`Rights.TRAVERSE`]
/// Errors are presented as an epitaph on the `object_request` channel.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the requested rights exceeds
/// what is allowed.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_BAD_PATH` if `path` is invalid.
Open(Path path,
OpenMode mode,
ConnectionOptions options,
handle<channel> object_request);
/// Removes a child node from the this directory's list of entries.
/// Note: this does not guarantee that the underlying object is destroyed.
/// Although the link will be removed from the containing directory,
/// objects with multiple references (such as files which are still open)
/// will not actually be destroyed until all references are closed.
/// + `path` identifies the node to be detached.
/// If `path` contains multiple segments, then the directory is traversed,
/// one segment at a time, relative to the directory represented by this
/// connection.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` if the connection does not have
/// [`Rights.WRITE_BYTES`].
/// * error `ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED` if the underlying filesystem does not
/// support writing.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_BAD_PATH` if `path` is invalid.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_NOT_EMPTY` if `path` refers to a non-empty directory.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE` if `path` refers to a mount point,
/// containing a remote channel.
/// Other errors may be returned for filesystem-specific reasons.
/// This method requires the following rights:
/// * [`Rights.ENUMERATE`]
/// * [`Rights.MODIFY_DIRECTORY`]
Unlink(Path path) -> () error zx.status;
/// Initiates a directory listing operation over the input channel,
/// starting at seek offset 0.
/// This method requires the [`Rights.ENUMERATE`] right. If this right is
/// absent, `iterator` will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` epitaph.
Enumerate(request<DirectoryIterator> iterator);
/// Renames a node named `src` to the name `dst`, in a directory represented
/// by `dst_parent_token`.
/// `src` and `dst` must be valid node names.
/// See [`fuchsia.io2/Name`] for what constitutes a valid name.
/// This method requires the following rights on both the current
/// connection, and the connection identified by `dst_parent_token`:
/// * [`Rights.ENUMERATE`]
/// * [`Rights.MODIFY_DIRECTORY`]
/// * error `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if `src` or `dst` is invalid.
Rename(Name src,
Token dst_parent_token,
Name dst) -> () error zx.status;
/// Creates a link to a node named `src` by the name `dst`,
/// in a directory represented by `dst_parent_token`.
/// Directories cannot be linked, to prevent reference cycles.
/// `src` and `dst` must be valid node names.
/// See [`fuchsia.io2/Name`] for what constitutes a valid name.
/// This method requires the following rights on both the current
/// connection, and the connection identified by `dst_parent_token`:
/// * [`Rights.ENUMERATE`]
/// * [`Rights.MODIFY_DIRECTORY`]
/// * error `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if `src` or `dst` is invalid.
/// * error `ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS` if `src` is a directory.
Link(Name src,
Token dst_parent_token,
Name dst) -> () error zx.status;
/// Watches a directory, monitoring events for children being added or
/// removed on the server end of the `watcher` channel.
/// Mask specifies a bit mask of events to observe.
/// This method requires the [`Rights.ENUMERATE`] right. If this right is
/// absent, `watcher` will be closed with a `ZX_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED` epitaph.
Watch(DirectoryWatchMask mask,
DirectoryWatchOptions options,
request<DirectoryWatcher> watcher);
/// Options related to node creation during [`Directory.Open`].
enum OpenMode : uint32 {
/// Only succeed if the object exists.
/// Create the object if it does not exist, otherwise open existing.
/// The check and the creation are performed in one atomic step.
/// Assert that the object does not exist, then create it.
/// The assertion and creation are performed in one atomic step.
/// If the object is a mount point, open the local directory
/// instead of forwarding the request. The object must be a directory.
/// This option implies the behavior of `OPEN_EXISTING`.
[Deprecated = "Mount points will be replaced by components."]
OPEN_MOUNT_POINT = 0x10000000;
/// Auxiliary data for the directory representation of a node.
/// The selection of this variant in [`Representation`] implies that the
/// connection speaks the [`fuchsia.io2/Directory`] protocol.
table DirectoryInfo {