blob: a87d986a97d71172d3e6ec6509ec5c292ace7872 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.hardware.skipblock;
using zx;
// Matches the value of ZBI_PARTITION_GUID_LEN.
const uint32 GUID_LEN = 16;
struct PartitionInfo {
/// Partition type GUID.
array<uint8>:GUID_LEN partition_guid;
/// Describes the read/write size.
uint64 block_size_bytes;
/// Describes size of partition in terms of blocks.
uint32 partition_block_count;
struct ReadWriteOperation {
/// Memory object describing buffer to read into or write from.
handle<vmo> vmo;
/// VMO offset in bytes.
uint64 vmo_offset;
/// Block # to begin operation from.
uint32 block;
/// Number of blocks to read or write.
uint32 block_count;
struct WriteBytesOperation {
/// Memory object describing buffer to write from.
handle<vmo> vmo;
/// VMO offset in bytes.
uint64 vmo_offset;
/// Device offset in bytes to begin operation from.
/// Must be flash page aligned.
uint64 offset;
/// Number of bytes to write.
/// Must be flash page aligned.
uint64 size;
[Layout = "Simple"]
protocol SkipBlock {
/// Returns information about the skip-block partition.
/// The block count can shrink in the event that a bad block is grown. It is
/// recommended to call this again after a bad block is grown.
GetPartitionInfo() -> (zx.status status, PartitionInfo partition_info);
/// Reads the specified blocks into the provided vmo.
Read(ReadWriteOperation op) -> (zx.status status);
/// Erases and writes the specified blocks from the provided vmo.
/// In the event that bad block is grown, the partition will shrink and
/// `bad_block_grown` will be set to true. Since this causes the logical to
/// physical block map to change, all previously written blocks at logical
/// addresses after the section being written should be considered corrupted,
/// and rewritten if applicable.
Write(ReadWriteOperation op) -> (zx.status status, bool bad_block_grown);
/// Erases and writes the specified bytes from the provided vmo. If offset
/// and size in |op| are not aligned to |block_size_bytes| then the driver will
/// first read the partitially written blocks and combine them with the
/// provided vmo.
/// In the event that bad block is grown, the partition will shrink and
/// `bad_block_grown` will be set to true. Since this causes the logical to
/// physical block map to change, all previously written blocks at logical
/// addresses after the section being written should be considered corrupted,
/// and rewritten if applicable.
WriteBytes(WriteBytesOperation op) -> (zx.status status, bool bad_block_grown);