blob: e4e63eb8d9067a3c4ce537a2b1e1f044ed12fd97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_device.h"
#include <lib/fit/bridge.h>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_device_manager.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_driver.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_link.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_output.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/utils.h"
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
std::string AudioDeviceUniqueIdToString(const audio_stream_unique_id_t& id) {
static_assert(sizeof( == 16, "Unexpected unique ID size");
char buf[(sizeof( * 2) + 1];
const auto& d =;
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",
d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5], d[6], d[7], d[8], d[9], d[10], d[11], d[12], d[13],
d[14], d[15]);
return std::string(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
constexpr float kDefaultDeviceGain = 0.;
} // namespace
AudioDevice::AudioDevice(AudioObject::Type type, ThreadingModel* threading_model,
DeviceRegistry* registry)
: AudioObject(type),
driver_(new AudioDriver(this)) {
FX_DCHECK((type == Type::Input) || (type == Type::Output));
AudioDevice::~AudioDevice() = default;
void AudioDevice::Wakeup() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::Wakeup");
std::optional<VolumeCurve> AudioDevice::GetVolumeCurve() const {
// ThrottleOutput does not have a driver.
if (!driver_) {
return std::nullopt;
// TODO(35394): Check here for whether the device has its own dedicated curve, which should
// take precedence over the default.
return std::nullopt;
uint64_t AudioDevice::token() const {
return driver_ ? driver_->stream_channel_koid() : ZX_KOID_INVALID;
// Change a device's gain, propagating the change to the affected links.
void AudioDevice::SetGainInfo(const fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo& info, uint32_t set_flags) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::SetGainInfo");
// Limit the request to what the hardware can support
fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfo limited = info;
ApplyGainLimits(&limited, set_flags);
// For outputs, change the gain of all links where it is the destination.
if (is_output()) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> links_lock(links_lock_);
for (auto& link : source_links_) {
if (link.GetSource()->type() == AudioObject::Type::AudioRenderer) {
const auto muted = limited.flags & fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_Mute;
link.gain().SetDestGain(muted ? fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB : limited.gain_db);
} else {
// For inputs, change the gain of all links where it is the source.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> links_lock(links_lock_);
for (auto& link : dest_links_) {
if (link.GetDest()->type() == AudioObject::Type::AudioCapturer) {
const auto muted = limited.flags & fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_Mute;
link.gain().SetSourceGain(muted ? fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB : limited.gain_db);
FX_DCHECK(device_settings_ != nullptr);
if (device_settings_->SetGainInfo(limited, set_flags)) {
zx_status_t AudioDevice::Init() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::Init");
WakeupEvent::ProcessHandler process_handler(
[output = fbl::RefPtr(this)](WakeupEvent* event) -> zx_status_t {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, &output->mix_domain());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t res = mix_wakeup_.Activate(mix_domain_->dispatcher(), std::move(process_handler));
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res) << "Failed to activate wakeup event for AudioDevice";
return res;
return ZX_OK;
void AudioDevice::Cleanup() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::Cleanup");
// ThrottleOutput devices have no driver, so check for that.
if (driver_ != nullptr) {
// Instruct the driver to release all its resources (channels, timer).
mix_domain_ = nullptr;
void AudioDevice::ActivateSelf() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::ActivateSelf");
// If we aren't shutting down, tell DeviceManager we are ready for work.
if (!is_shutting_down()) {
// Create default settings. The device manager will restore these settings
// from persistent storage for us when it gets our activation message.
FX_DCHECK(device_settings_ == nullptr);
FX_DCHECK(driver() != nullptr);
HwGainState gain_state = driver()->hw_gain_state();
// We disregard the device's gain at the time of connection and set it to 0,
// pending restoration of device_settings.
gain_state.cur_gain = kDefaultDeviceGain;
const auto id = driver()->persistent_unique_id();
device_settings_ = fbl::MakeRefCounted<AudioDeviceSettings>(id, gain_state, is_input());
// Now poke our manager.
[self = fbl::RefPtr(this)]() { self->device_registry().ActivateDevice(std::move(self)); });
void AudioDevice::ShutdownSelf() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::ShutdownSelf");
// If we are not already in the process of shutting down, send a message to
// the main message loop telling it to complete the shutdown process.
if (!is_shutting_down()) {;
[self = fbl::RefPtr(this)]() { self->device_registry().RemoveDevice(self); });
fit::promise<void, zx_status_t> AudioDevice::Startup() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::Startup");
fit::bridge<void, zx_status_t> bridge;
[self = fbl::RefPtr(this), completer = std::move(bridge.completer)]() mutable {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, &self->mix_domain());
zx_status_t res = self->Init();
if (res != ZX_OK) {
return bridge.consumer.promise();
fit::promise<void> AudioDevice::Shutdown() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::Shutdown");
// The only reason we have this flag is to make sure that Shutdown is idempotent.
if (shut_down_) {
return fit::make_ok_promise();
shut_down_ = true;
// Unlink ourselves from everything we are currently attached to.
// Give our derived class, and our driver, a chance to clean up resources.
fit::bridge<void> bridge;
[self = fbl::RefPtr(this), completer = std::move(bridge.completer)]() mutable {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, &self->mix_domain());
return bridge.consumer.promise();
bool AudioDevice::UpdatePlugState(bool plugged, zx::time plug_time) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::UpdatePlugState");
if ((plugged != plugged_) && (plug_time >= plug_time_) && !is_shutting_down()) {
plugged_ = plugged;
plug_time_ = plug_time;
return true;
return false;
const fbl::RefPtr<RingBuffer>& AudioDevice::driver_ring_buffer() const {
return driver_->ring_buffer();
const TimelineFunction& AudioDevice::driver_clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes() const {
return driver_->clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes();
void AudioDevice::GetDeviceInfo(fuchsia::media::AudioDeviceInfo* out_info) const {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioDevice::GetDeviceInfo");
const auto& drv = *driver();
out_info->name = drv.manufacturer_name() + ' ' + drv.product_name();
out_info->unique_id = AudioDeviceUniqueIdToString(drv.persistent_unique_id());
out_info->token_id = token();
out_info->is_input = is_input();
out_info->is_default = false;
} // namespace media::audio