blob: 51d2f259d72a543d1a7448e34bf54d0f3b3db79e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_capturer_impl.h"
#include <lib/fit/bridge.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/media/audio/cpp/types.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <memory>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/audio_core_impl.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/reporter.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/utils.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
// Allow (at most) 256 slabs of pending capture buffers. At 16KB per slab, this
// means we will deny allocations after 4MB. If we ever need more than 4MB of
// pending capture buffer bookkeeping, something has gone seriously wrong.
DECLARE_STATIC_SLAB_ALLOCATOR_STORAGE(media::audio::AudioCapturerImpl::PcbAllocatorTraits, 0x100);
namespace media::audio {
constexpr bool VERBOSE_TIMING_DEBUG = false;
// To what extent should client-side under/overflows be logged? (A "client-side underflow" or
// "client-side overflow" refers to when part of a data section is discarded because its start
// timestamp had passed.) For each Capturer, we will log the first overflow. For subsequent
// occurrences, depending on audio_core's logging level, we throttle how frequently these are
// displayed. If log_level is set to TRACE or SPEW, all client-side overflows are logged -- at
// log_level -1: VLOG TRACE -- as specified by kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval. If set to INFO, we
// log less often, at log_level 1: INFO, throttling by factor kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval. If set
// to WARNING or higher, we throttle these even more, specified by kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval.
// To disable all logging of client-side overflows, set kLogCaptureOverflow to false.
// Note: by default we set NDEBUG builds to WARNING and DEBUG builds to INFO.
static constexpr bool kLogCaptureOverflow = true;
static constexpr uint16_t kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval = 1;
static constexpr uint16_t kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval = 10;
static constexpr uint16_t kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval = 100;
// Currently, the time we spend mixing must also be taken into account when reasoning about the
// capture fence duration. Today (before any attempt at optimization), a particularly heavy mix
// pass may take longer than 1.5 msec on a DEBUG build(!) on relevant hardware. The constant below
// accounts for this, with additional padding for safety.
const zx::duration kFenceTimePadding = zx::msec(3);
constexpr float kInitialCaptureGainDb = Gain::kUnityGainDb;
constexpr int64_t kMaxTimePerCapture = ZX_MSEC(50);
// static
AtomicGenerationId AudioCapturerImpl::PendingCaptureBuffer::sequence_generator;
fbl::RefPtr<AudioCapturerImpl> AudioCapturerImpl::Create(
bool loopback, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer> audio_capturer_request,
AudioCoreImpl* owner) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new AudioCapturerImpl(loopback, std::move(audio_capturer_request),
&owner->threading_model(), &owner->route_graph(),
&owner->audio_admin(), &owner->volume_manager()));
fbl::RefPtr<AudioCapturerImpl> AudioCapturerImpl::Create(
bool loopback, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer> audio_capturer_request,
ThreadingModel* threading_model, RouteGraph* route_graph, AudioAdmin* admin,
StreamVolumeManager* volume_manager) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new AudioCapturerImpl(loopback, std::move(audio_capturer_request),
threading_model, route_graph, admin, volume_manager));
bool loopback, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::AudioCapturer> audio_capturer_request,
ThreadingModel* threading_model, RouteGraph* route_graph, AudioAdmin* admin,
StreamVolumeManager* volume_manager)
: AudioObject(Type::AudioCapturer),
binding_(this, std::move(audio_capturer_request)),
partial_overflow_count_(0u) {
binding_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) { BeginShutdown(); });
// Ideally, initialize this to the native configuration of our initially-bound source.
UpdateFormat(fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16, 1, 8000);
AudioCapturerImpl::~AudioCapturerImpl() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio.debug", "AudioCapturerImpl::~AudioCapturerImpl");
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_virt_ == nullptr);
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_size_ == 0);
void AudioCapturerImpl::ReportStart() { admin_.UpdateCapturerState(usage_, true, this); }
void AudioCapturerImpl::ReportStop() { admin_.UpdateCapturerState(usage_, false, this); }
void AudioCapturerImpl::OnLinkAdded() {
bool AudioCapturerImpl::GetStreamMute() const { return mute_; }
fuchsia::media::Usage AudioCapturerImpl::GetStreamUsage() const {
fuchsia::media::Usage usage;
return usage;
void AudioCapturerImpl::RealizeVolume(VolumeCommand volume_command) {
if (volume_command.ramp.has_value()) {
<< "Requested ramp of capturer; ramping for destination gains is unimplemented.";
ForEachSourceLink([stream_gain_db = stream_gain_db_.load(), &volume_command](auto& link) {
// Gain objects contain multiple stages. In capture, device gain is
// the "source" stage and stream gain is the "dest" stage.
float gain_db = link.volume_curve().VolumeToDb(volume_command.volume);
gain_db = Gain::CombineGains(gain_db, stream_gain_db);
gain_db = Gain::CombineGains(gain_db, volume_command.gain_db_adjustment);
void AudioCapturerImpl::SetInitialFormat(fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType format) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::SetInitialFormat");
UpdateFormat(format.sample_format, format.channels, format.frames_per_second);
void AudioCapturerImpl::Shutdown(std::unique_ptr<AudioCapturerImpl> self) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::Shutdown");
// Release our buffer resources.
// It's important that we don't release the buffer until the mix thread cleanup has run as
// the mixer could still be accessing the memory backing the buffer.
// TODO(mpuryear): Change AudioCapturer to use the RingBuffer utility class.
if (self->payload_buf_virt_ != nullptr) {
FX_DCHECK(self->payload_buf_size_ != 0);
self->payload_buf_virt_ = nullptr;
self->payload_buf_size_ = 0;
self->payload_buf_frames_ = 0;
fit::promise<> AudioCapturerImpl::Cleanup() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio.debug", "AudioCapturerImpl::Cleanup");
// We need to stop all the async operations happening on the mix dispatcher. These components
// can only be touched on that thread, so post a task there to run that cleanup.
fit::bridge<> bridge;
auto nonce = TRACE_NONCE();
TRACE_FLOW_BEGIN("audio.debug", "AudioCapturerImpl.capture_cleanup", nonce);
[this, completer = std::move(bridge.completer), nonce]() mutable {
TRACE_DURATION("audio.debug", "AudioCapturerImpl.cleanup_thunk");
TRACE_FLOW_END("audio.debug", "AudioCapturerImpl.capture_cleanup", nonce);
return bridge.consumer.promise();
void AudioCapturerImpl::CleanupFromMixThread() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::CleanupFromMixThread");
mix_domain_ = nullptr;;
void AudioCapturerImpl::BeginShutdown() {
threading_model_.FidlDomain().ScheduleTask(Cleanup().then([this](fit::result<>&) {
if (loopback_) {
} else {
void AudioCapturerImpl::RecycleObject(AudioObject* self) {
// recycle gives us `this` to free ourselves. At this point, there are no other references to us.
// It is therefore safe for us to take ownership of ourselves until all our shared resources are
// cleaned up and shut down.
zx_status_t AudioCapturerImpl::InitializeSourceLink(const fbl::RefPtr<AudioLink>& link) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::InitializeSourceLink");
// Choose a mixer
switch (state_.load()) {
// We are operational. Go ahead and choose a mixer.
case State::OperatingSync:
case State::OperatingAsync:
case State::AsyncStopping:
case State::AsyncStoppingCallbackPending:
return ChooseMixer(link);
// If we are shut down, then I'm not sure why new links are being added, but
// just go ahead and reject this one. We will be going away shortly.
case State::Shutdown:
// If we have not received a VMO yet, then we are still waiting for the user
// to commit to a format. We should not be establishing links before the
// capturer is ready.
case State::WaitingForVmo:
void AudioCapturerImpl::GetStreamType(GetStreamTypeCallback cbk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::GetStreamType");
fuchsia::media::StreamType ret;
ret.encoding = fuchsia::media::AUDIO_ENCODING_LPCM;
void AudioCapturerImpl::SetPcmStreamType(fuchsia::media::AudioStreamType stream_type) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::SetPcmStreamType");
// If something goes wrong, hang up the phone and shutdown.
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { BeginShutdown(); });
// If our shared buffer has been assigned, we are operating and our mode can no longer be changed.
State state = state_.load();
if (state != State::WaitingForVmo) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Cannot change capture mode while operating!"
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
// Sanity check the details of the mode request.
if ((stream_type.channels < fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT) ||
(stream_type.channels > fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad channel count, " << stream_type.channels << " is not in the range ["
<< fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT << ", "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_CHANNEL_COUNT << "]";
if ((stream_type.frames_per_second < fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) ||
(stream_type.frames_per_second > fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad frame rate, " << stream_type.frames_per_second
<< " is not in the range [" << fuchsia::media::MIN_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND << ", "
<< fuchsia::media::MAX_PCM_FRAMES_PER_SECOND << "]";
switch (stream_type.sample_format) {
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::UNSIGNED_8:
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_16:
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::SIGNED_24_IN_32:
case fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat::FLOAT:
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad sample format " << fidl::ToUnderlying(stream_type.sample_format);
REP(SettingCapturerStreamType(*this, stream_type));
// Success, record our new format.
UpdateFormat(stream_type.sample_format, stream_type.channels, stream_type.frames_per_second);
void AudioCapturerImpl::AddPayloadBuffer(uint32_t id, zx::vmo payload_buf_vmo) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::AddPayloadBuffer");
if (id != 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Only buffer ID 0 is currently supported.";
// If something goes wrong, hang up the phone and shutdown.
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { BeginShutdown(); });
zx_status_t res;
State state = state_.load();
if (state != State::WaitingForVmo) {
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_virt_ != nullptr);
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_size_ != 0);
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_frames_ != 0);
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad state while assigning payload buffer "
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_virt_ == nullptr);
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_size_ == 0);
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_frames_ == 0);
// Take ownership of the VMO, fetch and sanity check the size.
payload_buf_vmo_ = std::move(payload_buf_vmo);
res = payload_buf_vmo_.get_size(&payload_buf_size_);
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res) << "Failed to fetch payload buffer VMO size";
FX_CHECK(bytes_per_frame_ > 0);
constexpr uint64_t max_uint32 = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
if ((payload_buf_size_ < bytes_per_frame_) ||
(payload_buf_size_ > (max_uint32 * bytes_per_frame_))) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad payload buffer VMO size (size = " << payload_buf_size_
<< ", bytes per frame = " << bytes_per_frame_ << ")";
REP(AddingCapturerPayloadBuffer(*this, id, payload_buf_size_));
payload_buf_frames_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(payload_buf_size_ / bytes_per_frame_);
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(TRACE, this) << "payload buf -- size:" << payload_buf_size_
<< ", frames:" << payload_buf_frames_
<< ", bytes/frame:" << bytes_per_frame_;
// Allocate our intermediate buffer for mixing.
// TODO(39886): Limit this to something more reasonable than the entire user-provided VMO.
mix_buf_ = std::make_unique<float[]>(payload_buf_frames_);
// Map the VMO into our process.
uintptr_t tmp;
res = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(0, payload_buf_vmo_, 0, payload_buf_size_,
if (res != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, res) << "Failed to map payload buffer VMO";
payload_buf_virt_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(tmp);
// Activate the dispatcher primitives we will use to drive the mixing process. Note we must call
// Activate on the WakeupEvent from the mix domain, but Signal can be called anytime, even before
// this Activate occurs.
async::PostTask(mix_domain_->dispatcher(), [self = fbl::RefPtr(this)] {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, self->mix_domain_);
zx_status_t status =
[self = std::move(self)](WakeupEvent* event) -> zx_status_t {
OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(token, self->mix_domain_);
FX_DCHECK(event == &self->mix_wakeup_);
return self->Process();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed activate mix WakeupEvent";
// Next, select our output producer.
output_producer_ = OutputProducer::Select(format_);
if (output_producer_ == nullptr) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to select output producer";
// Success. Although we might still fail to create links to audio sources, we have successfully
// configured this capturer's mode, so we are now in the OperatingSync state.;
// Mark ourselves as routable now that we're fully configured.
FX_DCHECK(source_link_count() == 0)
<< "No links should be established before a capturer has a payload buffer";
if (loopback_) {
{.routable = true, .usage = GetStreamUsage()});
} else {
route_graph_.SetCapturerRoutingProfile(this, {.routable = true, .usage = GetStreamUsage()});
void AudioCapturerImpl::RemovePayloadBuffer(uint32_t id) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::RemovePayloadBuffer");
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "RemovePayloadBuffer is not currently supported.";
void AudioCapturerImpl::CaptureAt(uint32_t payload_buffer_id, uint32_t offset_frames,
uint32_t num_frames, CaptureAtCallback cbk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::CaptureAt");
if (payload_buffer_id != 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "payload_buffer_id must be 0 for now.";
// If something goes wrong, hang up the phone and shutdown.
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { BeginShutdown(); });
// It is illegal to call CaptureAt unless we are currently operating in
// synchronous mode.
State state = state_.load();
if (state != State::OperatingSync) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "CaptureAt called while not operating in sync mode "
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
// Buffers submitted by clients must exist entirely within the shared payload buffer, and must
// have at least some payloads in them.
uint64_t buffer_end = static_cast<uint64_t>(offset_frames) + num_frames;
if (!num_frames || (buffer_end > payload_buf_frames_)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad buffer range submitted. "
<< " offset " << offset_frames << " length " << num_frames
<< ". Shared buffer is " << payload_buf_frames_ << " frames long.";
// Allocate bookkeeping to track this pending capture operation.
auto pending_capture_buffer = PcbAllocator::New(offset_frames, num_frames, std::move(cbk));
if (pending_capture_buffer == nullptr) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate pending capture buffer!";
// Place the capture operation on the pending list.
bool wake_mixer;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
wake_mixer = pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty();
// If the pending list was empty, we need to poke the mixer.
if (wake_mixer) {
// Things went well. Cancel the cleanup timer and we are done.
void AudioCapturerImpl::ReleasePacket(fuchsia::media::StreamPacket packet) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::ReleasePacket");
// TODO(mpuryear): Implement.
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "ReleasePacket not implemented yet.";
void AudioCapturerImpl::DiscardAllPacketsNoReply() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::DiscardAllPacketsNoReply");
void AudioCapturerImpl::DiscardAllPackets(DiscardAllPacketsCallback cbk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::DiscardAllPackets");
// It is illegal to call Flush unless we are currently operating in
// synchronous mode.
State state = state_.load();
if (state != State::OperatingSync) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Flush called while not operating in sync mode "
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
// Lock and move the contents of the finished list and pending list to a temporary list. Then
// deliver the flushed buffers back to the client and send an OnEndOfStream event.
// Note: the capture thread may currently be mixing frames for the buffer at the head of the
// pending queue, when the queue is cleared. The fact that these frames were mixed will not be
// reported to the client; however, the frames will be written to the shared payload buffer.
PcbList finished;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
finished = std::move(finished_capture_buffers_);
finished.splice(finished.end(), pending_capture_buffers_);
if (!finished.is_empty()) {
if (cbk != nullptr && binding_.is_bound()) {
void AudioCapturerImpl::StartAsyncCapture(uint32_t frames_per_packet) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::StartAsyncCapture");
auto cleanup = fit::defer([this]() { BeginShutdown(); });
// To enter Async mode, we must be in Synchronous mode and not have pending buffers in flight.
State state = state_.load();
if (state != State::OperatingSync) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad state while attempting to enter async capture mode "
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
bool queues_empty;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
queues_empty = pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty() && finished_capture_buffers_.is_empty();
if (!queues_empty) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Attempted to enter async capture mode with capture buffers still in flight.";
// Sanity check the number of frames per packet the user is asking for.
// Currently our minimum frames-per-packet is 1, which is absurdly low.
// TODO(13344): Decide on a proper minimum packet size, document it, and enforce the limit here.
if (frames_per_packet == 0) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Frames per packet may not be zero.";
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_frames_ > 0);
if (frames_per_packet > (payload_buf_frames_ / 2)) {
<< "There must be enough room in the shared payload buffer (" << payload_buf_frames_
<< " frames) to fit at least two packets of the requested number of frames per packet ("
<< frames_per_packet << " frames).";
// Everything looks good...
// 1) Record the number of frames per packet we want to produce
// 2) Transition to the OperatingAsync state
// 3) Kick the work thread to get the ball rolling.
async_frames_per_packet_ = frames_per_packet;;
void AudioCapturerImpl::StopAsyncCaptureNoReply() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::StopAsyncCaptureNoReply");
void AudioCapturerImpl::StopAsyncCapture(StopAsyncCaptureCallback cbk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::StopAsyncCapture");
// To leave async mode, we must be (1) in Async mode or (2) already in Sync mode (in which case,
// there is really nothing to do but signal the callback if one was provided).
State state = state_.load();
if (state == State::OperatingSync) {
if (cbk != nullptr) {
if (state != State::OperatingAsync) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Bad state while attempting to stop async capture mode "
<< "(state = " << static_cast<uint32_t>(state) << ")";
// Stash our callback, transition to AsyncStopping, then poke the work thread to shut down.
FX_DCHECK(pending_async_stop_cbk_ == nullptr);
pending_async_stop_cbk_ = std::move(cbk);
void AudioCapturerImpl::RecomputeMinFenceTime() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::RecomputeMinFenceTime");
zx::duration cur_min_fence_time{0};
ForEachSourceLink([&cur_min_fence_time](auto& source_link) {
if (source_link.GetSource()->is_input()) {
const auto device = fbl::RefPtr<AudioDevice>::Downcast(source_link.GetSource());
auto fence_time = device->driver()->fifo_depth_duration();
cur_min_fence_time = std::max(cur_min_fence_time, fence_time);
if (min_fence_time_ != cur_min_fence_time) {
FX_VLOGS(TRACE) << "Changing min_fence_time_ (ns) from " << min_fence_time_.get() << " to "
<< cur_min_fence_time.get();
REP(SettingCapturerMinFenceTime(*this, cur_min_fence_time));
min_fence_time_ = cur_min_fence_time;
struct RbRegion {
uint32_t srb_pos; // start ring buffer pos
uint32_t len; // region length in frames
FractionalFrames<int64_t> sfrac_pts; // start fractional frame pts
// Utility functions to debug clocking in MixToIntermediate.
// Display ring-buffer region info.
void DumpRbRegions(const RbRegion* regions) {
for (auto i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (regions[i].len) {
AUD_VLOG(SPEW) << "[" << i << "] srb_pos 0x" << std::hex << regions[i].srb_pos << ", len 0x"
<< regions[i].len << ", sfrac_pts 0x" << regions[i].sfrac_pts.raw_value()
<< " (" << std::dec << regions[i].sfrac_pts.Floor() << " frames)";
} else {
AUD_VLOG(SPEW) << "[" << i << "] len 0x0";
// Display a timeline function.
void DumpTimelineFunction(const media::TimelineFunction& timeline_function) {
FX_VLOGS(SPEW) << "(TLFunction) sub/ref deltas " << timeline_function.subject_delta() << "/"
<< timeline_function.reference_delta() << ", sub/ref times "
<< timeline_function.subject_time() << "/" << timeline_function.reference_time();
// Display a ring-buffer snapshot.
void DumpRbSnapshot(const AudioDriver::RingBufferSnapshot& rb_snap) {
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, &rb_snap) << "(RBSnapshot) position_to_end_fence_frames "
<< rb_snap.position_to_end_fence_frames
<< ", end_fence_to_start_fence_frames "
<< rb_snap.end_fence_to_start_fence_frames << ", gen_id "
<< rb_snap.gen_id;
FX_VLOGS(SPEW) << "rb_snap.clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes:";
auto rb = rb_snap.ring_buffer;
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, rb_snap.ring_buffer.get())
<< "(DriverRBuf) size " << rb->size() << ", frames " << rb->frames() << ", frame_size "
<< rb->frame_size() << ", start " << static_cast<void*>(rb->virt());
// Display a mixer bookkeeping struct.
void DumpMixer(const Mixer& mixer) {
auto& mix_state = mixer.bookkeeping();
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, &mix_state) << "(Bookkeep) mixer " << &mixer << " gain " << &mix_state.gain
<< ", step_size x" << std::hex << mix_state.step_size
<< ", rate_mod/den " << std::dec << mix_state.rate_modulo << "/"
<< mix_state.denominator << " src_pos_mod "
<< mix_state.src_pos_modulo << ", src_trans_gen "
<< mix_state.source_trans_gen_id << ", dest_trans_gen "
<< mix_state.dest_trans_gen_id;
FX_VLOGS(SPEW) << "mix_state.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames:";
FX_VLOGS(SPEW) << "mix_state.clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames:";
zx_status_t AudioCapturerImpl::Process() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::Process");
while (true) {
// Start by figure out what state we are currently in for this cycle.
bool async_mode = false;
switch (state_.load()) {
// If we are still waiting for a VMO, we should not be operating right now.
case State::WaitingForVmo:
// If we are awakened while in the callback pending state, this is spurious wakeup: ignore it.
case State::AsyncStoppingCallbackPending:
return ZX_OK;
// If we were operating in async mode, but we have been asked to stop, do so now.
case State::AsyncStopping:
return ZX_OK;
case State::OperatingSync:
async_mode = false;
case State::OperatingAsync:
async_mode = true;
case State::Shutdown:
// This should be impossible. If the main message loop thread shut us down, then it should
// have shut down our mix timer before setting the state_ variable to Shutdown.
// Look at the head of the queue, determine our payload buffer position, and get to work.
void* mix_target = nullptr;
uint32_t mix_frames;
uint32_t buffer_sequence_number;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
if (!pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty()) {
auto& p = pending_capture_buffers_.front();
// This should have been established by CaptureAt; it had better still be true.
FX_DCHECK((static_cast<uint64_t>(p.offset_frames) + p.num_frames) <= payload_buf_frames_);
FX_DCHECK(p.filled_frames < p.num_frames);
// If we don't know our timeline transformation, then the next buffer we produce is
// guaranteed to be discontinuous relative to the previous one (if any).
if (!dest_frames_to_clock_mono_.invertible()) {
p.flags |= fuchsia::media::STREAM_PACKET_FLAG_DISCONTINUITY;
// If we are running, there is no way our shared buffer can get stolen out from under us.
FX_DCHECK(payload_buf_virt_ != nullptr);
uint64_t offset_bytes =
bytes_per_frame_ * static_cast<uint64_t>(p.offset_frames + p.filled_frames);
mix_target =
reinterpret_cast<void*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(payload_buf_virt_) + offset_bytes);
mix_frames = p.num_frames - p.filled_frames;
buffer_sequence_number = p.sequence_number;
} else {
if (state_.load() == State::OperatingSync) {
// If there was nothing in our pending capture buffer queue, then one of two things is true:
// 1) We are operating in synchronous mode and our user is not supplying buffers fast enough.
// 2) We are starting up in asynchronous mode and have not queued our first buffer yet.
// Either way, invalidate the frames_to_clock_mono transformation and make sure we don't have a
// wakeup timer pending. Then, if we are in synchronous mode, simply get out. If we are in
// asynchronous mode, reset our async ring buffer state, add a new pending capture buffer to the
// queue, and restart the main Process loop.
if (mix_target == nullptr) {
dest_frames_to_clock_mono_ = TimelineFunction();
frame_count_ = 0;
if (!async_mode) {
return ZX_OK;
// If we cannot queue a new pending buffer, it is a fatal error. Simply return instead of
// trying again, as we are now shutting down.
async_next_frame_offset_ = 0;
if (!QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer()) {
// If this fails, QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer should have already shut us down. Assert this.
FX_DCHECK(state_.load() == State::Shutdown);
// Establish the transform from capture frames to clock monotonic, if we haven't already.
// Ideally, if there were only one capture source and our frame rates match, we would align our
// start time exactly with a source sample boundary.
auto now = zx::clock::get_monotonic();
if (!dest_frames_to_clock_mono_.invertible()) {
// Ideally a timeline function could alter offsets without also recalculating the scale
// factor. Then we could re-establish this function without re-reducing the fps-to-nsec rate.
// Since we supply a rate that is already reduced, this should go pretty quickly.
dest_frames_to_clock_mono_ =
TimelineFunction(now.get(), frame_count_, dest_frames_to_clock_mono_rate_);
// Limit our job size to our max job size.
if (mix_frames > max_frames_per_capture_) {
mix_frames = max_frames_per_capture_;
// Figure out when we can finish the job. If in the future, wait until then.
zx::time last_frame_time =
zx::time(dest_frames_to_clock_mono_.Apply(frame_count_ + mix_frames));
if (last_frame_time.get() == TimelineRate::kOverflow) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Fatal timeline overflow in capture mixer, shutting down capture.";
if (last_frame_time > now) {
// TODO(40183): We should not assume anything about fence times for our sources. Instead, we
// should heed the actual reported fence times (FIFO depth), and the arrivals and departures
// of sources, and update this number dynamically.
// Additionally, we must be mindful that if a newly-arriving source causes our "fence time" to
// increase, we will wake up early. At wakeup time, we need to be able to detect this case and
// sleep a bit longer before mixing.
zx::time next_mix_time = last_frame_time + min_fence_time_ + kFenceTimePadding;
zx_status_t status = mix_timer_.PostForTime(mix_domain_->dispatcher(), next_mix_time);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to schedule capturer mix";
return ZX_OK;
// Mix the requested number of frames from sources to intermediate buffer, then into output.
if (!MixToIntermediate(mix_frames)) {
FX_DCHECK(output_producer_ != nullptr);
output_producer_->ProduceOutput(mix_buf_.get(), mix_target, mix_frames);
// Update the pending buffer in progress. If finished, return it to the user. If flushed (no
// pending packet, or queue head was different from what we were working on), just move on.
bool buffer_finished = false;
bool wakeup_service_thread = false;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
if (!pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty()) {
auto& p = pending_capture_buffers_.front();
if (buffer_sequence_number == p.sequence_number) {
// Update the filled status of the buffer.
p.filled_frames += mix_frames;
FX_DCHECK(p.filled_frames <= p.num_frames);
// Assign a timestamp if one has not already been assigned.
if (p.capture_timestamp == fuchsia::media::NO_TIMESTAMP) {
p.capture_timestamp = dest_frames_to_clock_mono_.Apply(frame_count_);
// If we filled the entire buffer, put it in the queue to be returned to the user.
buffer_finished = p.filled_frames >= p.num_frames;
if (buffer_finished) {
wakeup_service_thread = finished_capture_buffers_.is_empty();
} else {
// It looks like we were flushed while we were mixing. Invalidate our timeline function,
// we will re-establish it and flag a discontinuity next time we have work to do.
dest_frames_to_clock_mono_ =
TimelineFunction(now.get(), frame_count_, dest_frames_to_clock_mono_rate_);
// Update the total number of frames we have mixed so far.
frame_count_ += mix_frames;
// If we need to poke the service thread, do so.
if (wakeup_service_thread) {
[thiz = fbl::RefPtr(this)]() { thiz->FinishBuffersThunk(); });
// If in async mode, and we just finished a buffer, queue a new pending buffer (or die trying).
if (buffer_finished && async_mode && !QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer()) {
// If this fails, QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer should have already shut us down. Assert this.
FX_DCHECK(state_.load() == State::Shutdown);
} // while (true)
void AudioCapturerImpl::SetUsage(fuchsia::media::AudioCaptureUsage usage) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::SetUsage");
if (usage == usage_) {
usage_ = usage;
State state = state_.load();
this, {.routable = StateIsRoutable(state_), .usage = GetStreamUsage()});
if (state == State::OperatingAsync) {
if (state == State::OperatingSync) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
if (!pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty()) {
void AudioCapturerImpl::OverflowOccurred(FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_start,
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_mix_point,
zx::duration overflow_duration) {
TRACE_INSTANT("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::OverflowOccurred", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS);
uint16_t overflow_count = std::atomic_fetch_add<uint16_t>(&overflow_count_, 1u);
if constexpr (kLogCaptureOverflow) {
auto overflow_msec = static_cast<double>(overflow_duration.to_nsecs()) / ZX_MSEC(1);
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "CAPTURE OVERFLOW #" << overflow_count + 1 << " (1/" << kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval
<< "): source-start " << frac_source_start.raw_value() << " missed mix-point "
<< frac_source_mix_point.raw_value() << " by " << std::setprecision(4) << overflow_msec
<< " ms";
if ((kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval > 0) &&
(overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval == 0)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << stream.str();
} else if ((kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval > 0) &&
(overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval == 0)) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << stream.str();
} else if ((kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval > 0) &&
(overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval == 0)) {
FX_VLOGS(TRACE) << stream.str();
void AudioCapturerImpl::PartialOverflowOccurred(FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_offset,
int64_t dest_mix_offset) {
TRACE_INSTANT("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::PartialOverflowOccurred", TRACE_SCOPE_PROCESS);
// Slips by less than four source frames do not necessarily indicate overflow. A slip of this
// duration can be caused by the round-to-nearest-dest-frame step, when our rate-conversion
// ratio is sufficiently large (it can be as large as 4:1).
if (frac_source_offset.Absolute() >= 4) {
uint16_t partial_overflow_count = std::atomic_fetch_add<uint16_t>(&partial_overflow_count_, 1u);
if constexpr (kLogCaptureOverflow) {
std::ostringstream stream;
stream << "CAPTURE SLIP #" << partial_overflow_count + 1 << " (1/"
<< kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval << "): shifting by "
<< (frac_source_offset < 0 ? "-0x" : "0x") << std::hex
<< frac_source_offset.Absolute().raw_value() << " source subframes (" << std::dec
<< frac_source_offset.Floor() << " frames) and " << dest_mix_offset
<< " mix (capture) frames";
if ((kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval > 0) &&
(partial_overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowErrorInterval == 0)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << stream.str();
} else if ((kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval > 0) &&
(partial_overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowInfoInterval == 0)) {
FX_LOGS(INFO) << stream.str();
} else if ((kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval > 0) &&
(partial_overflow_count % kCaptureOverflowTraceInterval == 0)) {
FX_VLOGS(TRACE) << stream.str();
} else {
if constexpr (kLogCaptureOverflow) {
FX_VLOGS(TRACE) << "Slipping by " << dest_mix_offset
<< " mix (capture) frames to align with source region";
bool AudioCapturerImpl::MixToIntermediate(uint32_t mix_frames) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::MixToIntermediate");
// Snapshot our source link references, but skip packet sources (we can't sample from them yet).
FX_DCHECK(source_link_refs_.size() == 0);
ForEachSourceLink([src_link_refs = &source_link_refs_](auto& link) {
// No matter what happens here, make certain that we are not holding any link
// references in our snapshot when we are done.
// Note: We need to disable the clang static thread analysis code with this
// lambda because clang is not able to know that...
// 1) Once placed within the fit::defer, this cleanup routine cannot be
// transferred out of the scope of the MixToIntermediate function (so its
// life is bound to the scope of this function).
// 2) Because of this, the defer basically should inherit all of the thread
// analysis attributes of MixToIntermediate, including the assertion that
// MixToIntermediate is running in the mixer execution domain, which is
// what guards the source_link_refs_ member.
// For this reason, we manually disable thread analysis on the cleanup lambda.
auto release_snapshot_refs =
fit::defer([this]() FXL_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { source_link_refs_.clear(); });
// Silence our intermediate buffer.
size_t job_bytes = sizeof(mix_buf_[0]) * mix_frames * format_.channels;
std::memset(mix_buf_.get(), 0u, job_bytes);
// If our capturer is mute, we have nothing to do after filling with silence.
if (mute_ || (stream_gain_db_.load() <= fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB)) {
return true;
bool accumulate = false;
for (auto& link : source_link_refs_) {
FX_DCHECK(link->GetSource()->is_input() || link->GetSource()->is_output());
// Get a hold of our device source (we know it is a device because this is a
// ring buffer source, and ring buffer sources are always currently input
// devices) and snapshot the current state of the ring buffer.
FX_DCHECK(link->GetSource() != nullptr);
auto& device = static_cast<AudioDevice&>(*link->GetSource());
// TODO(MTWN-52): Right now, the only device without a driver is the throttle output. Sourcing a
// capturer from the throttle output would be a mistake. For now if we detect this, log a
// warning, signal error and shut down. Once this is resolved, come back and remove this.
const auto& driver = device.driver();
if (driver == nullptr) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "AudioCapturer appears to be linked to throttle output! Shutting down";
return false;
// Get our capture link mixer.
FX_DCHECK(link->mixer() != nullptr);
auto& mixer = static_cast<Mixer&>(*link->mixer());
auto& info = mixer.bookkeeping();
// If this gain scale is at or below our mute threshold, skip this source,
// as it will not contribute to this mix pass.
if (info.gain.IsSilent()) {
AUD_LOG_OBJ(INFO, &link) << "Skipping this capture source -- it is mute";
AudioDriver::RingBufferSnapshot rb_snap;
// If a driver does not have its ring buffer, or a valid clock monotonic to
// ring buffer position transformation, then there is nothing to do (at the
// moment). Just skip this source and move on to the next one.
if ((rb_snap.ring_buffer == nullptr) || (!rb_snap.clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes.invertible())) {
AUD_LOG_OBJ(INFO, &link) << "Skipping this capture source -- it isn't ready";
// Update clock transformation if needed.
UpdateTransformation(&mixer.bookkeeping(), rb_snap);
// Based on current timestamp, determine which ring buffer portions can be safely read. This
// safe area will be contiguous, although it may be split by the ring boundary. Determine the
// starting PTS of these region(s), expressed in fractional source frames.
// TODO(13688): This mix job handling is similar to sections in AudioOutput that sample from
// packet sources. Here we basically model the available ring buffer space as either 1 or 2
// packets, depending on which regions can be safely read. Re-factor so both AudioCapturer and
// AudioOutput can sample from packets and ring-buffers, sharing common logic across input mix
// pump (AudioCapturer) and output mix pump (AudioOutput).
const auto& rb = rb_snap.ring_buffer;
auto now = zx::clock::get_monotonic().get();
int64_t end_fence_frames =
// If, because of significant FIFO depth or external delay, the calculated end_fence_frames
// value is in the past, MOD it up into our ring buffer range.
while (end_fence_frames < 0) {
end_fence_frames += rb->frames();
auto start_fence_frames = end_fence_frames - rb_snap.end_fence_to_start_fence_frames;
auto rb_frames = rb->frames();
// Sometimes, because of audio input devices with large FIFO depth (or external delay),
// start_fence_frames can be negative at stream-start time. If so, bring start_fence_frames to 0
// and ensure that end_fence_frames is still within the ring range.
FX_CHECK(end_fence_frames >= 0);
start_fence_frames = std::max(start_fence_frames, 0l);
FX_DCHECK(end_fence_frames - start_fence_frames < rb_frames);
uint32_t start_frames_mod = start_fence_frames % rb_frames;
uint32_t end_frames_mod = end_fence_frames % rb_frames;
RbRegion regions[2];
if (start_frames_mod <= end_frames_mod) {
// One region
regions[0].srb_pos = start_frames_mod;
regions[0].len = end_frames_mod - start_frames_mod;
regions[0].sfrac_pts = FractionalFrames<int64_t>(start_fence_frames);
regions[1].len = 0;
} else {
// Two regions
regions[0].srb_pos = start_frames_mod;
regions[0].len = rb_frames - start_frames_mod;
regions[0].sfrac_pts = FractionalFrames<int64_t>(start_fence_frames);
regions[1].srb_pos = 0;
regions[1].len = end_frames_mod;
regions[1].sfrac_pts = regions[0].sfrac_pts + regions[0].len;
if constexpr (VERBOSE_TIMING_DEBUG) {
uint32_t frames_left = mix_frames;
float* buf = mix_buf_.get();
// Now for each of the possible regions, intersect with our job and mix.
for (const auto& region : regions) {
// If we encounter a region of zero length, we are done.
if (region.len == 0) {
// Determine the first and last sampling points of this job, in fractional source frames.
FX_DCHECK(frames_left > 0);
const auto& trans = info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames;
auto job_start =
FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(trans.Apply(frame_count_ + mix_frames - frames_left));
FractionalFrames<int64_t> job_end =
job_start + FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(trans.rate().Scale(frames_left - 1));
// Determine the PTS of the final frame of audio in our source region.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> region_last_frame_pts = region.sfrac_pts + (region.len - 1);
FractionalFrames<int64_t> rb_last_frame_pts = FractionalFrames<int64_t>(end_fence_frames - 1);
FX_DCHECK(rb_last_frame_pts >= region.sfrac_pts);
if constexpr (VERBOSE_TIMING_DEBUG) {
auto job_start_cm =
auto job_end_cm =
auto region_start_cm =
auto region_end_cm =
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << "Will mix " << job_start_cm << "-" << job_end_cm << " ("
<< std::hex << job_start.raw_value() << "-" << job_end.raw_value()
<< ")";
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << "Region " << region_start_cm << "-" << region_end_cm << " ("
<< std::hex << region.sfrac_pts.raw_value() << "-"
<< region_last_frame_pts.raw_value() << ")";
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << "Buffer " << region_start_cm << "-" << region_end_cm << " ("
<< std::hex << region.sfrac_pts.raw_value() << "-"
<< rb_last_frame_pts.raw_value() << ")";
// If this source region's final frame occurs before our filter's negative edge (centered at
// this job's first sample), this source region is entirely in the past and must be skipped.
// We have overflowed; we could have started [job_start-region_start+negative_edge] sooner.
if (region_last_frame_pts < (job_start - mixer.neg_filter_width())) {
if (rb_last_frame_pts < (job_start - mixer.neg_filter_width())) {
auto clock_mono_late =
FractionalFrames<int64_t>(job_start - rb_last_frame_pts).raw_value()));
OverflowOccurred(rb_last_frame_pts, job_start, clock_mono_late);
// Move on to the next region
// Otherwise, if this job_start is beyond this region, skip it (regardless of width)
if (region.sfrac_pts + region.len < job_start) {
// If the PTS of the first frame of audio in our source region is after
// the positive window edge of our filter centered at our job's sampling
// point, then source region is entirely in the future and we are done.
if (region.sfrac_pts > (job_end + mixer.pos_filter_width())) {
// Looks like this source region intersects our mix job (when including its filter). Compute
// where in the intermediate buffer the first produced frame will be placed, as well as where,
// relative to start of source region, the first sampling point will be.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> source_offset_64 = job_start - region.sfrac_pts;
int64_t dest_offset_64 = 0;
FractionalFrames<int64_t> first_sample_pos_window_edge = job_start + mixer.pos_filter_width();
const TimelineRate& dest_to_src = info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate();
// If source region's first frame is after filter's positive edge, skip some output frames.
if (region.sfrac_pts > first_sample_pos_window_edge) {
FractionalFrames<int64_t> src_to_skip = region.sfrac_pts - first_sample_pos_window_edge;
// In scaling our (fractional) source_offset to (integral) dest_offset, we want to "round
// up" to the next integer dest frame, but the 'scale' operation truncates any fractional
// result. ALL source_offset values have SOME fractional component except for the X.0 case.
// So to "round up" while scaling, we subtract the smallest fractional value first, then
// scale-truncate, then add one to the final result.
dest_offset_64 = dest_to_src.Inverse().Scale(src_to_skip.raw_value() - 1) + 1;
source_offset_64 += FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(dest_to_src.Scale(dest_offset_64));
PartialOverflowOccurred(source_offset_64, dest_offset_64);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset_64 >= 0);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset_64 < static_cast<int64_t>(mix_frames));
FX_DCHECK(source_offset_64 <= FractionalFrames<int32_t>::Max());
FX_DCHECK(source_offset_64 >= FractionalFrames<int32_t>::Min());
auto region_frac_frame_len = FractionalFrames<uint32_t>(region.len);
auto dest_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(dest_offset_64);
auto frac_source_offset = FractionalFrames<int32_t>(source_offset_64);
FX_DCHECK(frac_source_offset < FractionalFrames<int32_t>(region_frac_frame_len))
<< std::hex << frac_source_offset.raw_value() << " must be less than "
<< FractionalFrames<int32_t>(region_frac_frame_len).raw_value();
const uint8_t* region_source = rb->virt() + (region.srb_pos * rb->frame_size());
// Invalidate the region of the cache we are about to read, on architectures requiring it.
// TODO(35022): Optimize this. In particular...
// 1) When we have multiple clients of this ring buffer, only invalidate a section once.
// 2) If this ring buffer is not fed directly from hardware, don't invalidate cache at all.
// Also, at some point double-check that mixer filter width is accounted for properly here.
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset <= frames_left);
auto cache_target_frac_frames =
FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(dest_to_src.Scale(frames_left - dest_offset));
uint32_t cache_target_frames = cache_target_frac_frames.Ceiling();
cache_target_frames = std::min(cache_target_frames, region.len);
zx_cache_flush(region_source, cache_target_frames * rb->frame_size(),
// Looks like we are ready to go. Mix.
// TODO(13415): integrate bookkeeping into the Mixer itself.
// When calling Mix(), we communicate the resampling rate with three
// parameters. We augment frac_step_size with rate_modulo and denominator
// arguments that capture the remaining rate component that cannot be
// expressed by a 19.13 fixed-point step_size. Note: frac_step_size and
// frac_source_offset use the same format -- they have the same limitations
// in what they can and cannot communicate. This begs two questions:
// Q1: For perfect position accuracy, just as we track incoming/outgoing
// fractional source offset, wouldn't we also need a src_pos_modulo?
// A1: Yes, for optimum position accuracy (within quantization limits), we
// SHOULD incorporate the ongoing subframe_position_modulo in this way.
// For now, we are deferring this work, tracking it with MTWN-128.
// Q2: Why did we solve this issue for rate but not for initial position?
// A2: We solved this issue for *rate* because its effect accumulates over
// time, causing clearly measurable distortion that becomes crippling with
// larger jobs. For *position*, there is no accumulated magnification over
// time -- in analyzing the distortion that this should cause, mix job
// size would affect the distortion frequency but not amplitude. We expect
// the effects to be below audible thresholds. Until the effects are
// measurable and attributable to this jitter, we will defer this work.
// Update: src_pos_modulo is added to Mix(), but for now we omit it here.
bool consumed_source;
int32_t raw_source_offset = frac_source_offset.raw_value();
consumed_source =
mixer.Mix(buf, frames_left, &dest_offset, region_source,
region_frac_frame_len.raw_value(), &raw_source_offset, accumulate);
frac_source_offset = FractionalFrames<int32_t>::FromRaw(raw_source_offset);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset <= frames_left);
if (!consumed_source) {
// Looks like we didn't consume all of this region. Assert that we
// have produced all of our frames and we are done.
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset == frames_left);
buf += dest_offset * format_.channels;
frames_left -= dest_offset;
if (!frames_left) {
// We have now added something to the intermediate mix buffer. For our next
// source to process, we cannot assume that it is just silence. Set the
// accumulate flag to tell the mixer to accumulate (not overwrite).
accumulate = true;
return true;
void AudioCapturerImpl::UpdateTransformation(Mixer::Bookkeeping* info,
const AudioDriver::RingBufferSnapshot& rb_snap) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::UpdateTransformation");
FX_DCHECK(info != nullptr);
if ((info->dest_trans_gen_id == dest_frames_to_clock_mono_gen_.get()) &&
(info->source_trans_gen_id == rb_snap.gen_id)) {
FX_DCHECK(rb_snap.ring_buffer != nullptr);
FX_DCHECK(rb_snap.ring_buffer->frame_size() != 0);
TimelineRate src_bytes_to_frac_frames(FractionalFrames<int32_t>(1).raw_value(),
// This represents ring-buffer frac frames since DMA engine was started
auto clock_mono_to_ring_pos_frac_frames = TimelineFunction::Compose(
TimelineFunction(src_bytes_to_frac_frames), rb_snap.clock_mono_to_ring_pos_bytes);
info->dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames =
TimelineFunction::Compose(clock_mono_to_ring_pos_frac_frames, dest_frames_to_clock_mono_);
// Our frac source frame sampling point should lag the ring buffer DMA position by this offset.
auto offset = FractionalFrames<int64_t>(rb_snap.position_to_end_fence_frames);
info->clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames =
TimelineFunction::Compose(TimelineFunction(-offset.raw_value(), 0, TimelineRate(1u, 1u)),
int64_t tmp_step_size = info->dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate().Scale(1);
FX_DCHECK(tmp_step_size >= 0);
FX_DCHECK(tmp_step_size <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
info->step_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp_step_size);
info->denominator = info->SnapshotDenominatorFromDestTrans();
info->rate_modulo = info->dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate().subject_delta() -
(info->denominator * info->step_size);
FX_DCHECK(info->denominator > 0);
info->dest_trans_gen_id = dest_frames_to_clock_mono_gen_.get();
info->source_trans_gen_id = rb_snap.gen_id;
void AudioCapturerImpl::DoStopAsyncCapture() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::DoStopAsyncCapture");
// If this is being called, we had better be in the async stopping state.
FX_DCHECK(state_.load() == State::AsyncStopping);
// Finish all pending buffers. We should have at most one pending buffer. Don't bother to move an
// empty buffer into the finished queue. If there are any buffers in the finished queue waiting to
// be sent back to the user, make sure that the last one is flagged as the end of stream.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
if (!pending_capture_buffers_.is_empty()) {
auto buf = pending_capture_buffers_.pop_front();
// When we are in async mode, the Process method will attempt to keep
// exactly one capture buffer in flight at all times, and never any more.
// If we just popped that one buffer from the pending queue, we should be
// able to DCHECK that the queue is now empty.
if (buf->filled_frames > 0) {
// Invalidate our clock transformation (our next packet will be discontinuous)
dest_frames_to_clock_mono_ = TimelineFunction();
// If we had a timer set, make sure that it is canceled. There is no point in
// having it armed right now as we are in the process of stopping.
// Transition to the AsyncStoppingCallbackPending state, and signal the
// service thread so it can complete the stop operation.;
[thiz = fbl::RefPtr(this)]() { thiz->FinishAsyncStopThunk(); });
bool AudioCapturerImpl::QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::QueueNextAsyncPendingBuffer");
// Sanity check our async offset bookkeeping.
FX_DCHECK(async_next_frame_offset_ < payload_buf_frames_);
FX_DCHECK(async_frames_per_packet_ <= (payload_buf_frames_ / 2));
FX_DCHECK(async_next_frame_offset_ <= (payload_buf_frames_ - async_frames_per_packet_));
// Allocate bookkeeping to track this pending capture operation. If we cannot
// allocate a new pending capture buffer, it is a fatal error and we need to
// start the process of shutting down.
auto pending_capture_buffer =
PcbAllocator::New(async_next_frame_offset_, async_frames_per_packet_, nullptr);
if (pending_capture_buffer == nullptr) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate pending capture buffer during async capture mode!";
return false;
// Update our next frame offset. If the new position of the next frame offset
// does not leave enough room to produce another contiguous payload for our
// user, reset the next frame offset to zero. We made sure that we have space
// for at least two contiguous payload buffers when we started, so the worst
// case is that we will end up ping-ponging back and forth between two payload
// buffers located at the start of our shared buffer.
async_next_frame_offset_ += async_frames_per_packet_;
uint32_t next_frame_end = async_next_frame_offset_ + async_frames_per_packet_;
if (next_frame_end > payload_buf_frames_) {
async_next_frame_offset_ = 0;
// Queue the pending buffer and signal success.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
return true;
void AudioCapturerImpl::ShutdownFromMixDomain() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::ShutdownFromMixDomain");
async::PostTask(threading_model_.FidlDomain().dispatcher(), [self_ref = fbl::RefPtr(this)]() {
void AudioCapturerImpl::FinishAsyncStopThunk() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::FinishAsyncStopThunk");
// Do nothing if we were shutdown between the time that this message was
// posted to the main message loop and the time that we were dispatched.
if (state_.load() == State::Shutdown) {
// Start by sending back all of our completed buffers. Finish up by sending
// an OnEndOfStream event.
PcbList finished;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
finished = std::move(finished_capture_buffers_);
if (!finished.is_empty()) {
// If we have a valid callback to make, call it now.
if (pending_async_stop_cbk_ != nullptr) {
pending_async_stop_cbk_ = nullptr;
// All done! Transition back to the OperatingSync state.
void AudioCapturerImpl::FinishBuffersThunk() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::FinishBuffersThunk");
// Do nothing if we were shutdown between the time that this message was
// posted to the main message loop and the time that we were dispatched.
if (state_.load() == State::Shutdown) {
PcbList finished;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> pending_lock(pending_lock_);
finished = std::move(finished_capture_buffers_);
void AudioCapturerImpl::FinishBuffers(const PcbList& finished_buffers) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::FinishBuffers");
for (const auto& finished_buffer : finished_buffers) {
// If there is no callback tied to this buffer (meaning that it was generated while operating in
// async mode), and it is not filled at all, just skip it.
if ((finished_buffer.cbk == nullptr) && !finished_buffer.filled_frames) {
fuchsia::media::StreamPacket pkt;
pkt.pts = finished_buffer.capture_timestamp;
pkt.flags = finished_buffer.flags;
pkt.payload_buffer_id = 0u;
pkt.payload_offset = finished_buffer.offset_frames * bytes_per_frame_;
pkt.payload_size = finished_buffer.filled_frames * bytes_per_frame_;
REP(SendingCapturerPacket(*this, pkt));
if (finished_buffer.cbk != nullptr) {
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << "Sync -mode -- payload size:" << pkt.payload_size
<< " bytes, offset:" << pkt.payload_offset
<< " bytes, flags:" << pkt.flags << ", pts:" << pkt.pts;
} else {
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << "Async-mode -- payload size:" << pkt.payload_size
<< " bytes, offset:" << pkt.payload_offset
<< " bytes, flags:" << pkt.flags << ", pts:" << pkt.pts;;
void AudioCapturerImpl::UpdateFormat(fuchsia::media::AudioSampleFormat sample_format,
uint32_t channels, uint32_t frames_per_second) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::UpdateFormat");
// Record our new format.
FX_DCHECK(state_.load() == State::WaitingForVmo);
format_.sample_format = sample_format;
format_.channels = channels;
format_.frames_per_second = frames_per_second;
bytes_per_frame_ = channels * BytesPerSample(sample_format);
// Pre-compute the ratio between frames and clock mono ticks. Also figure out
// the maximum number of frames we are allowed to mix and capture at a time.
// Some sources (like AudioOutputs) have a limited amount of time which they
// are able to hold onto data after presentation. We need to wait until after
// presentation time to capture these frames, but if we batch up too much
// work, then the AudioOutput may have overwritten the data before we decide
// to get around to capturing it. Limiting our maximum number of frames of to
// capture to be less than this amount of time prevents this issue.
int64_t tmp;
dest_frames_to_clock_mono_rate_ = TimelineRate(ZX_SEC(1), format_.frames_per_second);
tmp = dest_frames_to_clock_mono_rate_.Inverse().Scale(kMaxTimePerCapture);
max_frames_per_capture_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp);
FX_DCHECK(tmp <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
FX_DCHECK(max_frames_per_capture_ > 0);
zx_status_t AudioCapturerImpl::ChooseMixer(const fbl::RefPtr<AudioLink>& link) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::ChooseMixer");
FX_DCHECK(link != nullptr);
const auto& source = link->GetSource();
if (!source->is_input() && !source->is_output()) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to find mixer for source of type "
<< static_cast<uint32_t>(source->type());
// Throttle outputs are the only driver-less devices. MTWN-52 is the work to
// remove this construct and have packet sources maintain pending packet
// queues, trimmed by a thread from the pool managed by the device manager.
auto& device = static_cast<AudioDevice&>(*source);
if (device.driver() == nullptr) {
// Get the driver's current format. Without one, we can't setup the mixer.
std::optional<Format> source_format = device.driver()->GetFormat();
if (!source_format) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Source driver has no configured format";
// Select a mixer.
auto mixer = Mixer::Select(source_format->stream_type(), format_);
if (!mixer) {
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Failed to find mixer for capturer.";
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Source cfg: rate " << source_format->frames_per_second() << " ch "
<< source_format->channels() << " sample fmt "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(source_format->sample_format());
FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Dest cfg : rate " << format_.frames_per_second << " ch "
<< format_.channels << " sample fmt "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(format_.sample_format);
// The Gain object contains multiple stages. In capture, device (or
// master) gain is "source" gain and stream gain is "dest" gain.
// First, set the source gain -- based on device gain.
if (device.is_input()) {
// Initialize the source gain, from (Audio Input) device settings.
fuchsia::media::AudioDeviceInfo device_info;
const auto muted = device_info.gain_info.flags & fuchsia::media::AudioGainInfoFlag_Mute;
muted ? fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB
: std::clamp(device_info.gain_info.gain_db, Gain::kMinGainDb, Gain::kMaxGainDb));
// Else (if device is an Audio Output), use default SourceGain (Unity). Device
// gain has already been applied "on the way down" during the render mix.
return ZX_OK;
void AudioCapturerImpl::BindGainControl(
fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::media::audio::GainControl> request) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::BindGainControl");
gain_control_bindings_.AddBinding(this, std::move(request));
void AudioCapturerImpl::SetGain(float gain_db) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::SetGain");
// Before setting stream_gain_db_, we should always perform this range check.
if ((gain_db < fuchsia::media::audio::MUTED_GAIN_DB) ||
(gain_db > fuchsia::media::audio::MAX_GAIN_DB) || isnan(gain_db)) {
FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "SetGain(" << gain_db << " dB) out of range.";
// If the incoming SetGain request represents no change, we're done
// (once we add gain ramping, this type of check isn't workable).
if (stream_gain_db_ == gain_db) {
REP(SettingCapturerGain(*this, gain_db));;
void AudioCapturerImpl::SetMute(bool mute) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::SetMute");
// If the incoming SetMute request represents no change, we're done.
if (mute_ == mute) {
REP(SettingCapturerMute(*this, mute));
mute_ = mute;
void AudioCapturerImpl::NotifyGainMuteChanged() {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "AudioCapturerImpl::NotifyGainMuteChanged");
// Consider making these events disable-able like MinLeadTime.
for (auto& gain_binding : gain_control_bindings_.bindings()) {
gain_binding->events().OnGainMuteChanged(stream_gain_db_, mute_);
} // namespace media::audio