blob: 02eeaa050771fc7074001c83e49572057fc5639d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import fileinput
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
SCRIPTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(SCRIPT_DIR)
FUCHSIA_ROOT = os.path.dirname(SCRIPTS_DIR)
FX = os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, 'fx')
SCRIPT_LABEL = '//' + os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(__file__),
class Type(object):
DRIVER = 'zx_driver'
EXECUTABLE = 'zx_executable'
TEST = 'zx_test'
TEST_DRIVER = 'zx_test_driver'
Type.DRIVER: 'driver_module',
Type.EXECUTABLE: 'executable',
Type.TEST: 'test',
Type.TEST_DRIVER: 'driver_module',
def run_command(command):
return subprocess.check_output(command, cwd=FUCHSIA_ROOT)
def locate_build_files(base):
result = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(FUCHSIA_ROOT, 'zircon',
'system', base)):
for file in files:
if file == '':
result.append(os.path.join(root, file))
return result
def transform_build_file(build):
# First pass: identify contents of the build file.
binaries = []
has_test_binaries = False
has_drivers = False
binary_types = BINARY_TYPES.keys()
unclear_types = ['library']
n_lines = 0
with open(build, 'r') as build_file:
lines = build_file.readlines()
n_lines = len(lines)
for line in lines:
match = re.match(r'\A([^\(]+)\("([^"]+)"\)', line)
if match:
type, name = match.groups()
if type in binary_types:
if type == Type.TEST:
has_test_binaries = True
if type == Type.DRIVER or type == Type.TEST_DRIVER:
has_drivers = True
if type in unclear_types:
print('Warning: target ' + name + ' of type ' + type + ' '
'needs to be manually converted.')
# Second pass: rewrite contents to match GN build standards.
imports_added = False
for line in fileinput.FileInput(build, inplace=True):
# Apply required edits.
# Update target types.
starting_type = ''
for type in binary_types:
new_type_line = line.replace(type, BINARY_TYPES[type])
if new_type_line != line:
starting_type = type
line = new_type_line
# Remove references to libzircon.
if '$zx/system/ulib/zircon' in line:
line = ''
# Update references to libraries.
line = line.replace('$zx/system/ulib', '//zircon/public/lib')
# Update references to Zircon in general.
line = line.replace('$zx', '//zircon')
# Print the line, if any content is left.
if line:
# Insert required imports at the start of the file.
if not line.strip() and not imports_added:
imports_added = True
sys.stdout.write('# Though under //zircon, this build file #\n')
sys.stdout.write('# is meant to be used in the Fuchsia GN #\n')
sys.stdout.write('# build. #\n')
sys.stdout.write('# See fxb/36139. #\n')
sys.stdout.write('assert(!defined(zx) || zx != "/", "This file can only be used in the Fuchsia GN build.")\n')
if has_drivers:
if has_test_binaries:
# Add extra parameters to tests.
if starting_type == Type.TEST:
sys.stdout.write(' # Dependent manifests unfortunately cannot be marked as `testonly`.\n')
sys.stdout.write(' # Remove when converting this file to proper GN build idioms.\n')
sys.stdout.write(' testonly = false\n')
if starting_type == Type.TEST_DRIVER:
sys.stdout.write(' test = true\n')
if starting_type in [Type.DRIVER, Type.TEST_DRIVER]:
sys.stdout.write(' defines = [ "_ALL_SOURCE" ]\n')
sys.stdout.write(' configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:enable_zircon_asserts" ]\n')
sys.stdout.write(' configs -= [ "//build/config/fuchsia:no_cpp_standard_library" ]\n')
sys.stdout.write(' configs += [ "//build/config/fuchsia:static_cpp_standard_library" ]\n')
if starting_type in [Type.EXECUTABLE, Type.TEST]:
sys.stdout.write(' configs += [ "//build/unification/config:zircon-migrated" ]\n')
# Third pass: add manifest targets at the end of the file.
with open(build, 'a') as build_file:
for binary in binaries:
build_file.write('migrated_manifest("' + binary + '-manifest") {\n')
build_file.write(' deps = [\n')
build_file.write(' ":' + binary + '",\n')
build_file.write(' ]\n')
# Format the file.
run_command([FX, 'format-code', '--files=' + build])
return 0
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Moves a binary from ZN to GN.')
help='The binary under //zircon/system to migrate, '
'e.g. uapp/audio, utest/fit, dev/bus/pci')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Check that the fuchsia.git tree is clean.
diff = run_command(['git', 'status', '--porcelain'])
if diff:
print('Please make sure your tree is clean before running this script')
return 1
# Identify the affected build files.
build_files = locate_build_files(args.binary)
if not build_files:
print('Error: could not find any files for ' + args.binary)
return 1
# Confirm with the user that these are the files they want to convert.
print('The following build file(s) will be converted:')
for file in build_files:
print(' - ' + os.path.relpath(file, FUCHSIA_ROOT))
go_ahead = raw_input('Proceed? (Y/n) ').lower().strip()
if go_ahead != 'y' and go_ahead != '':
print('User disagrees, exiting')
return 0
# Convert the build files.
for file in build_files:
# Create a commit.
id = args.binary.replace('/', '_')
run_command(['git', 'checkout', '-b', 'gn-move-' + id, 'JIRI_HEAD'])
run_command(['git', 'add', '.'])
message = [
'[unification] Move //zircon/system/' + args.binary + ' to the GN build',
'Generated with: ' + SCRIPT_LABEL,
'Bug: 36139'
commit_command = ['git', 'commit', '-a']
for line in message:
commit_command += ['-m', line]
print('Base change is ready. Please attempt to build a full system to '
'identify further required changes.')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':