blob: 6ce89a099387ea3eff9a609d54f921949434800d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace benchmarking {
// A context in which benchmarks are run. Expected usage is a layer/domain
// specific wrapper binary creating a |BenchmarksRunner| from command line
// arguments supplied by a buildbot recipe, adding all desired benchmarks via
// the |BenchmarksRunner::Add*| methods, and then calling
// |BenchmarksRunner::Finish|. See the //garnet/tests/benchmarks package for
// example usage.
class BenchmarksRunner {
// Create a new |BenchmarksRunner| using arguments supplied via buildbot.
static std::optional<BenchmarksRunner> Create(int argc, const char** argv);
BenchmarksRunner(const BenchmarksRunner&) = delete;
void operator=(const BenchmarksRunner&) = delete;
BenchmarksRunner(BenchmarksRunner&&) = default;
BenchmarksRunner& operator=(BenchmarksRunner&&) = default;
// Add a benchmark of name |name| that is specified by a tspec file located
// at |tspec_file|.
// This corresponds to running something like:
// $ trace record \
// --spec-file=<tspec_file> \
// --benchmark-results-file=/tmp/example.json
// --test-suite=<test_suite> (optional)
void AddTspecBenchmark(const std::string& name, const std::string& tspec_file,
const std::string& test_suite = "");
// Add a benchmark of name |name|, specified by |libperftest_binary|, which
// is a path to the binary that runs a libperftest benchmark. |extra_args|
// is a list of extra arguments (in addition to standard libperftest
// arguments) to be passed to the libperftest binary.
// This corresponds to running something like:
// $ <libperf_binary> -p --out=/tmp/example.json
void AddLibPerfTestBenchmark(const std::string& name, const std::string& libperftest_binary,
const std::vector<std::string>& extra_args = {});
// Add a custom benchmark of name |name| that is an arbitrary command. After
// running, |command| is expected to output a Fuchsia benchmarking output
// file at path |results_file|.
void AddCustomBenchmark(const std::string& name, const std::vector<std::string>& command,
const std::string& results_file);
// Add a custom, non-benchmark task to be executed by the
// |BenchmarksRunner|. For example, one might want to dump additional debug
// information in between benchmarks, such as listing block devices.
void AddTask(std::function<void()> task);
// Run all benchmarks and tasks that were previously added. After that,
// produce a summary file of benchmarks that were run, which lists all of
// the benchmarks that ran, along with their results.
void Finish();
// Create a unique filename to which a test can write its perf results
// (in Fuchsia's JSON perf results format). The filename will include
// the appropriate filename extension. For readability, the filename
// will include the given test name.
// This is intended to be used by custom benchmarks (see
// |AddCustomBenchmark|), which need to specify an output file that
// contains results from running the benchmark.
std::string MakePerfResultsOutputFilename(const std::string& test_name);
// This is currently only exposed for temporary logic in the garnet
// filesystem benchmarks. Please do not use this unless you really need it.
std::string benchmarks_bot_name() const { return benchmarks_bot_name_; }
enum class SummaryEntryResult {
BenchmarksRunner() = default;
// Records the result of running a benchmark in the summary.
// |name|: The name of the benchmark.
// |result_file|: Path to the results file, relative to |out_dir_|.
// |result|: Whether the benchmark succeeded or failed.
void WriteSummaryEntry(const std::string& name, const std::string& results_file,
SummaryEntryResult result);
std::deque<std::function<void()>> tasks_;
int next_temp_file_index_ = 0;
// A string of JSON objects representing benchmark results. The contents of
// this string are written to a `summary.json` file after all benchmarks
// have run. Infra uses this file when running benchmarks on hardware as a
// sort of manifest. It indicates which tests ran, where their output files
// are located, and whether a test passed or failed. Each added benchmark
// records results to this summary. The summary's schema is defined at:
std::string benchmark_summaries_;
// Whether any errors occurred while running benchmarks or executing tasks.
bool got_errors_ = false;
std::string out_dir_;
std::vector<std::string> catapult_converter_args_;
std::string benchmarks_bot_name_;
// Spawn and block on |command| (via |fdio_spawn|), returning its exit status.
int Spawn(const std::vector<std::string>& command);
} // namespace benchmarking