blob: 157953108b4467da58e09046db39a05b63474d91 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
config("frame_pointers") {
cflags = [ "-fno-omit-frame-pointer" ]
ldflags = cflags
declare_args() {
# Default [AddressSanitizer](
# options (before the `ASAN_OPTIONS` environment variable is read at
# runtime). This can be set as a build argument to affect most "asan"
# variants in `known_variants` (which see), or overridden in
# toolchain_args in one of those variants. Note that setting this
# nonempty may conflict with programs that define their own
# `__asan_default_options` C function.
asan_default_options = ""
# Default [UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer](
# options (before the `UBSAN_OPTIONS` environment variable is read at
# runtime). This can be set as a build argument to affect most "ubsan"
# variants in `known_variants` (which see), or overridden in
# toolchain_args in one of those variants. Note that setting this
# nonempty may conflict with programs that define their own
# `__ubsan_default_options` C function.
ubsan_default_options = "print_stacktrace=1"
variant("asan") {
common_flags = [ "-fsanitize=address" ]
# ASan wants frame pointers because it captures stack traces
# on allocations and such, not just on errors.
configs = [ ":frame_pointers" ]
if (asan_default_options != "") {
deps = [
if (asan_default_options != "") {
source_set("asan_default_options") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [
defines = [ "ASAN_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=\"${asan_default_options}\"" ]
# On Fuchsia, the ASan runtime is dynamically linked and needs to have
# the __asan_default_options symbol exported. On systems where the
# ASan runtime is statically linked, it doesn't matter either way.
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
variant("ubsan") {
common_flags = [ "-fsanitize=undefined" ]
if ( == "asan-ubsan") {
ldflags = [ "-Wl,-dynamic-linker,asan-ubsan/" ]
if (ubsan_default_options != "") {
deps = [
if (ubsan_default_options != "") {
source_set("ubsan_default_options") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [
defines = [ "UBSAN_DEFAULT_OPTIONS=\"${ubsan_default_options}\"" ]
# On Fuchsia, the UBSan runtime is dynamically linked and needs to have
# the __ubsan_default_options symbol exported. On systems where the
# UBSan runtime is statically linked, it doesn't matter either way.
configs -= [ "//build/config:symbol_visibility_hidden" ]
variant("fuzzer") {
common_flags = [ "-fsanitize=fuzzer" ]
# TODO (TC-251): This shouldn't be necessary, but libzircon isn't currently
# linked into libFuzzer on Fuchsia.
if (is_fuchsia) {
libs = [ "zircon" ]
variant("sancov") {
common_flags = [ "-fsanitize-coverage=trace-pc-guard" ]