blob: 833f6f69661ed3a04329a7506711ba8f45a61bed [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Define a library in //zircon/public/lib/$target_name/
# zircon_library() is invoked by files copied from based on
# "$zircon_root_build_dir/legacy-$target_cpu.json" entries generated by
# Zircon library() targets with $sdk set. They provide the deps API for
# Fuchsia targets to depend on Zircon libraries, which are either used as
# binaries previously built by Zircon, or built in Fuchsia from source.
# Parameters
# deps, public_deps
# Optional: Dependencies for the target. $deps is only relevant for
# source libraries. $public_deps reflects header dependencies.
# Type: list(label matching "//zircon/public/lib/*")
# dir
# Required: Source-absolute path to library's source directory in //zircon.
# Type: dir
# sources
# Optional: If present, publish library as source with these files.
# Type: list(file)
# libs
# Optional: If present, publish library as prebuilt with these files.
# Type: list(path relative to $zircon_root_build_dir)
# include_dirs
# Required: The directory prefix where $headers are found.
# Type: singleton list(path relative to $zircon_root_build_dir)
# headers
# Required: List of header files to copy into the SDK.
# Type: list(path relative to ${include_dirs[0]})
# publishable
# Optional: Whether the library is eligible for addition to SDKs.
# Type: bool
# Default: false
# Either $sources or $libs must be present.
template("zircon_library") {
library = target_name
include = rebase_path(invoker.include_dirs, ".", zircon_root_build_dir)
assert(include == [ include[0] ])
library_headers = rebase_path(invoker.headers, ".", include[0])
# Zircon targets depend explicitly on $zx/system/ulib/zircon, but in
# legacy Fuchsia GN there is no //zircon/public/lib/zircon and instead
# it's available implicitly in the sysroot via `libs = [ "zircon" ]`.
library_deps = []
library_public_deps = []
library_libs = []
if (defined(invoker.deps)) {
library_deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
library_public_deps = invoker.public_deps
if (library_deps + [ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ] -
[ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ] != library_deps) {
library_deps -= [ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ]
library_libs += [ "zircon" ]
if (library_public_deps + [ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ] -
[ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ] != library_public_deps) {
library_public_deps -= [ "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" ]
library_libs += [ "zircon" ]
is_prebuilt = defined(invoker.libs)
zx_lib_dirs = []
zx_libs = []
if (is_prebuilt) {
# A prebuilt binary (either static .a or shared .so, doesn't matter)
# has nothing to do but bring in the config() for its `libs`.
type = "group"
# Rust targets use -L... -lfoo instead of explicit files. So they
# need to collect the -L list via metadata, and directories on that
# list needs to hold exact names or libfoo.a for -lfoo.
foreach(file, invoker.libs) {
if (get_path_info(file, "extension") == "so" ||
get_path_info(file, "extension") == "a") {
zx_lib_dirs += [ rebase_path(get_path_info(file, "dir"),
zircon_root_build_dir) ]
zx_libs += [ get_path_info(file, "name") ]
} else {
file = rebase_path(file, "", zircon_root_build_dir)
write_file("$target_gen_dir/lib$", [ "INPUT($file)" ])
zx_lib_dirs += [ rebase_path(target_gen_dir) ]
zx_libs += [ library ]
if (defined(invoker.lib_dirs)) {
zx_lib_dirs += rebase_path(invoker.lib_dirs, "", zircon_root_build_dir)
} else {
# A source library is always built for static linking only.
# The invoker (i.e. the JSON) specifies `sources`.
type = "static_library"
# A library() always an include/ directory dependents must use.
# A prebuilt library() (`sdk != "source"`) has a library they must link in.
config("$library.config") {
include_dirs = include
if (is_fuchsia) {
libs = library_libs
# Rust targets ignore lib_dirs and libs and can't handle explicit
# files as link inputs. Instead they require -Lnative=... and -l...
# switches as the only way to find non-Rust link inputs.
rustflags = []
foreach(dir, zx_lib_dirs) {
rustflags += [ "-Lnative=$dir" ]
foreach(lib, zx_libs) {
rustflags += [ "-l$lib" ]
} else {
if (defined(invoker.libs) && invoker.libs != []) {
assert(is_fuchsia, "Prebuilt $library used for host")
libs += rebase_path(invoker.libs, ".", zircon_root_build_dir)
migrated_manifest_lines = []
if (is_prebuilt) {
foreach(file, invoker.install) {
if (get_path_info(file.dest, "dir") == "dist") {
file_name = get_path_info(file.dest, "file")
location =
rebase_path(file.source, root_build_dir, zircon_root_build_dir)
migrated_manifest_lines += [ "lib/$file_name=$location" ]
target(type, library) {
public_configs = [ ":$library.config" ]
deps = library_deps
public_deps = library_public_deps
if (!is_fuchsia) {
public_deps += [ "//zircon/system/public" ]
metadata = {
if (zx_lib_dirs != []) {
metadata.zircon_lib_dirs = zx_lib_dirs
if (migrated_manifest_lines != []) {
metadata.migrated_manifest_lines = migrated_manifest_lines
# TODO(fxb/41298): This is a temporary change to activate writing the
# v1 FIDL wire-format selectively. Remove this when all bindings start
# writing v1 wire-format by default.
if (library == "fidl_base" && type == "static_library" &&
fidl_write_v1_wireformat) {
# Tests migrated from the Zircon build depend on libraries exposed in
# //zircon/public/lib. However, these tests cannot be marked as "testonly"
# for legacy reasons (in short: the -many- targets that transitively depend
# on them via manifests are not testonly). Rather than introduce a huge
# number of testonly markers everywhere, we disable it here, knowing that
# we can and should reintroduce it when these libraries are migrated away
# from the Zircon build. This seems like an acceptable compromise given that
# the vast majority of these libraries do not have the marker anyways.
testonly = false
if (defined(invoker.publishable) && invoker.publishable) {
verify_pragma_once("$library-cpp_pragma") {
headers = library_headers
lib_to_extract_symbols = ""
foreach(file, invoker.install) {
if (get_path_info(file.dest, "dir") == "lib") {
# TODO(DX-688): formulate a policy around and handle static archives
if (get_path_info(file.dest, "extension") != "a") {
assert(lib_to_extract_symbols == "",
"There should be only one entry under lib")
lib_to_extract_symbols = file.source
if (lib_to_extract_symbols != "") {
lib_name = library
generated_symbols_file = "$target_gen_dir/$lib_name.symbols.api"
reference_symbols_file = "//sdk/lib/$lib_name/$lib_name.symbols.api"
extract_public_symbols("$library-extract_public_symbols") {
library = rebase_path(lib_to_extract_symbols, "", zircon_root_build_dir)
# No dependencies, since all of Zircon has been built
symbols = generated_symbols_file
verify_public_symbols("$library-verify_public_symbols") {
current = generated_symbols_file
reference = reference_symbols_file
library_name = "(zircon) ${lib_name}"
deps = [
is_shared = false
if (invoker.install != []) {
_debug = invoker.debug
installed_binaries = {
if (_debug != []) {
assert(_debug == [ _debug[0] ])
debug = rebase_path(_debug[0], "", zircon_root_build_dir)
foreach(file, invoker.install) {
if (get_path_info(file.dest, "dir") == "dist") {
installed_binaries.dist = "arch/$target_cpu/${file.dest}"
file_name = get_path_info(file.dest, "file")
installed_binaries.dist_path = "lib/$file_name"
} else if (get_path_info(file.dest, "dir") == "lib") { = "arch/$target_cpu/${file.dest}"
is_shared = get_path_info(, "extension") == "so"
_sdk_deps = []
if (!is_shared && defined(invoker.deps)) {
_sdk_deps += invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
_sdk_deps += invoker.public_deps
# De-duplicate.
sdk_deps = []
foreach(label, _sdk_deps) {
sdk_deps += [ label ]
sdk_deps -= [ label ]
sdk_deps += [ label ]
_lib_deps = []
_fidl_deps = []
_banjo_deps = []
foreach(label, sdk_deps) {
if (get_path_info(get_path_info(label, "dir"), "name") == "fidl") {
_fidl_deps += [ get_path_info(get_label_info(label, "dir"), "name") ]
} else if (get_path_info(get_path_info(label, "dir"), "name") ==
"banjo") {
_banjo_deps += [ get_path_info(get_label_info(label, "dir"), "name") ]
} else {
_lib_deps += [ get_path_info(get_label_info(label, "dir"), "name") ]
# Zircon targets depend explicitly on $zx/system/ulib/zircon, but in
# legacy Fuchsia GN there is no //zircon/public/lib/zircon and instead
# it's available implicitly in the sysroot via `libs = [ "zircon" ]`.
# zircon-internal is a header-only library used by some static libraries.
_lib_deps += [
_lib_deps -= [
pkg = "pkg/$library"
sdk_metadata = {
name = library
root = pkg
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
type = "cc_source_library"
} else {
type = "cc_prebuilt_library"
include_dir = "$pkg/include"
headers = rebase_path(invoker.headers, "//", "//$pkg/include")
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
sources = rebase_path(rebase_path(invoker.sources, invoker.source_dir),
deps = _lib_deps
if (invoker.install == []) {
banjo_deps = _banjo_deps
fidl_deps = _fidl_deps
} else {
if (is_shared) {
format = "shared"
} else if (get_path_info(, "extension") == "a") {
format = "static"
binaries = {
if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
arm64 = installed_binaries
} else if (target_cpu == "x64") {
x64 = installed_binaries
sdk_atom("${library}_sdk") {
id = "sdk://pkg/$library"
category = "partner"
meta = {
dest = "$pkg/meta.json"
schema = sdk_metadata.type
if (invoker.debug == []) {
value = sdk_metadata
} else {
source = "$target_out_dir/$library.meta.out.json"
non_sdk_deps = [ ":$library-cpp_pragma" ]
if (lib_to_extract_symbols != "") {
non_sdk_deps += [ ":$library-verify_public_symbols" ]
if (invoker.debug != []) {
non_sdk_deps += [ ":$library-meta" ]
file_list = "$target_out_dir/$library.debug.manifest"
deps = []
foreach(dep, _sdk_deps) {
if (dep != "//zircon/public/lib/zircon" &&
dep != "//zircon/public/lib/zircon-internal") {
full_label = get_label_info(dep, "label_no_toolchain")
sdk_dep = "${full_label}_sdk"
deps += [ sdk_dep ]
files = []
api_contents = []
foreach(file, library_headers) {
api_contents += [
source = file
dest = "$pkg/include/" + rebase_path(file, include[0])
files += api_contents
if (api_contents != []) {
api = "//sdk/lib/$library/$library.api"
if (defined(invoker.sources)) {
foreach(file, invoker.sources) {
files += [
source = file
dest = "$pkg/" + rebase_path(file, invoker.source_dir)
foreach(file, invoker.install) {
files += [
source = rebase_path(file.source, "", zircon_root_build_dir)
dest = "arch/$target_cpu/${file.dest}"
if (invoker.debug != []) {
write_file("$target_gen_dir/$", sdk_metadata, "json")
action("$library-meta") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
script = "//build/zircon/"
sources = [
outputs = [
args = [
"--input=" + rebase_path(sources[0], root_build_dir),
"--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"--manifest=" + rebase_path(outputs[1], root_build_dir),
} else {
not_needed([ "library_headers" ])
} # defined(invoker.publishable) && invoker.publishable