blob: 626edb061a3b6b0860afd767262ddd9eccb956fe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Path to manifest file containing data to place into the initial /data
# partition.
data_partition_manifest = ""
# Whether to build the netboot zbi by default.
# You can still build //build/images:netboot explicitly even if enable_netboot is false.
enable_netboot = false
# A list of labels for meta packages to be included in the monolith.
meta_package_labels = []
# arguments to fx flash script
zircon_a_partition = ""
zircon_b_partition = ""
zircon_r_partition = ""
vbmeta_a_partition = ""
vbmeta_b_partition = ""
vbmeta_r_partition = ""
active_partition = ""
signed_image = false
fastboot_product = ""
pre_erase_flash = false
# Whether to include images necessary to run Fuchsia in QEMU in build
# archives.
add_qemu_to_build_archives = false
# Additional bootserver args to add to New uses of this should be
# added with caution, and ideally discussion. The present use case is to
# enable throttling of netboot when specific network adapters are combined
# with specific boards, due to driver and hardware challenges.
additional_bootserver_arguments = ""
# Whether to perform check on the build's eligibility for production.
# If true, base_packages and cache_packages are checked against dependencies
# on :non_production_tag, which is used to tag any non-production GN labels.
# Build will fail if such dependency is found.
check_production_eligibility = false
meta_package_labels != [],
"Missing meta_package_labels. Are you using a supported product configuration? " + "Check your file for an import of a product configuration, and consider " + "using one of the products in the `//products` or `//vendor/*/products` directories.")
assert(custom_signing_script == "" || !use_vboot,
"custom_signing_script and use_vboot cannot be used together!")
!include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta || use_vbmeta,
"include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta cannot be used if use_vbmeta is not set!")
# update_manifest is for the "update.manifest" target below.
update_manifest = []
# Dependencies for all image targets referenced by paver_targets, i.e., the
# images needed by the generated pave and netboot scripts.
default_image_deps = []
board_name_file = "$root_build_dir/board_name"
write_file(board_name_file, "${board_name}")
group("meta_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = meta_package_labels
group("base_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
if (check_production_eligibility) {
assert_no_deps = [ ":non_production_tag" ]
group("cache_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
if (check_production_eligibility) {
assert_no_deps = [ ":non_production_tag" ]
group("universe_packages") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
public_deps = [
group("packages") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
if (enable_netboot || bootfs_only) {
data_deps = [
template("package_list") {
generated_file(target_name) {
testonly = true
data_keys = [ "package_names" ]
walk_keys = [ "package_barrier" ]
outputs = [
package_list("base_packages.list") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
package_list("cache_packages.list") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
package_list("universe_packages.list") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
group("package_lists") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
config_package("config-data") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
shell_commands("shell-commands") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
deps = [
### Fuchsia system image. This aggregates contributions from all the
### package() targets enabled in the build.
if (!bootfs_only) {
monolith_meta_far_merkle_index =
package_metadata_list("monolith_meta_far_merkle_index") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "meta_far_merkle_index_entries" ]
deps = [
# The pkgsvr index is a manifest mapping `package_name/package_version` to
# the merkleroot of the package's meta.far file.
pkgsvr_index = "$target_out_dir/pkgsvr_index"
action("pkgsvr_index") {
visibility = [
testonly = true
outputs = [
deps = [
inputs = [
script = "//build/images/"
args = [
rebase_path(monolith_meta_far_merkle_index, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
preinstall_meta_far_merkle_index =
package_metadata_list("preinstall_meta_far_merkle_index") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "meta_far_merkle_index_entries" ]
deps = [
# The cache index is another manifest mapping `package_name/package_version` to
# the merkleroot of the package's meta.far file, only for cache packages
cache_index = "$target_out_dir/cache_index"
action("cache_index") {
visibility = [ ":system_image.manifest" ]
testonly = true
outputs = [
deps = [
inputs = [
script = "//build/images/"
args = [
rebase_path(preinstall_meta_far_merkle_index, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# The /boot and /system manifests have to be generated in concert. Things
# like drivers going into /system can affect what needs to go into /boot.
boot_manifest = "$target_out_dir/boot.manifest"
system_image_manifest_args = "system_image.manifest_args"
system_image_manifest_args_path = target_gen_dir + "/system_image.manifest_args"
generated_file(system_image_manifest_args) {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "system_image_rsps" ]
walk_keys = [ "package_barrier" ]
deps = [
# The system_image "package" manifest is everything that appears in /system.
generate_manifest("system_image.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
if (bootfs_only) {
output_name = get_path_info(boot_manifest, "file")
zircon_groups = "all"
} else {
# Create the /boot manifest that gets packed into BOOTFS in the ZBI.
# /system manifest files can assume that the /boot files are visible at
# runtime, so dependencies already in /boot won't be copied into /system.
bootfs_manifest = boot_manifest
bootfs_zircon_groups = "all"
# Collect whatever we want from Zircon that didn't go into /boot.
zircon_groups = ""
# Now each package() target in the build contributes manifest entries.
# For system_image packages, these contain binaries that need their
# references resolved from the auxiliary manifests or /boot (above).
deps = [
":" + system_image_manifest_args,
sources = [
args = [ "@" + rebase_path(system_image_manifest_args_path, root_build_dir) ]
if (!bootfs_only) {
args += [ "--entry-manifest=" +
get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_no_toolchain") ]
# Add the meta/package JSON file that makes this the "system_image" package.
json = "system_meta_package.json"
sources += [ json ]
args += [ "--entry=meta/package=" + rebase_path(json, root_build_dir) ]
# Add the static packages (pkgsvr) index.
deps += [ ":pkgsvr_index" ]
sources += [ pkgsvr_index ]
args += [ "--entry=data/static_packages=" +
rebase_path(pkgsvr_index, root_build_dir) ]
# Add the cache packages index.
deps += [ ":cache_index" ]
sources += [ cache_index ]
args += [ "--entry=data/cache_packages=" +
rebase_path(cache_index, root_build_dir) ]
system_manifest_outputs = get_target_outputs(":system_image.manifest")
if (bootfs_only) {
assert(boot_manifest == system_manifest_outputs[0])
} else {
assert(boot_manifest == system_manifest_outputs[2])
system_build_id_map = system_manifest_outputs[1]
# The prime version of the system_image has an extra "dummy" file.
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
action("system_image_prime.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = [
deps = [
sources = system_manifest_outputs + [
args = [
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"meta/package={target}=" +
rebase_path("system_image_prime_meta_package.json", root_build_dir),
rebase_path(system_manifest_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"data/dummy/example.txt=" +
rebase_path("dummy/example.txt", root_build_dir),
if (!bootfs_only) {
# Generate, sign, and seal the system_image package file.
pm_build_package("system_image.meta") {
package_name = "system_image"
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
manifest = ":system_image.manifest"
# Now generate the blob manifest. This lists all the source files
# that need to go into the blobfs image. That is everything from the
# system_image manifest, everything from each package manifest, and
# all the synthesized meta.far files.
blob_manifest = "$root_build_dir/blob.manifest"
collect_blob_manifest("blob.manifest") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
outputs = [
deps = [
blob_image_path = "$target_out_dir/blob.blk"
rebased_blob_image_path = rebase_path(blob_image_path, root_build_dir)
# Pack up all the blobs!
zircon_tool_action("blob.blk") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
deps = [
blob_size_list = "$root_build_dir/blob.sizes"
outputs = [
# This should be an output too, but the generate_fvm template assumes that all
# outputs of these actions are inputs to the fvm tool.
# blob_size_list
depfile = blob_image_path + ".d"
inputs = [
tool = "blobfs"
args = [
rebase_path(blob_size_list, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(blob_image_path, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(blob_manifest, root_build_dir),
metadata = {
images = [
name = "blob"
path = rebased_blob_image_path
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_BLOB_RAW=$rebased_blob_image_path" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":blob.blk" ]
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
if (!bootfs_only) {
pm_build_package("system_image_prime.meta") {
package_name = "system_image_prime"
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
manifest = ":system_image_prime.manifest"
### Zircon Boot Images
declare_args() {
# List of arguments to add to /boot/config/devmgr.
# These come after synthesized arguments to configure blobfs and pkgfs.
devmgr_config = []
# List of kernel command line arguments to bake into the boot image.
# See also [kernel_cmdline](/docs/reference/kernel/ and
# [`devmgr_config`](#devmgr_config).
kernel_cmdline_args = []
# Files containing additional kernel command line arguments to bake into
# the boot image. The contents of these files (in order) come after any
# arguments directly in [`kernel_cmdline_args`](#kernel_cmdline_args).
# These can be GN `//` source pathnames or absolute system pathnames.
kernel_cmdline_files = []
# List of extra manifest entries for files to add to the BOOTFS.
# Each entry can be a "TARGET=SOURCE" string, or it can be a scope
# with `sources` and `outputs` in the style of a copy() target:
# `outputs[0]` is used as `TARGET` (see `gn help source_expansion`).
bootfs_extra = []
# (deprecated) List of kernel images to include in the update (OTA) package.
# If no list is provided, all built kernels are included. The names in the
# list are strings that must match the filename to be included in the update
# package.
update_kernels = []
# Prebuilt bootloader image to be included into update (OTA) package and
# paving process.
bootloader_prebuilt = ""
# HW revision of the bootloader to be included into OTA package and paving
# process.
bootloader_hw_revision = ""
# Copy the QEMU kernel from the Zircon build directory to keep invariant that
# all image paths are relative to the Fuchsia root_build_dir without the
# leading "../".
copy("qemu-kernel") {
sources = []
outputs = []
image_metadata = []
image_path_metadata = []
# GN's copy() itself will enforce that there is only one QEMU kernel
# found, as else length(outputs) != 1 which is illegal.
foreach(image, zircon_images) {
if ( == "qemu-kernel" && image.cpu == target_cpu) {
sources += [ "$zircon_root_build_dir/${image.path}" ]
outputs += [ "$root_build_dir/${image.path}" ]
image_metadata += [
archive = add_qemu_to_build_archives
name = "qemu-kernel"
path = image.path
type = "kernel"
image_path_metadata += [ "IMAGE_QEMU_KERNEL_RAW=${image.path}" ]
metadata = {
images = image_metadata
image_paths = image_path_metadata
default_image_deps += [ ":qemu-kernel" ]
# Generate the /boot/config/devmgr file. This looks like a kernel command
# line file, but is read by devmgr (in addition to kernel command line
# arguments), not by the kernel or boot loader.
action("devmgr_config.txt") {
visibility = [
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = [
args = [ "--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
sources = []
deps = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
pkgfs = "bin/" + pkgfs_binary_name
pkgfs_label = pkgfs_package_label
pkgfs_pkg_out_dir = get_label_info(pkgfs_label, "target_out_dir") + "/" +
get_label_info(pkgfs_label, "name")
pkgfs_blob_manifest = "$pkgfs_pkg_out_dir/meta/contents"
system_image_merkleroot =
deps += [
sources += [
args += [ "--entry=devmgr.require-system=true" ]
# Add the pkgfs command line, embedding the merkleroot of the system image.
args += [
"--entry=${pkgfs}=" +
rebase_path(system_image_merkleroot, root_build_dir),
# Embed the pkgfs blob manifest with the "zircon.system.pkgfs.file."
# prefix on target file names.
args += [
"--manifest=" + rebase_path(pkgfs_blob_manifest, root_build_dir),
# Add the backstop UTC value from the integration repo latest commit
args += [
"--entry=clock.backstop=" +
rebase_path(build_info_files.minimum_utc_stamp, root_build_dir),
foreach(entry, devmgr_config) {
args += [ "--entry=$entry" ]
# If there were any ASan drivers in the build, bin/devhost.asan
# should have been brought into the boot manifest. devmgr needs to
# be told to use it in case there are ASan drivers in /system but
# none in /boot. If there were any non-ASan drivers in the build,
# bin/devhost.asan will load them and needs to know to moderate the
# checking for interacting with uninstrumented code.
sources += [ boot_manifest ]
args += [
"--manifest=" + rebase_path(boot_manifest, root_build_dir),
# Generate the prime /boot/config/devmgr file. Points to system_image_prime
# instead of system_image
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
action("devmgr_config_prime.txt") {
visibility = [
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = [
args = [ "--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
deps = [
devmgr_config_outputs = get_target_outputs(":devmgr_config.txt")
sources = devmgr_config_outputs
args += [
rebase_path(devmgr_config_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
if (!bootfs_only) {
pkgfs = "bin/" + pkgfs_binary_name
system_image_merkleroot =
deps += [ ":system_image_prime.meta" ]
sources += [ system_image_merkleroot ]
# Add the pkgfs command line, embedding the merkleroot of the system image.
args += [
"--entry=${pkgfs}=" +
rebase_path(system_image_merkleroot, root_build_dir),
generated_file("zxcrypt_config.txt") {
outputs = [
contents = zxcrypt_key_source
coordinator_label = "//src/devices:devices.bootfs"
coordinator_target_dir = get_label_info(coordinator_label, "target_out_dir")
coordinator_target_name = get_label_info(coordinator_label, "name")
coordinator_manifest = coordinator_target_dir + "/" + coordinator_target_name
component_manager_label = "//src/sys/component_manager:component_manager.bootfs"
component_manager_target_dir =
get_label_info(component_manager_label, "target_out_dir")
component_manager_target_name = get_label_info(component_manager_label, "name")
component_manager_manifest =
component_manager_target_dir + "/" + component_manager_target_name
root_manifests_label = "//src/sys/root:root_manifests.bootfs"
root_manifests_target_dir =
get_label_info(root_manifests_label, "target_out_dir")
root_manifests_target_name = get_label_info(root_manifests_label, "name")
root_manifests_manifest =
root_manifests_target_dir + "/" + root_manifests_target_name
# The main bootable image, which requires `blob.blk` to appear on some
# attached storage device at runtime.
zbi("fuchsia") {
testonly = true
deps = [
inputs = [
manifest = []
if (!include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta) {
manifest += [
outputs = [
sources = get_target_outputs(":devmgr_config.txt")
foreach(ta_uuid, fuchsia_ta_uuids) {
manifest += [
outputs = [
sources = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
deps += [ ":zxcrypt_config.txt" ]
manifest += [
outputs = [
sources = [
cmdline = kernel_cmdline_args + board_kernel_cmdline_args
cmdline_inputs = kernel_cmdline_files
manifest += bootfs_extra
metadata = {
images = [
name = "zircon-a"
path = "fuchsia.zbi"
type = "zbi"
bootserver_pave = []
# TODO(ZX-2069): we want to reduce the usage of mexec, but currently we
# do not have sufficient boot control on x64.
if (target_cpu == "x64") {
bootserver_pave += [ "--boot" ]
if (custom_signing_script == "" && !use_vboot) {
bootserver_pave += [
# TODO(ZX-2625): `dm reboot-recovery` boots from zircon-b instead of
# zircon-r, so for now zedboot is being paved to this slot.
# "--zirconb",
image_paths = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): The complete ZBI can be used with a separate
# kernel too, the kernel image in it will just be ignored. So
# just use the primary ZBI for this until all uses are
# converted to using the ZBI alone. Then remove this as
# IMAGE_BOOT_RAM variable should no longer be in use.
if (bootfs_only) {
images += [
bootserver_netboot = [ "--boot" ]
name = "fuchsia"
path = "fuchsia.zbi"
type = "zbi"
image_paths += [
default_image_deps += [ ":fuchsia" ]
if (!use_vboot && custom_signing_script == "") {
update_manifest += [
target = "zbi"
deps = [
# Generate the prime fuchsia.zbi.
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
zbi("fuchsia_prime") {
testonly = true
deps = [
inputs = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia")
manifest = []
if (!include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta) {
replace = true
manifest += [
outputs = [
sources = get_target_outputs(":devmgr_config_prime.txt")
unsigned_zbi_prime = {
dep = ":fuchsia_prime"
updater = "zbi"
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
custom_signed_zbi("signed") {
output_name = "fuchsia.zbi"
testonly = true
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia")
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_pave = [ "--zircona" ]
name = "zircon-a.signed"
path = "$output_name.signed"
type = "zbi.signed"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_ZIRCONA_SIGNEDZBI=$output_name.signed" ]
} else if (use_vboot) {
# ChromeOS vboot images.
vboot("signed") {
testonly = true
output_name = "fuchsia.zbi"
deps = [
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_pave = [ "--zircona" ]
name = "zircon-a.signed"
path = "$output_name.vboot"
type = "zbi.signed"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_ZIRCONA_SIGNEDZBI=$output_name.signed" ]
if (custom_signing_script != "" || use_vboot) {
default_image_deps += [ ":signed" ]
update_manifest += [
target = "zbi.signed"
deps = [
# Sign fuchsia_prime.zbi, if neccessary.
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
custom_signed_zbi("fuchsia_prime_signed") {
output_name = "fuchsia_prime.zbi"
testonly = true
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia_prime")
zbi_prime = {
dep = ":fuchsia_prime_signed"
updater = "zbi.signed"
not_needed([ "unsigned_zbi_prime" ])
} else if (use_vboot) {
# ChromeOS vboot images.
vboot("fuchsia_prime_signed") {
testonly = true
output_name = "fuchsia_prime.zbi"
deps = [
zbi_prime = {
dep = ":fuchsia_prime_signed"
updater = "zbi.signed"
not_needed([ "unsigned_zbi_prime" ])
} else {
zbi_prime = unsigned_zbi_prime
if (use_vbmeta) {
vbmeta("fuchsia.vbmeta") {
output_name = "fuchsia"
testonly = true
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":signed")
} else {
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia")
if (include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta) {
deps += [ ":devmgr_config.txt" ]
boot_args_file = get_target_outputs(":devmgr_config.txt")
# expecting a single file
assert([ boot_args_file[0] ] == boot_args_file,
"expect a single output file form 'devmgr_config.txt' target")
prop_from_file = [
# zbi item type w/o ZBI_TYPE_ prefix
type = "IMAGE_ARGS"
file = boot_args_file[0]
metadata = {
images = [
archive = true
name = "zircon-a"
path = "fuchsia.vbmeta"
type = "vbmeta"
bootserver_pave = [ "--vbmetaa" ]
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_VBMETAA_RAW=fuchsia.vbmeta" ]
vbmeta("fuchsia_prime.vbmeta") {
output_name = "fuchsia_prime"
testonly = true
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia_prime_signed")
} else {
deps = [
zbi = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia_prime")
if (include_devmgr_config_in_vbmeta) {
deps += [ ":devmgr_config_prime.txt" ]
boot_args_file = get_target_outputs(":devmgr_config_prime.txt")
# expecting a single file
[ boot_args_file[0] ] == boot_args_file,
"expect a single output file form 'devmgr_config_prime.txt' target")
prop_from_file = [
# zbi item type w/o ZBI_TYPE_ prefix
type = "IMAGE_ARGS"
file = boot_args_file[0]
default_image_deps += [ ":fuchsia.vbmeta" ]
update_manifest += [
target = "fuchsia.vbmeta"
sources = [
deps = [
# The updater also wants the zedboot zbi as recovery.
if (custom_signing_script != "") {
update_manifest += [
deps = [
sources = [
target = "zedboot.signed"
} else if (use_vboot) {
update_manifest += [
deps = [
sources = [
target = "zedboot.signed"
} else {
update_manifest += [
deps = [
sources = [
target = "zedboot"
if (use_vbmeta) {
update_manifest += [
deps = [
sources = [
target = "recovery.vbmeta"
### Complete images for booting and installing the whole system.
declare_args() {
# Build boot images that prefer Zedboot over local boot (only for EFI).
always_zedboot = false
# All deps for the filesystem_sizes group.
record_filesystem_sizes_deps = []
# deps, inputs and args for the filesystem_sizes.json action.
filesystem_sizes_deps = []
filesystem_sizes_inputs = []
filesystem_sizes_args = []
if (!bootfs_only) {
data_image_path = "$target_out_dir/data.blk"
# data.blk creates minfs data partition. The partition is included in fvm.blk
# and fvm.sparse.blk. To increase the size of the data partition, increase
# the total size of the fvm images using |fvm_image_size|.
zircon_tool_action("data.blk") {
testonly = true
rebased_data_image_path = rebase_path(data_image_path, root_build_dir)
tool = "minfs"
outputs = [
depfile = data_image_path + ".d"
args = [
rebase_path(data_image_path, root_build_dir),
if (data_partition_manifest != "") {
args += [
metadata = {
images = [
name = "data"
path = rebased_data_image_path
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_DATA_RAW=$rebased_data_image_path" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":data.blk" ]
# Record the maximum allowable FVM size in the build directory for later steps
# to check against.
max_fvm_size_file = "$root_build_dir/max_fvm_size.txt"
write_file(max_fvm_size_file, max_fvm_size)
# fvm.blk creates an FVM partition image containing the blob partition produced
# by blob.blk and the data partition produced by data.blk. fvm.blk is primarily
# invoked and used by the qemu run, via `fx emu` / `fx qemu`.
generate_fvm("fvm.blk") {
testonly = true
output_name = "$target_out_dir/fvm.blk"
rebased_output_name = rebase_path(output_name, root_build_dir)
args = fvm_create_args
if (fvm_image_size != "") {
args += [
partitions = [
type = "blob"
dep = ":blob.blk"
minimum_inodes = blobfs_minimum_inodes
minimum_data_bytes = blobfs_minimum_data_bytes
maximum_bytes = blobfs_maximum_bytes
type = "data"
dep = ":data.blk"
minimum_inodes = minfs_minimum_inodes
minimum_data_bytes = minfs_minimum_data_bytes
maximum_bytes = minfs_maximum_bytes
metadata = {
images = [
archive = add_qemu_to_build_archives
name = "storage-full"
path = rebased_output_name
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_FVM_RAW=$rebased_output_name" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":fvm.blk" ]
fvm_sparse_blk_path = "$target_out_dir/fvm.sparse.blk"
# fvm.sparse.blk creates a sparse FVM partition image containing the blob
# partition produced by blob.blk and the data partition produced by data.blk.
# fvm.sparse.blk is primarily invoked and used by the paver boot, via `fx
# pave`.
generate_fvm("fvm.sparse.blk") {
testonly = true
output_name = fvm_sparse_blk_path
rebased_output_name = rebase_path(output_name, root_build_dir)
deps = [
args = fvm_sparse_args
partitions = [
type = "blob"
dep = ":blob.blk"
minimum_inodes = blobfs_minimum_inodes
minimum_data_bytes = blobfs_minimum_data_bytes
maximum_bytes = blobfs_maximum_bytes
type = "data"
dep = ":data.blk"
minimum_inodes = minfs_minimum_inodes
minimum_data_bytes = minfs_minimum_data_bytes
maximum_bytes = minfs_maximum_bytes
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_pave = [ "--fvm" ]
name = "storage-sparse"
path = rebased_output_name
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_FVM_SPARSE=$rebased_output_name" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":fvm.sparse.blk" ]
filesystem_sizes_deps += [
filesystem_sizes_inputs += [
filesystem_sizes_args += [
# fvm.blob.sparse.blk creates a sprase FVM partition image containing the blob
# partition produced by blob.blk.
fvm_blob_sparse_blk_path = "$target_out_dir/fvm.blob.sparse.blk"
rebased_fvm_blob_sparse_blk_path =
rebase_path(fvm_blob_sparse_blk_path, root_build_dir)
generate_fvm("fvm.blob.sparse.blk") {
testonly = true
output_name = fvm_blob_sparse_blk_path
deps = [
args = fvm_sparse_args
partitions = [
type = "blob"
dep = ":blob.blk"
minimum_inodes = blob_blobfs_minimum_inodes
minimum_data_bytes = blob_blobfs_minimum_data_bytes
maximum_bytes = blob_blobfs_maximum_bytes
metadata = {
image_paths =
[ "IMAGE_FVM_BLOB_SPARSE=$rebased_fvm_blob_sparse_blk_path" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":fvm.blob.sparse.blk" ]
# This rolls the primary ZBI together with a compressed RAMDISK image of
# fvm.blk into a fat ZBI that boots the full system without using any real
# storage. The system decompresses the fvm.blk image into memory and then
# sees that RAM disk just as if it were a real disk on the device.
zbi("netboot") {
testonly = true
deps = [
inputs = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia")
ramdisk_inputs = get_target_outputs(":fvm.blk")
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_netboot = [ "--boot" ]
name = "netboot"
path = "netboot.zbi"
type = "zbi"
image_paths = [
# TODO(mcgrathr): The complete ZBI can be used with a separate kernel
# too, the kernel image in it will just be ignored. So just use the
# primary ZBI for this until all uses are converted to using the ZBI
# alone. Then remove this as IMAGE_BOOT_RAM variable should no
# longer be in use.
default_image_deps += [ ":netboot" ]
} else {
# The bootfs_only image is already a netboot'able image.
group("netboot") {
testonly = true
# netboot-specific metadata is attached to :fuchsia when bootfs_only os true.
deps = [
if (target_cpu != "arm64" && !use_vboot) {
# TODO(surajmalhotra): Remove this target once SDK no longer depends on it.
vboot("vboot") {
testonly = true
output_name = "fuchsia"
deps = [
metadata = {
images = [
name = "zircon-vboot"
path = "fuchsia.vboot"
type = "vboot"
default_image_deps += [ ":vboot" ]
# EFI ESP images.
esp("esp") {
output_name = "fuchsia"
testonly = true
if (always_zedboot) {
cmdline = "zedboot/efi_cmdline.txt"
} else {
cmdline = "efi_local_cmdline.txt"
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_pave = [ "--bootloader" ]
bootserver_pave_zedboot = [ "--bootloader" ]
name = "efi"
path = "fuchsia.esp.blk"
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_ESP_RAW=fuchsia.esp.blk" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":esp" ]
if (!use_vboot && custom_signing_script == "") {
update_manifest += [
deps = [
target = "bootloader"
} else {
if (bootloader_prebuilt != "") {
copy("bootloader_image") {
testonly = true
sources = [
outputs = [
metadata = {
images = [
bootserver_pave = [ "--bootloader" ]
bootserver_pave_zedboot = [ "--bootloader" ]
name = "efi"
path = "bootloader.img"
type = "blk"
image_paths = [ "IMAGE_BOOTLOADER_RAW=bootloader.img" ]
default_image_deps += [ ":bootloader_image" ]
update_manifest += [
target = "bootloader"
deps = [
sources = [
action("filesystem_sizes.json") {
testonly = true
script = ""
deps = filesystem_sizes_deps + [
output_name = "$root_build_dir/filesystem_sizes.json"
outputs = [
fuchsia_target_outputs = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia")
# Can't use get_target_outputs() because this defined in another file.
zedboot_zbi_file = "$root_out_dir/zedboot.zbi"
inputs =
filesystem_sizes_inputs + fuchsia_target_outputs + [ zedboot_zbi_file ]
args = filesystem_sizes_args + [
record_filesystem_sizes_deps += [ ":filesystem_sizes.json" ]
# Pseudo-target to record information about the sizes of filesystems assembled
# during the build for later analysis.
group("record_filesystem_sizes") {
testonly = true
deps = record_filesystem_sizes_deps
# These steps run through the build and symbol archiving logic to make sure they
# work but does not produce populated archives.
group("nil-archives") {
testonly = true
deps = [
### Paver and flash scripts, and archives using those images and zedboot's images.
action("flash_script") {
script = "//build/images/"
outputs = [
image = "$root_out_dir/zedboot.zbi"
args = [
"--image=" + rebase_path(image, root_build_dir),
"--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
paver_targets = [
name = "netboot-script"
outputs = [
switch = "--netboot="
extra_bootserver_arguments = ""
metadata = {
name = "netboot"
path = ""
type = "sh"
name = "zedboot-script"
outputs = [
if (bootfs_only) {
switch = "--netboot="
} else {
switch = "--pave_zedboot="
extra_bootserver_arguments = "--allow-zedboot-version-mismatch"
metadata = {
name = "pave-zedboot"
path = ""
type = "sh"
name = "paver-script"
outputs = [
if (bootfs_only) {
switch = "--netboot="
} else {
switch = "--pave="
extra_bootserver_arguments = ""
metadata = {
name = "pave"
path = ""
type = "sh"
]) {
paver_targets += [
name = "archive-$format"
outputs = [
switch = "--archive="
extra_bootserver_arguments = ""
metadata = {
name = "archive"
path = "build-archive.$format"
type = "$format"
name = "symbol-archive-$format"
outputs = [
switch = "--symbol-archive="
extra_bootserver_arguments = ""
metadata = {
name = "symbol-archive"
path = "symbol-archive.$format"
type = "$format"
archive_deps = []
foreach(target, paver_targets) {
action( {
deps = [
testonly = true
outputs = target.outputs
depfile = "${outputs[0]}.d"
script = ""
args = [
"--depfile=" + rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir),
target.switch + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
if (additional_bootserver_arguments != "") {
args += [
if (target.extra_bootserver_arguments != "") {
args += [ "--additional_bootserver_arguments=${target.extra_bootserver_arguments}" ]
args += [ "images.json" ]
metadata = {
# TODO( include these in a build API module of archives instead.
images = [ target.metadata ]
archive_deps += [ ":${}" ]
group("archives") {
testonly = true
deps = archive_deps
### Amber updates.
# update_packages.manifest contains the same entries as the pkgsvr_index but
# additionally includes the system_image package.
update_meta_far_merkle_index = "$target_out_dir/update_meta_far_merkle_index"
package_metadata_list("update_meta_far_merkle_index") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "meta_far_merkle_index_entries" ]
deps = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
deps += [ ":system_image.meta" ]
action("update_packages.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":update.manifest" ]
testonly = true
outputs = [
deps = [
inputs = [
script = ""
args = [
rebase_path(update_meta_far_merkle_index, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# The update package manifest contains the pkgsvr_index and the target
# system kernel images.
action("update.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
additional_update_manifest_entries = [
target = "packages"
deps = [
# Add the meta/package JSON file that makes this the "update" package.
target = "meta/package"
sources = [
target = "version"
sources = [
rebase_path(build_info_files.version, "", root_build_dir),
target = "board"
sources = [
script = ""
outputs = [
args = [ "--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
sources = []
deps = [
# This dep ensures the version file included below is always generated,
# which is presently significant only really for bringup, as bringup still
# attempts to build this target.
# Each entry optionally specifies deps or sources that are added to that of
# this action, as well as a `target` to be included in the generated
# manifest.
foreach(entry, update_manifest + additional_update_manifest_entries) {
entry_source = ""
if (defined(entry.deps)) {
deps += entry.deps
if (defined(entry.sources)) {
# TODO(BLD-354): We should only have single source
sources = []
sources += entry.sources
entry_source = sources[0]
} else if (defined(entry.deps)) {
foreach(label, entry.deps) {
# TODO(BLD-354): We should only have single output
dep_outputs = []
dep_outputs += get_target_outputs(label)
entry_source = dep_outputs[0]
entry_source = rebase_path(entry_source, root_build_dir)
args += [ "--entry=${}=${entry_source}" ]
pm_build_package("update.meta") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
manifest = ":update.manifest"
package_name = "update"
### Generate an update package with system_image_prime and fuchsia_prime.
# The prime images are used to have an alternate known-compatible OTA
# target for integration testing.
update_prime_meta_far_merkle_index =
package_metadata_list("update_prime_meta_far_merkle_index") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "meta_far_merkle_index_entries" ]
deps = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
deps += [ ":system_image_prime.meta" ]
action("update_prime_packages.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":update_prime.manifest" ]
testonly = true
outputs = [
deps = [
inputs = [
script = ""
args = [
rebase_path(update_prime_meta_far_merkle_index, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
action("update_prime.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
script = ""
outputs = [
args = [ "--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
deps = [
update_manifest_outputs = get_target_outputs(":update.manifest")
update_prime_packages_manifest_outputs =
zbi_outputs = get_target_outputs(zbi_prime.dep)
sources = update_manifest_outputs
args += [
"meta/package={target}=" +
rebase_path("update_prime_package.json", root_build_dir),
"packages={target}=" +
rebase_path(update_prime_packages_manifest_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
zbi_prime.updater + "={target}=" +
rebase_path(zbi_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
if (use_vbmeta) {
deps += [ ":fuchsia_prime.vbmeta" ]
fuchsia_prime_vbmeta = get_target_outputs(":fuchsia_prime.vbmeta")
args += [
"fuchsia.vbmeta={target}=" +
rebase_path(fuchsia_prime_vbmeta[0], root_build_dir),
args += [
rebase_path(update_manifest_outputs[0], root_build_dir),
pm_build_package("update_prime.meta") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
manifest = ":update_prime.manifest"
package_name = "update_prime"
# XXX(raggi): The following manifests retain the "meta/" files, resulting in
# them being added as blobs, which they should not be. A likely better solution
# here is to teach pm_build_package to produce either a blob manifest or a
# --contents compatible response file that excludes these files.
action("update.sources.manifest") {
visibility = [ ":*" ]
testonly = true
script = ""
deps = [
outputs = [
update_manifests = get_target_outputs(deps[0])
args = [
"--output=" + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
"--manifest=" + rebase_path(update_manifests[0]),
# This output is a manifest of manifests that is usable as an input to `pm
# publish -lp`, a tool for publishing a set of packages from a build produced
# list of package manifests.
all_package_manifests_list = root_build_dir + "/all_package_manifests.list"
package_metadata_list("all_package_manifests.list") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
data_keys = [ "package_output_manifests" ]
rebase = root_build_dir
deps = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
deps += [
# The component index is the index of components in all universe packages.
component_index_metadata = "$target_out_dir/component_index_metadata"
component_index_metadata_list("component_index_metadata") {
visibility = [
testonly = true
outputs = [
deps = [
# We copy the metatdata to the root dir so that it can easily be used by host
# tools
copy("root_component_index_metadata") {
testonly = true
sources = [
outputs = [
deps = [
# The system index is the index of all universe packages, naming each
# blobs.json file instead of its merkleroot, and including a tag of the package
# set the package is a part of (base/cache/universe). Additionally the
# system_index has the system package itself, and the system update package.
system_index = "$target_out_dir/system_index"
tagged_snapshot_manifests = [
tag = "monolith"
deps = [
if (!bootfs_only) {
deps += [ ":system_image.meta" ]
tag = "preinstall"
deps = [
tag = "available"
deps = [
all_snapshot_entries = []
foreach(manifest, tagged_snapshot_manifests) {
untagged_entries = "${manifest.tag}.snapshot_entries.untagged"
package_metadata_list(untagged_entries) {
testonly = true
outputs = [
target_gen_dir + "/" + target_name,
deps = manifest.deps
data_keys = [ "snapshot_entries" ]
tagged_entries = "${manifest.tag}.snapshot_entries"
action(tagged_entries) {
testonly = true
deps = [
":" + untagged_entries,
script = ""
inputs = [
target_gen_dir + "/" + untagged_entries,
outputs = [
root_build_dir + "/" + target_name,
args = [
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
all_snapshot_entries += [ tagged_entries ]
action("system_index") {
visibility = [ ":system_snapshot" ]
testonly = true
script = "//build/"
outputs = [
args = [ rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir) ]
deps = []
foreach(entry, all_snapshot_entries) {
args += [ entry ]
deps += [ ":" + entry ]
compiled_action("system_snapshot") {
tool = "//garnet/go/src/pm:pm_bin"
tool_output_name = "pm"
visibility = [ ":updates" ]
testonly = true
deps = [
inputs = [
outputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(inputs[0], root_build_dir),
rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir),
# publish all packages to the package repository.
pm_publish("publish") {
testonly = true
deps = [
inputs = [
group("updates") {
testonly = true
deps = [
### Build ID maps.
### TODO(TC-303): ids.txt is deprecated and will be removed.
### The toolchain rules already populate $root_build_dir/.build-id/.
generated_file("package-build-id-files.list") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":package-ids.txt" ]
data_keys = [ "build_ids" ]
walk_keys = [ "build_ids_barrier" ]
outputs = [
deps = [
compiled_action("package-ids.txt") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":ids.txt" ]
deps = [
inputs = [
outputs = [
depfile = "$target_gen_dir/package-ids.txt.d"
tool = "//build/tools/merge_and_sort"
args = rebase_path(inputs + outputs + [ depfile ], root_build_dir)
# The vDSO doesn't appear in any package and so doesn't get into any
# ids.txt file produced by generate_manifest(). But it appears in memory
# at runtime and in backtraces, so it should be in the aggregated ids.txt
# for symbolization. Likewise for the kernel itself, whose build ID is
# useful to have in the map.
action("kernel-ids.txt") {
outputs = [
foreach(entry, zircon_legacy_sysroot) {
if (defined(entry.vdso)) {
vdso = entry.vdso
entries = []
binaries = read_file("$zircon_root_build_dir/binaries.json", "json")
foreach(entry, binaries) {
if (entry.cpu == target_cpu && entry.os == "fuchsia") {
if (defined(entry.debug) &&
(entry.debug == vdso ||
get_path_info(entry.debug, "file") == "zircon.elf")) {
entries += [ entry ]
sources = []
command = "("
foreach(entry, entries) {
sources += [ "$zircon_root_build_dir/${entry.debug}" ]
id = rebase_path(entry.elf_build_id, root_build_dir, zircon_root_build_dir)
file = rebase_path(entry.debug, root_build_dir, zircon_root_build_dir)
command += "echo \"\$(cat \"$id\") $file\"; "
command += ") > " + rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir)
script = "/bin/sh"
args = [
# Combine the /boot, /system, and package build ID maps into one.
# Nothing in the build uses this, but top-level targets always update
# it so that debugging tools can rely on it.
action("ids.txt") {
testonly = true
deps = [
sources = [
script = "/usr/bin/sort"
outputs = [
args = [
] + rebase_path(outputs + sources, root_build_dir)
metadata = {
images = [
name = "build-id"
path = "ids.txt"
type = "txt"
default_image_deps += [ ":ids.txt" ]
group("bootserver") {
deps = [
metadata = {
images = [
archive = true
name = "bootserver"
path = rebase_path("$zircon_tools_dir/bootserver", root_build_dir)
type = "exe.$host_platform"
default_image_deps += [ ":bootserver" ]
group("images") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("default-images") {
testonly = true
deps = default_image_deps
metadata = {
# Not actually images, but historically required entries to be included in
# the relevant build archives.
images = [
archive = true
name = "buildargs"
type = "gn"
path = ""
archive = true
name = "jiri_snapshot"
path = rebase_path("//.jiri_root/update_history/latest", root_build_dir)
type = "xml"
generated_file("image_paths") {
testonly = true
outputs = [
output_conversion = "list lines"
data_keys = [ "image_paths" ]
deps = [
# Add this tag to deps of non_production GN labels (packages/configs).
# If check_production_eligibility = true, including such GN labels will cause
# build to fail.
group("non_production_tag") {