blob: 7faf32353bc229419262f38ccfa4ff81e371ce1a [file] [log] [blame]
This crate defines two functions, `memchr` and `memrchr`, which expose a safe interface
to the corresponding functions in `libc`.
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "use_std"), no_std)]
#[cfg(all(test, not(feature = "use_std")))]
extern crate std;
#[cfg(feature = "libc")]
extern crate libc;
#[cfg(feature = "libc")]
use libc::c_void;
#[cfg(feature = "libc")]
use libc::{c_int, size_t};
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
use std::cmp;
#[cfg(not(feature = "use_std"))]
use core::cmp;
const LO_U64: u64 = 0x0101010101010101;
const HI_U64: u64 = 0x8080808080808080;
// use truncation
const LO_USIZE: usize = LO_U64 as usize;
const HI_USIZE: usize = HI_U64 as usize;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
const USIZE_BYTES: usize = 4;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
const USIZE_BYTES: usize = 8;
/// Return `true` if `x` contains any zero byte.
/// From *Matters Computational*, J. Arndt
/// "The idea is to subtract one from each of the bytes and then look for
/// bytes where the borrow propagated all the way to the most significant
/// bit."
fn contains_zero_byte(x: usize) -> bool {
x.wrapping_sub(LO_USIZE) & !x & HI_USIZE != 0
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
fn repeat_byte(b: u8) -> usize {
let mut rep = (b as usize) << 8 | b as usize;
rep = rep << 16 | rep;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn repeat_byte(b: u8) -> usize {
let mut rep = (b as usize) << 8 | b as usize;
rep = rep << 16 | rep;
rep = rep << 32 | rep;
/// An iterator for memchr
pub struct Memchr<'a> {
needle: u8,
// The haystack to iterate over
haystack: &'a [u8],
// The index
position: usize,
impl<'a> Memchr<'a> {
/// Creates a new iterator that yields all positions of needle in haystack.
pub fn new(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Memchr {
Memchr {
needle: needle,
haystack: haystack,
position: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for Memchr<'a> {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
let search_result = memchr(self.needle, &self.haystack);
match search_result {
Some(index) => {
// Move our internal position
self.haystack = self.haystack.split_at(index + 1).1;
self.position = self.position + index + 1;
None => None,
impl<'a> DoubleEndedIterator for Memchr<'a> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let search_result = memrchr(self.needle, &self.haystack);
match search_result {
Some(index) => {
// Move our internal position
self.haystack = self.haystack.split_at(index).0;
Some(self.position + index + 1)
None => None,
/// A safe interface to `memchr`.
/// Returns the index corresponding to the first occurrence of `needle` in
/// `haystack`, or `None` if one is not found.
/// memchr reduces to super-optimized machine code at around an order of
/// magnitude faster than `haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle)`.
/// (See benchmarks.)
/// # Example
/// This shows how to find the first position of a byte in a byte string.
/// ```rust
/// use memchr::memchr;
/// let haystack = b"the quick brown fox";
/// assert_eq!(memchr(b'k', haystack), Some(8));
/// ```
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
pub fn memchr(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// libc memchr
#[cfg(all(feature = "libc",
any(not(target_os = "windows"),
not(any(target_pointer_width = "32",
target_pointer_width = "64")))))]
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
fn memchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
use libc::memchr as libc_memchr;
let p = unsafe {
libc_memchr(haystack.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
needle as c_int,
haystack.len() as size_t)
if p.is_null() {
} else {
Some(p as usize - (haystack.as_ptr() as usize))
// use fallback on windows, since it's faster
#[cfg(all(any(not(feature = "libc"), target_os = "windows"),
any(target_pointer_width = "32",
target_pointer_width = "64")))]
fn memchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
fallback::memchr(needle, haystack)
// For the rare case of neither 32 bit nor 64-bit platform.
#[cfg(all(any(not(feature = "libc"), target_os = "windows"),
not(target_pointer_width = "32"),
not(target_pointer_width = "64")))]
fn memchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == needle)
memchr_specific(needle, haystack)
/// A safe interface to `memrchr`.
/// Returns the index corresponding to the last occurrence of `needle` in
/// `haystack`, or `None` if one is not found.
/// # Example
/// This shows how to find the last position of a byte in a byte string.
/// ```rust
/// use memchr::memrchr;
/// let haystack = b"the quick brown fox";
/// assert_eq!(memrchr(b'o', haystack), Some(17));
/// ```
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
pub fn memrchr(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
#[cfg(all(feature = "libc", target_os = "linux"))]
#[inline(always)] // reduces constant overhead
fn memrchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// GNU's memrchr() will - unlike memchr() - error if haystack is empty.
if haystack.is_empty() {
return None;
let p = unsafe {
libc::memrchr(haystack.as_ptr() as *const c_void,
needle as c_int,
haystack.len() as size_t)
if p.is_null() {
} else {
Some(p as usize - (haystack.as_ptr() as usize))
#[cfg(all(not(all(feature = "libc", target_os = "linux")),
any(target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64")))]
fn memrchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
fallback::memrchr(needle, haystack)
// For the rare case of neither 32 bit nor 64-bit platform.
#[cfg(all(not(all(feature = "libc", target_os = "linux")),
not(target_pointer_width = "32"),
not(target_pointer_width = "64")))]
fn memrchr_specific(needle: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
haystack.iter().rposition(|&b| b == needle)
memrchr_specific(needle, haystack)
/// An iterator for Memchr2
pub struct Memchr2<'a> {
needle1: u8,
needle2: u8,
// The haystack to iterate over
haystack: &'a [u8],
// The index
position: usize,
impl<'a> Memchr2<'a> {
/// Creates a new iterator that yields all positions of needle in haystack.
pub fn new(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Memchr2 {
Memchr2 {
needle1: needle1,
needle2: needle2,
haystack: haystack,
position: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for Memchr2<'a> {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
let search_result = memchr2(self.needle1, self.needle2, &self.haystack);
match search_result {
Some(index) => {
// Move our internal position
self.haystack = self.haystack.split_at(index + 1).1;
self.position = self.position + index + 1;
None => None,
/// Like `memchr`, but searches for two bytes instead of one.
pub fn memchr2(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
fn slow(b1: u8, b2: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == b1 || b == b2)
let len = haystack.len();
let ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
let align = (ptr as usize) & (USIZE_BYTES - 1);
let mut i = 0;
if align > 0 {
i = cmp::min(USIZE_BYTES - align, len);
if let Some(found) = slow(needle1, needle2, &haystack[..i]) {
return Some(found);
let repeated_b1 = repeat_byte(needle1);
let repeated_b2 = repeat_byte(needle2);
if len >= USIZE_BYTES {
while i <= len - USIZE_BYTES {
unsafe {
let u = *(ptr.offset(i as isize) as *const usize);
let found_ub1 = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_b1);
let found_ub2 = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_b2);
if found_ub1 || found_ub2 {
slow(needle1, needle2, &haystack[i..]).map(|pos| i + pos)
/// An iterator for Memchr3
pub struct Memchr3<'a> {
needle1: u8,
needle2: u8,
needle3: u8,
// The haystack to iterate over
haystack: &'a [u8],
// The index
position: usize,
impl<'a> Memchr3<'a> {
/// Create a new Memchr2 that's initalized to zero with a haystack
pub fn new(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, needle3: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Memchr3 {
Memchr3 {
needle1: needle1,
needle2: needle2,
needle3: needle3,
haystack: haystack,
position: 0,
impl<'a> Iterator for Memchr3<'a> {
type Item = usize;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<usize> {
let search_result = memchr3(self.needle1, self.needle2, self.needle3, &self.haystack);
match search_result {
Some(index) => {
// Move our internal position
self.haystack = self.haystack.split_at(index + 1).1;
self.position = self.position + index + 1;
None => None,
/// Like `memchr`, but searches for three bytes instead of one.
pub fn memchr3(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, needle3: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
fn slow(b1: u8, b2: u8, b3: u8, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
haystack.iter().position(|&b| b == b1 || b == b2 || b == b3)
let len = haystack.len();
let ptr = haystack.as_ptr();
let align = (ptr as usize) & (USIZE_BYTES - 1);
let mut i = 0;
if align > 0 {
i = cmp::min(USIZE_BYTES - align, len);
if let Some(found) = slow(needle1, needle2, needle3, &haystack[..i]) {
return Some(found);
let repeated_b1 = repeat_byte(needle1);
let repeated_b2 = repeat_byte(needle2);
let repeated_b3 = repeat_byte(needle3);
if len >= USIZE_BYTES {
while i <= len - USIZE_BYTES {
unsafe {
let u = *(ptr.offset(i as isize) as *const usize);
let found_ub1 = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_b1);
let found_ub2 = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_b2);
let found_ub3 = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_b3);
if found_ub1 || found_ub2 || found_ub3 {
slow(needle1, needle2, needle3, &haystack[i..]).map(|pos| i + pos)
#[cfg(any(test, not(feature = "libc"), all(not(target_os = "linux"),
any(target_pointer_width = "32", target_pointer_width = "64"))))]
mod fallback {
#[cfg(feature = "use_std")]
use std::cmp;
#[cfg(not(feature = "use_std"))]
use core::cmp;
use super::{LO_U64, HI_U64, LO_USIZE, HI_USIZE, USIZE_BYTES, contains_zero_byte, repeat_byte};
/// Return the first index matching the byte `a` in `text`.
pub fn memchr(x: u8, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// Scan for a single byte value by reading two `usize` words at a time.
// Split `text` in three parts
// - unaligned inital part, before the first word aligned address in text
// - body, scan by 2 words at a time
// - the last remaining part, < 2 word size
let len = text.len();
let ptr = text.as_ptr();
// search up to an aligned boundary
let align = (ptr as usize) & (USIZE_BYTES - 1);
let mut offset;
if align > 0 {
offset = cmp::min(USIZE_BYTES - align, len);
if let Some(index) = text[..offset].iter().position(|elt| *elt == x) {
return Some(index);
} else {
offset = 0;
// search the body of the text
let repeated_x = repeat_byte(x);
if len >= 2 * USIZE_BYTES {
while offset <= len - 2 * USIZE_BYTES {
debug_assert_eq!((ptr as usize + offset) % USIZE_BYTES, 0);
unsafe {
let u = *(ptr.offset(offset as isize) as *const usize);
let v = *(ptr.offset((offset + USIZE_BYTES) as isize) as *const usize);
// break if there is a matching byte
let zu = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_x);
let zv = contains_zero_byte(v ^ repeated_x);
if zu || zv {
offset += USIZE_BYTES * 2;
// find the byte after the point the body loop stopped
text[offset..].iter().position(|elt| *elt == x).map(|i| offset + i)
/// Return the last index matching the byte `a` in `text`.
pub fn memrchr(x: u8, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// Scan for a single byte value by reading two `usize` words at a time.
// Split `text` in three parts
// - unaligned tail, after the last word aligned address in text
// - body, scan by 2 words at a time
// - the first remaining bytes, < 2 word size
let len = text.len();
let ptr = text.as_ptr();
// search to an aligned boundary
let end_align = (ptr as usize + len) & (USIZE_BYTES - 1);
let mut offset;
if end_align > 0 {
offset = if end_align >= len { 0 } else { len - end_align };
if let Some(index) = text[offset..].iter().rposition(|elt| *elt == x) {
return Some(offset + index);
} else {
offset = len;
// search the body of the text
let repeated_x = repeat_byte(x);
while offset >= 2 * USIZE_BYTES {
debug_assert_eq!((ptr as usize + offset) % USIZE_BYTES, 0);
unsafe {
let u = *(ptr.offset(offset as isize - 2 * USIZE_BYTES as isize) as *const usize);
let v = *(ptr.offset(offset as isize - USIZE_BYTES as isize) as *const usize);
// break if there is a matching byte
let zu = contains_zero_byte(u ^ repeated_x);
let zv = contains_zero_byte(v ^ repeated_x);
if zu || zv {
offset -= 2 * USIZE_BYTES;
// find the byte before the point the body loop stopped
text[..offset].iter().rposition(|elt| *elt == x)
mod tests {
extern crate quickcheck;
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use super::{memchr, memrchr, memchr2, memchr3, Memchr, Memchr2, Memchr3};
// Use a macro to test both native and fallback impls on all configurations
macro_rules! memchr_tests {
($mod_name:ident, $memchr:path, $memrchr:path) => {
mod $mod_name {
use std::prelude::v1::*;
use super::quickcheck;
fn matches_one() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), $memchr(b'a', b"a"));
fn matches_begin() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), $memchr(b'a', b"aaaa"));
fn matches_end() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), $memchr(b'z', b"aaaaz"));
fn matches_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), $memchr(b'\x00', b"aaaa\x00"));
fn matches_past_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(5), $memchr(b'z', b"aaaa\x00z"));
fn no_match_empty() {
assert_eq!(None, $memchr(b'a', b""));
fn no_match() {
assert_eq!(None, $memchr(b'a', b"xyz"));
fn qc_never_fail() {
fn prop(needle: u8, haystack: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
$memchr(needle, &haystack); true
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(u8, Vec<u8>) -> bool);
fn matches_one_reversed() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), $memrchr(b'a', b"a"));
fn matches_begin_reversed() {
assert_eq!(Some(3), $memrchr(b'a', b"aaaa"));
fn matches_end_reversed() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), $memrchr(b'z', b"zaaaa"));
fn matches_nul_reversed() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), $memrchr(b'\x00', b"aaaa\x00"));
fn matches_past_nul_reversed() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), $memrchr(b'z', b"z\x00aaaa"));
fn no_match_empty_reversed() {
assert_eq!(None, $memrchr(b'a', b""));
fn no_match_reversed() {
assert_eq!(None, $memrchr(b'a', b"xyz"));
fn qc_never_fail_reversed() {
fn prop(needle: u8, haystack: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
$memrchr(needle, &haystack); true
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(u8, Vec<u8>) -> bool);
fn qc_correct_memchr() {
fn prop(v: Vec<u8>, offset: u8) -> bool {
// test all pointer alignments
let uoffset = (offset & 0xF) as usize;
let data = if uoffset <= v.len() {
} else {
for byte in 0..256u32 {
let byte = byte as u8;
if $memchr(byte, &data) != data.iter().position(|elt| *elt == byte) {
return false;
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<u8>, u8) -> bool);
fn qc_correct_memrchr() {
fn prop(v: Vec<u8>, offset: u8) -> bool {
// test all pointer alignments
let uoffset = (offset & 0xF) as usize;
let data = if uoffset <= v.len() {
} else {
for byte in 0..256u32 {
let byte = byte as u8;
if $memrchr(byte, &data) != data.iter().rposition(|elt| *elt == byte) {
return false;
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<u8>, u8) -> bool);
memchr_tests! { native, ::memchr, ::memrchr }
memchr_tests! { fallback, ::fallback::memchr, ::fallback::memrchr }
fn memchr2_matches_one() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'a', b'b', b"a"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'a', b'b', b"b"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'b', b'a', b"a"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'b', b'a', b"b"));
fn memchr2_matches_begin() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'a', b'b', b"aaaa"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr2(b'a', b'b', b"bbbb"));
fn memchr2_matches_end() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr2(b'z', b'y', b"aaaaz"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr2(b'z', b'y', b"aaaay"));
fn memchr2_matches_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr2(b'\x00', b'z', b"aaaa\x00"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr2(b'z', b'\x00', b"aaaa\x00"));
fn memchr2_matches_past_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(5), memchr2(b'z', b'y', b"aaaa\x00z"));
assert_eq!(Some(5), memchr2(b'y', b'z', b"aaaa\x00z"));
fn memchr2_no_match_empty() {
assert_eq!(None, memchr2(b'a', b'b', b""));
assert_eq!(None, memchr2(b'b', b'a', b""));
fn memchr2_no_match() {
assert_eq!(None, memchr2(b'a', b'b', b"xyz"));
fn qc_never_fail_memchr2() {
fn prop(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, haystack: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
memchr2(needle1, needle2, &haystack);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(u8, u8, Vec<u8>) -> bool);
fn memchr3_matches_one() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"a"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"b"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"c"));
fn memchr3_matches_begin() {
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"aaaa"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"bbbb"));
assert_eq!(Some(0), memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"cccc"));
fn memchr3_matches_end() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'z', b'y', b'x', b"aaaaz"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'z', b'y', b'x', b"aaaay"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'z', b'y', b'x', b"aaaax"));
fn memchr3_matches_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'\x00', b'z', b'y', b"aaaa\x00"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'z', b'\x00', b'y', b"aaaa\x00"));
assert_eq!(Some(4), memchr3(b'z', b'y', b'\x00', b"aaaa\x00"));
fn memchr3_matches_past_nul() {
assert_eq!(Some(5), memchr3(b'z', b'y', b'x', b"aaaa\x00z"));
assert_eq!(Some(5), memchr3(b'y', b'z', b'x', b"aaaa\x00z"));
assert_eq!(Some(5), memchr3(b'y', b'x', b'z', b"aaaa\x00z"));
fn memchr3_no_match_empty() {
assert_eq!(None, memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b""));
assert_eq!(None, memchr3(b'b', b'a', b'c', b""));
assert_eq!(None, memchr3(b'c', b'b', b'a', b""));
fn memchr3_no_match() {
assert_eq!(None, memchr3(b'a', b'b', b'c', b"xyz"));
fn memchr_iter() {
let haystack = b"aaaabaaaab";
let mut memchr_iter = Memchr::new(b'b', haystack);
let first =;
let second =;
let third =;
assert_eq!(Some(5), first);
assert_eq!(Some(10), second);
assert_eq!(None, third);
fn memchr2_iter() {
let haystack = b"ab";
let mut memchr_iter = Memchr2::new(b'a', b'b', haystack);
let first =;
let second =;
let third =;
assert_eq!(Some(1), first);
assert_eq!(Some(2), second);
assert_eq!(None, third);
fn memchr3_iter() {
let haystack = b"abc";
let mut memchr_iter = Memchr3::new(b'a', b'b', b'c', haystack);
let first =;
let second =;
let third =;
let fourth =;
assert_eq!(Some(1), first);
assert_eq!(Some(2), second);
assert_eq!(Some(3), third);
assert_eq!(None, fourth);
fn memchr_reverse_iter() {
let haystack = b"aaaabaaaabaaaab";
let mut memchr_iter = Memchr::new(b'b', haystack);
let first =;
let second = memchr_iter.next_back();
let third =;
let fourth = memchr_iter.next_back();
assert_eq!(Some(5), first);
assert_eq!(Some(15), second);
assert_eq!(Some(10), third);
assert_eq!(None, fourth);
fn memrchr_iter(){
let haystack = b"aaaabaaaabaaaab";
let mut memchr_iter = Memchr::new(b'b', haystack);
let first = memchr_iter.next_back();
let second = memchr_iter.next_back();
let third = memchr_iter.next_back();
let fourth = memchr_iter.next_back();
assert_eq!(Some(15), first);
assert_eq!(Some(10), second);
assert_eq!(Some(5), third);
assert_eq!(None, fourth);
fn qc_never_fail_memchr3() {
fn prop(needle1: u8, needle2: u8, needle3: u8, haystack: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
memchr3(needle1, needle2, needle3, &haystack);
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(u8, u8, u8, Vec<u8>) -> bool);
fn qc_correct_memchr() {
fn prop(v: Vec<u8>, offset: u8) -> bool {
// test all pointer alignments
let uoffset = (offset & 0xF) as usize;
let data = if uoffset <= v.len() {
} else {
for byte in 0..256u32 {
let byte = byte as u8;
if memchr(byte, &data) != data.iter().position(|elt| *elt == byte) {
return false;
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<u8>, u8) -> bool);
fn qc_correct_memrchr() {
fn prop(v: Vec<u8>, offset: u8) -> bool {
// test all pointer alignments
let uoffset = (offset & 0xF) as usize;
let data = if uoffset <= v.len() {
} else {
for byte in 0..256u32 {
let byte = byte as u8;
if memrchr(byte, &data) != data.iter().rposition(|elt| *elt == byte) {
return false;
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<u8>, u8) -> bool);
fn qc_correct_memchr2() {
fn prop(v: Vec<u8>, offset: u8) -> bool {
// test all pointer alignments
let uoffset = (offset & 0xF) as usize;
let data = if uoffset <= v.len() {
} else {
for b1 in 0..256u32 {
for b2 in 0..256u32 {
let (b1, b2) = (b1 as u8, b2 as u8);
let expected = data.iter().position(|&b| b == b1 || b == b2);
let got = memchr2(b1, b2, &data);
if expected != got {
return false;
quickcheck::quickcheck(prop as fn(Vec<u8>, u8) -> bool);