blob: bef7a984262c69e5033bec81989764803570063f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/find_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/common/string_util.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_parser.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/found_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/index_walker.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/code_block.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/data_member.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/identifier.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/loaded_module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbol_index.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbol_index_node.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/namespace.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/target_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type_utils.h"
namespace zxdb {
namespace {
// Returns true if an index search is required for the options. Everything but
// local variables requires the index.
bool OptionsRequiresIndex(const FindNameOptions& options) {
return options.find_types || options.find_functions ||
options.find_templates || options.find_namespaces;
// Returns true if the |name| of an object matches what we're |looking_for|
// given the current options.
bool NameMatches(const FindNameOptions& options, const std::string& name,
const std::string& looking_for) {
if ( == FindNameOptions::kPrefix)
return StringBeginsWith(name, looking_for);
return name == looking_for;
// Iterates over the variables in the given vector, calling the visit callback
// for each as long as the visitor says to continue.
// Searches the given vector of values for one with the given name. If found,
// returns it, otherwise returns null.
VisitResult VisitVariableVector(
const std::vector<LazySymbol>& vect,
const std::function<VisitResult(const Variable*)>& visitor) {
for (const auto& cur : vect) {
const Variable* var = cur.Get()->AsVariable();
if (!var)
continue; // Symbols are corrupt.
VisitResult vr = visitor(var);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
FoundName FoundNameFromDieRef(const ModuleSymbols* module_symbols,
const FindNameOptions& options,
const ModuleSymbolIndexNode::DieRef& ref) {
LazySymbol lazy_symbol = module_symbols->IndexDieRefToSymbol(ref);
if (!lazy_symbol)
return FoundName();
const Symbol* symbol = lazy_symbol.Get();
if (const Function* func = symbol->AsFunction()) {
if (options.find_functions)
return FoundName(func);
return FoundName();
if (const Variable* var = symbol->AsVariable()) {
if (options.find_vars)
return FoundName(var);
return FoundName();
if (const Namespace* ns = symbol->AsNamespace()) {
if (options.find_namespaces)
return FoundName(FoundName::kNamespace, ns->GetFullName());
return FoundName();
if (const Type* type = symbol->AsType()) {
if (options.find_types)
return FoundName(fxl::RefPtr<Type>(const_cast<Type*>(type)));
return FoundName();
return FoundName();
VisitResult GetNamesFromDieList(
const ModuleSymbols* module_symbols, const FindNameOptions& options,
const std::vector<ModuleSymbolIndexNode::DieRef>& dies,
std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
for (const ModuleSymbolIndexNode::DieRef& cur : dies) {
if (FoundName found = FoundNameFromDieRef(module_symbols, options, cur))
if (results->size() >= options.max_results)
return VisitResult::kDone;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
VisitResult VisitPerModule(
const FindNameContext& context,
std::function<VisitResult(const ModuleSymbols*)> visitor) {
if (context.module_symbols) {
// Search in the current module.
VisitResult vr = visitor(context.module_symbols);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
// Search in all other modules as a fallback, if any.
if (context.target_symbols) {
for (const ModuleSymbols* m : context.target_symbols->GetModuleSymbols()) {
if (m != context.module_symbols) { // Don't re-search current one.
VisitResult vr = visitor(m);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
VisitResult FindPerIndexNode(const FindNameOptions& options,
const ModuleSymbols* module_symbols,
const IndexWalker& walker,
const Identifier& looking_for,
std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
if (looking_for.empty())
return VisitResult::kDone;
// Walk into all but the last node of the identifier (the last one is
// the part that needs completion).
IndexWalker prefix_walker(walker);
if (!prefix_walker.WalkInto(looking_for.GetScope()))
return VisitResult::kContinue;
// Now search that node for anything with the given prefix. This also handles
// the exact match case because an exact match will be the first thing found
// with a prefix search. NameMatches() will handle the difference.
std::string last_comp = looking_for.components().back().GetName(false);
auto [cur, end] = prefix_walker.current()->FindPrefix(last_comp);
while (cur != end && results->size() < options.max_results &&
NameMatches(options, cur->first, last_comp)) {
VisitResult vr = GetNamesFromDieList(module_symbols, options,
cur->second.dies(), results);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
// We also want to know if there are any templates with that name which will
// look like "foo::bar<...". In that case, do a prefix search with an
// appended "<" and see if there are any results. Don't bother if the
// input already has a template.
// Prefix matches will already have been caught above so don't handle here.
if ( == FindNameOptions::kExact && options.find_templates &&
!looking_for.components().back().has_template()) {
// Walk into all but the last node of the identifier (the last one is
// potentially the template).
IndexWalker template_walker(walker);
if (!template_walker.WalkInto(looking_for.GetScope()))
return VisitResult::kContinue;
// Now search that node for anything that could be a template.
std::string last_comp = looking_for.components().back().GetName(false);
auto [cur, end] = template_walker.current()->FindPrefix(last_comp);
if (cur != end) {
// We could check every possible match with this prefix and see if there's
// one with a type name. But that seems unnecessary. Instead, assume that
// anything with a name containing a "<" is a template type name.
results->emplace_back(FoundName::kTemplate, looking_for.GetFullName());
if (results->size() >= options.max_results)
return VisitResult::kDone;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
} // namespace
FindNameContext::FindNameContext(const ProcessSymbols* ps,
const SymbolContext& symbol_context,
const CodeBlock* b)
: block(b) {
if (ps) {
target_symbols = ps->target_symbols();
// Find the module that corresponds to the symbol context.
uint64_t module_load_address = symbol_context.RelativeToAbsolute(0);
for (const LoadedModuleSymbols* mod : ps->GetLoadedModuleSymbols()) {
if (mod->load_address() == module_load_address) {
module_symbols = mod->module_symbols();
FindNameContext::FindNameContext(const TargetSymbols* ts)
: target_symbols(ts) {}
FoundName FindName(const FindNameContext& context,
const Identifier& identifier) {
std::vector<FoundName> results;
FindName(context, FindNameOptions(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds), identifier,
if (!results.empty())
return std::move(results[0]);
return FoundName();
void FindName(const FindNameContext& context, const FindNameOptions& options,
const Identifier& looking_for, std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
if (options.find_vars && context.block &&
looking_for.qualification() == IdentifierQualification::kRelative) {
// Search for local variables and function parameters.
FindLocalVariable(options, context.block, looking_for, results);
if (results->size() >= options.max_results)
// Search the "this" object.
FindMemberOnThis(context, options, looking_for, results);
if (results->size() >= options.max_results)
// Fall back to searching global vars.
if (context.module_symbols || context.target_symbols) {
// Get the scope for the current function. This may fail in which case
// we'll be left with an empty current scope. This is non-fatal: it just
// means we won't implicitly search the current namespace and will search
// only the global one.
Identifier current_scope;
if (context.block) {
if (const Function* function = context.block->GetContainingFunction()) {
auto [err, func_name] =
if (!err.has_error())
current_scope = func_name.GetScope();
FindIndexedName(context, options, current_scope, looking_for, true,
VisitResult VisitLocalVariables(
const CodeBlock* block,
const std::function<VisitResult(const Variable*)>& visitor) {
return VisitLocalBlocks(block, [&visitor](const CodeBlock* cur_block) {
// Local variables in this block.
VisitResult vr = VisitVariableVector(cur_block->variables(), visitor);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
// Function parameters.
if (const Function* function = cur_block->AsFunction()) {
// Found a function, check for a match in its parameters.
vr = VisitVariableVector(function->parameters(), visitor);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
void FindLocalVariable(const FindNameOptions& options, const CodeBlock* block,
const Identifier& looking_for,
std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
// TODO(DX-1214) lookup type names defined locally in this function.
// Local variables can only be simple names.
const std::string* name = GetSingleComponentIdentifierName(looking_for);
if (!name)
VisitLocalVariables(block, [&options, name, &results](const Variable* var) {
if (NameMatches(options, var->GetAssignedName(), *name)) {
if (results->size() >= options.max_results)
return VisitResult::kDone;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
void FindMember(const FindNameContext& context, const FindNameOptions& options,
const Collection* object, const Identifier& looking_for,
const Variable* optional_object_ptr,
std::vector<FoundName>* result) {
object, [&context, &options, &looking_for, optional_object_ptr, result](
const Collection* cur_collection, uint64_t cur_offset) {
// Called for each collection in the hierarchy.
// Data member iteration.
if (const std::string* looking_for_name =
looking_for_name && options.find_vars) {
for (const auto& lazy : cur_collection->data_members()) {
if (const DataMember* data = lazy.Get()->AsDataMember()) {
// TODO(brettw) allow "BaseClass::foo" syntax for specifically
// naming a member of a base class. Watch out: the base class
// could be qualified (or not) in various ways:
// ns::BaseClass::foo, BaseClass::foo, etc.
if (NameMatches(options, data->GetAssignedName(),
*looking_for_name)) {
result->emplace_back(optional_object_ptr, data,
cur_offset + data->member_location());
if (result->size() >= options.max_results)
return VisitResult::kDone;
// Index node iteration for this class' scope.
if (OptionsRequiresIndex(options)) {
auto [err, container_name] =
if (!err.has_error()) {
// Don't search previous scopes (pass |search_containing| = false).
// If a class derives from a class in another namespace, that
// doesn't bring the other namespace in the current scope.
VisitResult vr = FindIndexedName(context, options, container_name,
looking_for, false, result);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
return VisitResult::kContinue;
void FindMemberOnThis(const FindNameContext& context,
const FindNameOptions& options,
const Identifier& looking_for,
std::vector<FoundName>* result) {
if (!context.block)
return; // No current code.
const Function* function = context.block->GetContainingFunction();
if (!function)
const Variable* this_var = function->GetObjectPointerVariable();
if (!this_var)
return; // No "this" pointer.
// Pointed-to type for "this".
const Collection* collection = nullptr;
if (GetPointedToCollection(this_var->type().Get()->AsType(), &collection)
return; // Symbols likely corrupt.
FindMember(context, options, collection, looking_for, this_var, result);
VisitResult FindIndexedName(const FindNameContext& context,
const FindNameOptions& options,
const Identifier& current_scope,
const Identifier& looking_for,
bool search_containing,
std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
return VisitPerModule(
context, [&options, &current_scope, &looking_for, search_containing,
results](const ModuleSymbols* ms) {
FindIndexedNameInModule(options, ms, current_scope, looking_for,
search_containing, results);
return results->size() >= options.max_results ? VisitResult::kDone
: VisitResult::kContinue;
VisitResult FindIndexedNameInModule(const FindNameOptions& options,
const ModuleSymbols* module_symbols,
const Identifier& current_scope,
const Identifier& looking_for,
bool search_containing,
std::vector<FoundName>* results) {
IndexWalker walker(&module_symbols->GetIndex());
if (!current_scope.empty() &&
looking_for.qualification() == IdentifierQualification::kRelative) {
// Unless the input identifier is fully qualified, start the search in the
// current context.
// Search from the current namespace going up.
do {
VisitResult vr =
FindPerIndexNode(options, module_symbols, walker, looking_for, results);
if (vr != VisitResult::kContinue)
return vr;
if (!search_containing)
// Keep looking up one more level in the containing namespace.
} while (walker.WalkUp());
// Current search is done, but there still may be stuff left to find.
return VisitResult::kContinue;
const std::string* GetSingleComponentIdentifierName(const Identifier& ident) {
if (ident.components().size() != 1 || ident.components()[0].has_template())
return nullptr;
return &ident.components()[0].name();
} // namespace zxdb