blob: 0d738971d4313a26c97f8a963f1f6c88476c9e39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/fdio/unsafe.h>
#include <lib/zx/event.h>
#include <lib/zx/port.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <vector>
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/event_handlers.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/shared/message_loop.h"
namespace debug_ipc {
class ExceptionHandler;
class SignalHandler;
class SocketWatcher;
class ZirconExceptionWatcher;
enum class WatchType : uint32_t {
const char* WatchTypeToString(WatchType);
class MessageLoopTarget final : public MessageLoop {
// Associated struct to track information about what type of resource a watch
// handle is following.
// EventHandlers need access to the WatchInfo implementation, hence the reason
// for it to be public.
// Definition at the end of the header.
struct WatchInfo;
using SignalHandlerMap = std::map<const async_wait_t*, SignalHandler>;
using ExceptionHandlerMap =
std::map<const async_exception_t*, ExceptionHandler>;
void Init() override;
zx_status_t InitTarget();
void Cleanup() override;
// Returns the current message loop or null if there isn't one.
static MessageLoopTarget* Current();
// MessageLoop implementation.
WatchHandle WatchFD(WatchMode mode, int fd, FDWatcher* watcher) override;
// Watches the given socket for read/write status. The watcher must outlive
// the returned WatchHandle. Must only be called on the message loop thread.
// The FDWatcher must not unregister from a callback. The handle might
// become both readable and writable at the same time which will necessitate
// calling both callbacks. The code does not expect the FDWatcher to
// disappear in between these callbacks.
zx_status_t WatchSocket(WatchMode mode, zx_handle_t socket_handle,
SocketWatcher* watcher, WatchHandle* out);
// Attaches to the exception port of the given process and issues callbacks
// on the given watcher. The watcher must outlive the returned WatchHandle.
// Must only be called on the message loop thread.
struct WatchProcessConfig {
std::string process_name;
zx_handle_t process_handle;
zx_koid_t process_koid;
ZirconExceptionWatcher* watcher = nullptr;
zx_status_t WatchProcessExceptions(WatchProcessConfig config,
WatchHandle* out);
// Attaches to the exception port of the given job and issues callbacks
// on the given watcher. The watcher must outlive the returned WatchHandle.
// Must only be called on the message loop thread.
struct WatchJobConfig {
std::string job_name;
zx_handle_t job_handle;
zx_koid_t job_koid;
ZirconExceptionWatcher* watcher;
zx_status_t WatchJobExceptions(WatchJobConfig config, WatchHandle* out);
// When this class issues an exception notification, the code should call
// this function to resume the thread from the exception. This is a wrapper
// for zx_task_resume_from_exception or it's async-loop equivalent.
// |thread_koid| is needed to identify the exception in some message loop
// implementations.
zx_status_t ResumeFromException(zx_koid_t thread_koid, zx::thread& thread,
uint32_t options);
void QuitNow() override;
const SignalHandlerMap& signal_handlers() const { return signal_handlers_; }
const ExceptionHandlerMap& exception_handlers() const {
return exception_handlers_;
const WatchInfo* FindWatchInfo(int id) const;
// MessageLoop protected implementation.
uint64_t GetMonotonicNowNS() const override;
void RunImpl() override;
void StopWatching(int id) override;
// Triggers an event signaling that there is a pending event.
void SetHasTasks() override;
// Check for any pending C++ tasks and process them.
// Returns true if there was an event pending to be processed.
bool CheckAndProcessPendingTasks();
// Handles WatchHandles event. These are all the events that are not C++ tasks
// posted to the message loop.
void HandleException(const ExceptionHandler&, zx_port_packet_t packet);
// Handle an event of the given type.
void OnFdioSignal(int watch_id, const WatchInfo& info, zx_signals_t observed);
void OnProcessException(const ExceptionHandler&, const WatchInfo& info,
const zx_port_packet_t& packet);
void OnProcessTerminated(const WatchInfo&, zx_signals_t observed);
void OnJobException(const ExceptionHandler&, const WatchInfo& info,
const zx_port_packet_t& packet);
void OnSocketSignal(int watch_id, const WatchInfo& info,
zx_signals_t observed);
using WatchMap = std::map<int, WatchInfo>;
WatchMap watches_;
// ID used as an index into watches_.
int next_watch_id_ = 1;
async::Loop loop_;
zx::event task_event_;
SignalHandlerMap signal_handlers_;
// See SignalHandler constructor.
// |associated_info| needs to be updated with the fact that it has an
// associated SignalHandler.
zx_status_t AddSignalHandler(int, zx_handle_t, zx_signals_t, WatchInfo* info);
void RemoveSignalHandler(const async_wait_t* id);
ExceptionHandlerMap exception_handlers_;
// See ExceptionHandler constructor.
// |associated_info| needs to be updated with the fact that it has an
// associated ExceptionHandler.
zx_status_t AddExceptionHandler(int, zx_handle_t, uint32_t, WatchInfo* info);
void RemoveExceptionHandler(const async_exception_t*);
// Every exception source (ExceptionHandler) will get an async_exception_t*
// that works as a "key" for the async_loop. This async_exception_t* is what
// you give back to the loop to return from an exception.
// So, everytime there is an exception, there needs to be a tracking from
// thread_koid to this async_exception_t*, so that when a thread is resumed,
// we can pass to the loop the correct key by just using the thread koid.
struct Exception;
std::map<zx_koid_t, Exception> thread_exception_map_;
void AddException(const ExceptionHandler&, zx_koid_t thread_koid);
friend class SignalHandler;
friend class ExceptionHandler;
// EventHandlers need access to the WatchInfo implementation.
struct MessageLoopTarget::WatchInfo {
// Name of the resource being watched.
// Mostly tracked for debugging purposes.
std::string resource_name;
WatchType type = WatchType::kFdio;
// FDIO-specific watcher parameters.
int fd = -1;
fdio_t* fdio = nullptr;
FDWatcher* fd_watcher = nullptr;
zx_handle_t fd_handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// Socket-specific parameters.
SocketWatcher* socket_watcher = nullptr;
zx_handle_t socket_handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// Task-exception-specific parameters, can be of job or process type.
ZirconExceptionWatcher* exception_watcher = nullptr;
zx_koid_t task_koid = 0;
zx_handle_t task_handle = ZX_HANDLE_INVALID;
// This makes easier the lookup of the associated ExceptionHandler with this
// watch id.
const async_wait_t* signal_handler_key = nullptr;
const async_exception_t* exception_handler_key = nullptr;
} // namespace debug_ipc