blob: 11f719f7ed747005ebebc3d44d7c1da573f22d88 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.text;
using fuchsia.ui.input;
/// A service provided to keyboard apps that allows them to access a TextField
/// interface for the currently focused text field. Requests to this TextField
/// interface are proxied through the TextManager to batch edits together,
/// and to ensure requests aren't sent to unfocused TextFields.
protocol TextInputContext {
/// Tells anyone listening to ImeVisibilityService (usually a shell) to hide
/// the onscreen keyboard.
/// This event fires any time a new text field is focused. It also is sent to
/// newly connected keyboards when they connect, if there is a focused text
/// field. If focus is lost, the TextField handle will be closed.
-> OnFocus(TextField text_field);
/// This event fires any time a physical keyboard event is sent to the
/// TextManager. The keyboard may translate it into an edit on the focused
/// text field if it so desires. It's expected that this interface will change
/// as the routing for keyboard events and keymaps evolves.
-> OnInputEvent(fuchsia.ui.input.InputEvent event);