blob: 8dc72258bb91fb16e617852f14dcd0b37bbfedd9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <kernel/event.h>
#include <kernel/mutex.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
struct DLog;
typedef struct dlog_header dlog_header_t;
typedef struct dlog_record dlog_record_t;
// DlogReaders drain debuglogs. Owners of DlogReaders are called back as
// messages are pushed through the debuglog, via the Notify callback.
class DlogReader : public fbl::DoublyLinkedListable<DlogReader*> {
using NotifyCallback = void(void* cookie);
constexpr DlogReader() {}
// Since DlogReaders typically capture containing objects via |cookie_|, they
// use 2-phase initialization to avoid races in the contruction of the
// DlogReader and the containing object.
void Initialize(NotifyCallback* notify, void* cookie);
void InitializeForTest(DLog* log);
zx_status_t Read(uint32_t flags, void* ptr, size_t len, size_t* actual);
void Notify();
// Similar to Initialize, DlogReaders are be manually stopped via |Disconnect|
// to avoid reentrency issues in the DlogReader and its containing object.
// Disconnect must be called before the destructor runs, if Initialize was called.
void Disconnect();
DLog* log_ = nullptr;
size_t tail_ = 0;
NotifyCallback* notify_ = nullptr;
void* cookie_ = nullptr;
#define DLOG_HDR_SET(fifosize, readsize) ((((readsize)&0xFFF) << 12) | ((fifosize)&0xFFF))
#define DLOG_HDR_GET_FIFOLEN(n) ((n)&0xFFF)
#define DLOG_HDR_GET_READLEN(n) (((n) >> 12) & 0xFFF)
#define DLOG_MAX_RECORD (size_t{256})
#define DLOG_MAX_DATA (DLOG_MAX_RECORD - sizeof(dlog_header))
// This structure is designed to be copied into a zx_log_record_t from zircon/syscalls/log.h . Only
// the header field is repurposed, and the rest is then transferred to userspace as-is.
struct dlog_header {
uint32_t header;
uint16_t datalen;
uint8_t severity;
uint8_t flags;
uint64_t timestamp;
uint64_t pid;
uint64_t tid;
// Severity Levels
#define DEBUGLOG_TRACE (0x10)
#define DEBUGLOG_DEBUG (0x20)
#define DEBUGLOG_INFO (0x30)
#define DEBUGLOG_WARNING (0x40)
#define DEBUGLOG_ERROR (0x50)
#define DEBUGLOG_FATAL (0x60)
struct dlog_record {
dlog_header_t hdr;
char data[DLOG_MAX_DATA];
static_assert(sizeof(dlog_record_t) == DLOG_MAX_RECORD, "");
zx_status_t dlog_write(uint32_t severity, uint32_t flags, ktl::string_view str);
// used by sys_debug_write()
void dlog_serial_write(ktl::string_view str);
// Allow FILE*-based APIs, like fprintf, to use the same output
// backend as dlog_serial_write.
extern FILE gDlogSerialFile;
// bluescreen_init should be called at the "start" of a fatal fault or
// panic to ensure that the fault output (via kernel printf/dprintf)
// is captured or displayed to the user
void dlog_bluescreen_init(void);
// Force the dlog into panic mode. Can be used in special circumstances to
// force log messages to the serial console in the event that interrupts are off
// and will never be turned back on (for example, when about to force a watchdog
// to fire).
void dlog_force_panic(void);
// Shutdown the debuglog subsystem.
// Blocks, waiting up to |deadline|, for dlog threads to terminate.
// On failure, the debuglog subsystem is left in an undefined state.
// Returns ZX_OK on success.
zx_status_t dlog_shutdown(zx_time_t deadline);
void dlog_bypass_init_early(void);
void dlog_bypass_init(void);
bool dlog_bypass(void);