blob: 53725d0bca53e5f1db6aa8cf970a3936b3ca9820 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "types.h"
#include <algorithm>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
const std::map<string, string> rust_overrides = {
{"any[]IN", "*const u8"}, {"any[]OUT", "*mut u8"}, {"any[]INOUT", "*mut u8"}};
const std::map<string, string> rust_primitives = {
{"int8_t", "i8"}, {"int16_t", "i16"}, {"int32_t", "i32"}, {"int64_t", "i64"},
{"uint8_t", "u8"}, {"uint16_t", "u16"}, {"uint32_t", "u32"}, {"uint64_t", "u64"},
{"size_t", "usize"}, {"uintptr_t", "usize"}, {"int", "isize"}, {"char", "u8"},
{"float", "f32"}, {"double", "f64"},
const std::map<string, string> rust_reserved_words = {
{"proc", "proc_"},
bool has_attribute(const char* attr, const vector<string>& attrs) {
return std::find(attrs.begin(), attrs.end(), attr) != attrs.end();
void dump_attributes(const vector<string>& attrs) {
for (auto& a : attrs) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", a.c_str());
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
string ArraySpec::kind_str() const {
switch (kind) {
case IN:
return "IN";
case OUT:
return "OUT";
return "INOUT";
string ArraySpec::kind_lowercase_str() const {
switch (kind) {
case IN:
return "in";
case OUT:
return "out";
return "inout";
bool ArraySpec::assign_kind(const vector<string>& attrs) {
if (has_attribute("IN", attrs)) {
kind = ArraySpec::IN;
} else if (has_attribute("OUT", attrs)) {
kind = ArraySpec::OUT;
} else if (has_attribute("INOUT", attrs)) {
kind = ArraySpec::INOUT;
} else {
return false;
return true;
string ArraySpec::to_string() const { return "[]" + kind_str(); }
const string map_override(const string& name, const std::map<string, string>& overrides) {
auto ft = overrides.find(name);
return (ft == overrides.end()) ? name : ft->second;
string TypeSpec::to_string() const { return type + (arr_spec ? arr_spec->to_string() : string()); }
string TypeSpec::as_cpp_declaration(bool is_wrapped) const {
if (!arr_spec) {
return type + " " + name;
if (is_wrapped && arr_spec->kind == ArraySpec::OUT && arr_spec->count == 1 &&
type == "zx_handle_t") {
return "user_out_handle* " + name;
string modifier = arr_spec->kind == ArraySpec::IN ? "const " : "";
string ptr_type = type == "any" ? "void" : type;
if (is_wrapped) {
// This policy strings here matches the enum defined in the
// kernel's user_ptr.h.
string policy = arr_spec->kind_lowercase_str();
return "user_" + policy + "_ptr<" + modifier + ptr_type + "> " + name;
return modifier + ptr_type + "* " + name;
string TypeSpec::as_rust_declaration() const {
auto overridden = map_override(to_string(), rust_overrides);
auto scalar_type = map_override(type, rust_primitives);
auto safe_name = map_override(name, rust_reserved_words);
if (overridden != to_string()) {
return safe_name + ": " + overridden;
} else if (!arr_spec) {
return safe_name + ": " + scalar_type;
} else {
string ret = safe_name + ": ";
if (arr_spec->kind == ArraySpec::IN) {
ret += "*const ";
} else {
ret += "*mut ";
ret += scalar_type;
if (arr_spec->count > 1)
ret += " " + std::to_string(arr_spec->count);
return ret;
string TypeSpec::as_cpp_cast(const string& arg) const {
if (!arr_spec) {
return "static_cast<" + type + ">(" + arg + ")";
string modifier = arr_spec->kind == ArraySpec::IN ? "const " : "";
string cast_type = type == "any" ? "void*" : type + "*";
return "reinterpret_cast<" + modifier + cast_type + ">(" + arg + ")";
bool Syscall::is_vdso() const { return has_attribute("vdsocall", attributes); }
bool Syscall::is_noreturn() const { return has_attribute("noreturn", attributes); }
bool Syscall::is_blocking() const { return has_attribute("blocking", attributes); }
bool Syscall::is_internal() const { return has_attribute("internal", attributes); }
size_t Syscall::num_kernel_args() const {
if (is_noreturn()) {
return arg_spec.size();
// The first return value is passed as the ordinary C return
// value, but only if there is at least one return value.
size_t ret_values = ret_spec.size();
if (ret_values > 0) {
return arg_spec.size() + ret_values;
void Syscall::for_each_return(const std::function<void(const TypeSpec&)>& cb) const {
if (ret_spec.size() > 1) {
std::for_each(ret_spec.begin() + 1, ret_spec.end(), cb);
void Syscall::for_each_kernel_arg(const std::function<void(const TypeSpec&)>& cb) const {
std::for_each(arg_spec.begin(), arg_spec.end(), cb);
bool Syscall::validate() const {
if (ret_spec.size() > 0 && is_noreturn()) {
print_error("noreturn should have zero return arguments");
return false;
if (num_kernel_args() > kMaxArgs) {
print_error("invalid number of arguments");
return false;
if (ret_spec.size() >= 1 && !ret_spec[0].name.empty()) {
print_error("the first return argument cannot be named, yet...");
return false;
if (is_blocking() && (ret_spec.size() == 0 || ret_spec[0].type != "zx_status_t")) {
print_error("blocking must have first return be of type zx_status_t");
return false;
if (is_vdso() && is_internal()) {
print_error("vdsocall cannot be internal");
return false;
bool valid_args = true;
for_each_kernel_arg([this, &valid_args](const TypeSpec& arg) {
if ( {
print_error("all arguments need to be named, except the first return");
valid_args = false;
if (arg.arr_spec) {
if (!validate_array_spec(arg)) {
valid_args = false;
return valid_args;
void Syscall::assign_index(int* next_index) {
if (!is_vdso())
index = (*next_index)++;
bool Syscall::validate_array_spec(const TypeSpec& ts) const {
if (ts.arr_spec->count > 0)
return true;
// find arguments that represent the array count.
for (const string& multiplier : ts.arr_spec->multipliers) {
auto arg = std::find_if(arg_spec.begin(), arg_spec.end(),
[&](const TypeSpec& a) { return == multiplier; });
if (arg == arg_spec.end()) {
std::string err = "invalid array spec for " + + ": '" + multiplier +
"' does not refer to an argument";
return false;
// TODO:cpu also enforce INOUT here.
if (arg->arr_spec && arg->arr_spec->count != 1u) {
std::string err = "invalid array spec for " + + ": '" + multiplier +
"' refers to an array of size != 1";
return false;
return true;
void Syscall::print_error(const char* what) const {
fprintf(stderr, "error: %s : %s\n", name.c_str(), what);
string Syscall::return_type() const {
if (ret_spec.empty()) {
return "void";
return ret_spec[0].to_string();
bool Syscall::is_void_return() const { return return_type() == "void"; }