blob: 053cbc4c9b5d51c33be58f62abd6acda09472dd2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/ledger/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/fit/bridge.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include "peridot/lib/fidl/array_to_string.h" // for to_string(), to_array()
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
namespace modular {
// These wrapper functions wrap fuchsia.ledger APIs such that they return
// a fit::promise<> representing the result of the call. They are useful to
// incorporate into tasks themselves expressed as fit::promises.
// The wrapper classes act as namespaces for static methods. For a given api
// (such as fuchsia.ledger.Page), the wrapper class is called PagePromise, and
// each method has the same signature as that in fuchsia::ledger::Page, with the
// addition that the first parameter is always a fuchsia::ledger::Page* and the
// last parameter (the result callback) is omitted.
// Note that these wrapper methods IMMEDIATELY call the underlying FIDL
// function (meaning that a message is dispatched immediately on the underlying
// channel). The returned promise will block until a response message is
// received.
// auto p = fit::make_promise([snapshot = page_snapshot_ptr.get()] () {
// return PageSnapshotPromise::GetInline(snapshot, key);
// }).and_then([] (const std::vector<uint8_t> bytes) {
// // Decode and use |bytes|.
// });
// fit::promise wrapper functions for fuchsia.ledger.PageSnspahot.
// These methods match the signatures in fuchsia.ledger.PageSnapshot with the
// exception that the first parameter is always a
// fuchsia::ledger::PageSnapshot*.
class PageSnapshotPromise {
// fit::promise wrapper function for PageSnapshot.GetInline().
// Falls back to PageSnapshot::Get() if the value is too large.
// TODO(thatguy): Implement the fallback.
static fit::promise<std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>>> GetInline(
fuchsia::ledger::PageSnapshot* snapshot, std::string key) {
fit::bridge<std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>>> bridge;
to_array(key), [completer = std::move(bridge.completer)](
fuchsia::ledger::PageSnapshot_GetInline_Result result) mutable {
if (result.is_response()) {
switch (result.err()) {
case fuchsia::ledger::Error::KEY_NOT_FOUND:
case fuchsia::ledger::Error::NEEDS_FETCH:
case fuchsia::ledger::Error::NETWORK_ERROR:
FXL_LOG(ERROR) << "PageSnapshotPromise::GetInline() failed with "
<< fidl::ToUnderlying(result.err());
return bridge.consumer.promise();
} // namespace modular