blob: 00bd53852a9fd1fc56e8336a8e4bb178894ac5de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "garnet/bin/ktrace_provider/importer.h"
#include <fbl/algorithm.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <trace-engine/instrumentation.h>
#include <trace-test-utils/fixture.h>
#include "garnet/bin/ktrace_provider/test_reader.h"
namespace ktrace_provider {
namespace {
class TestImporter : public ::testing::Test {
// A copy of kernel/thread.h:thread_state values we use.
enum class KernelThreadState : uint8_t {
// The naming style chosen here is to be consistent with thread.h.
// If its values change, just re-cut-n-paste.
void SetUp() {
fixture_set_up(kNoAttachToThread, TRACE_BUFFERING_MODE_ONESHOT, kFxtBufferSize);
context_ = trace_acquire_context();
ASSERT_NE(context_, nullptr);
void StopTracing() {
if (context_) {
context_ = nullptr;
void TearDown() {
// Stop tracing maybe again just in case.
// Extract the records in the buffer, discarding administrative records
// that the importer creates.
// TODO(dje): Use std::vector when fixture is ready.
bool ExtractRecords(fbl::Vector<trace::Record>* out_records) {
fbl::Vector<trace::Record> records;
if (!fixture_read_records(&records)) {
return false;
// The kernel process record is the last administrative record.
// Drop every record up to and including that one.
bool skipping = true;
for (auto& rec : records) {
if (skipping) {
if (rec.type() == trace::RecordType::kKernelObject) {
const trace::Record::KernelObject& kobj = rec.GetKernelObject();
if (kobj.object_type == ZX_OBJ_TYPE_PROCESS && kobj.koid == 0u && == "kernel") {
skipping = false;
} else {
// We should have found the kernel process record.
if (skipping) {
FXL_VLOG(1) << "Kernel process record not found";
return false;
return true;
void CompareRecord(const trace::Record& rec, const char* expected) {
EXPECT_STREQ(rec.ToString().c_str(), expected);
void EmitKtraceRecord(const void* record, size_t record_size) {
ASSERT_LE(record_size, KtraceAvailableBytes());
memcpy(ktrace_buffer_next_, record, record_size);
ktrace_buffer_next_ += record_size;
void EmitKtrace32Record(uint32_t tag, uint32_t tid, uint64_t ts, uint32_t a, uint32_t b,
uint32_t c, uint32_t d) {
const ktrace_rec_32b record{
.tag = tag,
.tid = tid,
.ts = ts,
.a = a,
.b = b,
.c = c,
.d = d,
EmitKtraceRecord(&record, sizeof(record));
void EmitContextSwitchRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t old_thread_tid, uint32_t new_thread_tid,
uint8_t cpu, KernelThreadState old_thread_state,
uint8_t old_thread_prio, uint8_t new_thread_prio,
uint32_t new_kernel_thread) {
uint32_t old_kernel_thread = 0; // importer ignores this
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_CONTEXT_SWITCH, old_thread_tid, ts, new_thread_tid,
(cpu | (static_cast<uint8_t>(old_thread_state) << 8) |
(old_thread_prio << 16) | (new_thread_prio << 24)),
old_kernel_thread, new_kernel_thread);
void EmitInheritPriorityStartRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t event_id, uint8_t cpu_id) {
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_INHERIT_PRIORITY_START, 0, ts, event_id, 0, 0, cpu_id);
void EmitInheritPriorityRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t event_id, uint32_t tid, int8_t old_effective,
int8_t new_effective, int8_t old_inherited, int8_t new_inherited,
uint8_t cpu_id, bool is_kernel_tid, bool final_event) {
const uint32_t prios =
(static_cast<uint32_t>(old_effective) << 0) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(new_effective) << 8) |
(static_cast<uint32_t>(old_inherited) << 16) | (static_cast<uint32_t>(new_inherited) << 24);
const uint32_t flags = cpu_id | (is_kernel_tid ? KTRACE_FLAGS_INHERIT_PRIORITY_KERNEL_TID : 0) |
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_INHERIT_PRIORITY, 0, ts, event_id, tid, prios, flags);
void EmitFutexWaitRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t futex_id_lo, uint32_t futex_id_hi,
uint32_t new_owner_tid, uint8_t cpu_id) {
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_FUTEX_WAIT, 0, ts, futex_id_lo, futex_id_hi, new_owner_tid, cpu_id);
void EmitFutexWokeRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t futex_id_lo, uint32_t futex_id_hi,
zx_status_t wait_result, uint8_t cpu_id) {
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_FUTEX_WOKE, 0, ts, futex_id_lo, futex_id_hi,
static_cast<uint32_t>(wait_result), cpu_id);
void EmitFutexWakeRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t futex_id_lo, uint32_t futex_id_hi,
uint32_t assigned_owner_tid, uint8_t cpu_id, uint8_t count,
bool requeue_op, bool futex_was_active) {
uint32_t flags = cpu_id | (static_cast<uint32_t>(count) << KTRACE_FLAGS_FUTEX_COUNT_SHIFT) |
(futex_was_active ? KTRACE_FLAGS_FUTEX_WAS_ACTIVE_FLAG : 0);
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_FUTEX_WAKE, 0, ts, futex_id_lo, futex_id_hi, assigned_owner_tid, flags);
void EmitFutexRequeueRecord(uint64_t ts, uint32_t futex_id_lo, uint32_t futex_id_hi,
uint32_t assigned_owner_tid, uint8_t cpu_id, uint8_t count,
bool futex_was_active) {
uint32_t flags = cpu_id | (static_cast<uint32_t>(count) << KTRACE_FLAGS_FUTEX_COUNT_SHIFT) |
(futex_was_active ? KTRACE_FLAGS_FUTEX_WAS_ACTIVE_FLAG : 0);
EmitKtrace32Record(TAG_FUTEX_REQUEUE, 0, ts, futex_id_lo, futex_id_hi, assigned_owner_tid,
void EmitKernelMutexRecord(uint32_t tag, uint64_t ts, uint32_t mutex_addr, uint32_t tid,
uint32_t threads_blocked, uint8_t cpu_id, bool user_mode_tid) {
uint32_t flags = cpu_id | (user_mode_tid ? KTRACE_FLAGS_KERNEL_MUTEX_USER_MODE_TID : 0);
EmitKtrace32Record(tag, 0, ts, mutex_addr, tid, threads_blocked, flags);
bool StopTracingAndImportRecords(fbl::Vector<trace::Record>* out_records) {
TestReader reader{ktrace_buffer(), ktrace_buffer_written()};
Importer importer{context()};
if (!importer.Import(reader)) {
return false;
// Do this after importing as the importer needs tracing to be running in
// order to acquire a "context" with which to write records.
return ExtractRecords(out_records);
trace_context_t* context() const { return context_; }
const char* ktrace_buffer() const { return ktrace_buffer_; }
size_t ktrace_buffer_written() const { return ktrace_buffer_next_ - ktrace_buffer_; }
static constexpr size_t kKtraceBufferSize = 65536;
static constexpr size_t kFxtBufferSize = 65536;
size_t KtraceAvailableBytes() { return std::distance(ktrace_buffer_next_, ktrace_buffer_end_); }
char ktrace_buffer_[kKtraceBufferSize];
char* ktrace_buffer_next_ = ktrace_buffer_;
char* ktrace_buffer_end_ = ktrace_buffer_ + kKtraceBufferSize;
trace_context_t* context_ = nullptr;
TEST_F(TestImporter, ContextSwitch) {
// Establish initial running thread.
EmitContextSwitchRecord(99, // ts
0, // old_thread_tid
42, // new_thread_tid
1, // cpu
KernelThreadState::THREAD_RUNNING, // old_thread_state
3, // old_thread_prio
4, // new_thread_prio
// Test switching to user thread.
EmitContextSwitchRecord(100, // ts
42, // old_thread_tid
43, // new_thread_tid
1, // cpu
KernelThreadState::THREAD_RUNNING, // old_thread_state
5, // old_thread_prio
6, // new_thread_prio
// Test switching to kernel thread.
EmitContextSwitchRecord(101, // ts
43, // old_thread_tid
0, // 0 --> kernel thread
1, // cpu
KernelThreadState::THREAD_RUNNING, // old_thread_state
7, // old_thread_prio
8, // new_thread_prio
static const char* const expected[] = {
"ContextSwitch(ts: 99, cpu: 1, os: running, opt: 0/0, ipt: 0/42, oprio: "
"3, iprio: 4)",
"ContextSwitch(ts: 100, cpu: 1, os: running, opt: 0/42, ipt: 0/43, "
"oprio: 5, iprio: 6)",
// 4307312974 = 12345678 | kKernelThreadFlag
"ContextSwitch(ts: 101, cpu: 1, os: running, opt: 0/43, ipt: "
"0/4307312974, oprio: 7, iprio: 8)",
fbl::Vector<trace::Record> records;
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), fbl::count_of(expected));
for (size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
CompareRecord(records[i], expected[i]);
TEST_F(TestImporter, InheritPriority) {
// Emit the record which starts the flow and identifies the initiator
EmitInheritPriorityStartRecord(100, // ts
12345, // evt_id
1); // cpu
// Emit a record linked by the event id which shows a thread receiveing
// pressure from a wait queue. Indicate that the target thread is a kernel
// thread. Do not inicate that this is the last event in the flow.
EmitInheritPriorityRecord(200, // ts
12345, // evt_id
10001, // tid
16, // old effective
20, // new effective
-1, // old inherited
20, // new inherited
1, // cpu
true, // is_kernel_tid,
false); // final_event
// Emit another record linked by the event id. Indicate that the target
// thread is a user-mode thread and that this is the last event in the flow.
EmitInheritPriorityRecord(300, // ts
12345, // evt_id
8765432, // tid
18, // old effective
20, // new effective
18, // old inherited
20, // new inherited
1, // cpu
false, // is_kernel_tid,
true); // final_event
static const char* const expected[] = {
"Event(ts: 50, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 100), {})",
"Event(ts: 90, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", FlowBegin(id: 12345), {})",
"Event(ts: 200, pt: 0/4294977297, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 250), {old_inherited_prio: "
"int32(-1), new_inherited_prio: int32(-1), old_effective_prio: "
"int32(16), new_effective_prio: int32(20)})",
"Event(ts: 210, pt: 0/4294977297, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", FlowStep(id: 12345), {})",
"Event(ts: 300, pt: 0/8765432, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 350), {old_inherited_prio: "
"int32(18), new_inherited_prio: int32(20), old_effective_prio: "
"int32(18), new_effective_prio: int32(20)})",
"Event(ts: 310, pt: 0/8765432, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"inherit_prio\", FlowEnd(id: 12345), {})",
fbl::Vector<trace::Record> records;
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), fbl::count_of(expected));
for (size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
CompareRecord(records[i], expected[i]);
TEST_F(TestImporter, FutexRecords) {
// Simulate a record of a thread waiting on a futex and declaring no owner.
// futex_id should be 5 + (6 << 32) == 25769803781
EmitFutexWaitRecord(100, // ts
5, // futex_lo
6, // futex_hi
0, // new owner tid
1); // cpu_id
// Simulate a record of a thread waiting on a futex and declaring an owner
// tid == 12345
EmitFutexWaitRecord(200, // ts
5, // futex_lo
6, // futex_hi
12345, // new owner tid
1); // cpu_id
// Simulate records of wake events. Make sure to exercise cases where...
// 1) Ownership is assigned to a specific thread vs. no thread.
// 2) Finite specific wake counts, finite indeterminate counts, and unlimited
// counts.
// 3) Wake events as part of a requeue op vs. wake ops
// 4) Wake events where the futex was not active.
EmitFutexWakeRecord(300, // ts
5, // futex_lo
6, // futex_hi
12345, // assigned owner tid
2, // cpu_id
1, // a finite count of 1
false, // wake operation
true); // active futex
EmitFutexWakeRecord(400, // ts
5, // futex_lo
6, // futex_hi
0, // no owner assigned
2, // cpu_id
0xFE, // a finite, but indeterminate, count
true, // requeue operation
true); // active futex
EmitFutexWakeRecord(500, // ts
5, // futex_lo
6, // futex_hi
0, // no owner assigned
3, // cpu_id
0xFF, // unlimited count
false, // wake operation
false); // inactive futex
// Simulate records of a woke events. Exercise a case where the woke record
// reports a successful wait, and one where the wait timed out. Switch up the
// futex ID while we are at it. We expect 45 + (88 << 32) == 377957122093
EmitFutexWokeRecord(600, // ts
45, // futex_lo
88, // futex_hi
ZX_OK, // success status,
0); // cpu_id
EmitFutexWokeRecord(700, // ts
45, // futex_lo
88, // futex_hi
ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT, // timeout status,
1); // cpu_id
// Simulate records of requeue events. Make sure to exercise cases where...
// 1) Ownership is assigned to a specific thread vs. no thread.
// 2) Finite specific requeue counts, finite indeterminate counts, and
// unlimited counts.
// 3) Requeue events where the futex was not active.
EmitFutexRequeueRecord(800, // ts
45, // futex_lo
88, // futex_hi
54321, // assigned owner tid
2, // cpu_id
1, // a finite count of 1
true); // active futex
EmitFutexRequeueRecord(900, // ts
45, // futex_lo
88, // futex_hi
0, // no owner assigned
2, // cpu_id
0xFE, // a finite, but indeterminate, count
true); // active futex
EmitFutexRequeueRecord(1000, // ts
45, // futex_lo
88, // futex_hi
0, // no owner assigned
3, // cpu_id
0xFF, // unlimited count
false); // inactive futex
static const char* const expected[] = {
// Wait events
"Event(ts: 100, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_wait\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 150), {futex_id: "
"uint64(25769803781), new_owner_TID: uint32(0)})",
"Event(ts: 200, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_wait\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 250), {futex_id: "
"uint64(25769803781), new_owner_TID: uint32(12345)})",
// Wake events
"Event(ts: 300, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_wake\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 350), {futex_id: "
"uint64(25769803781), new_owner_TID: uint32(12345), count: uint32(1), "
"was_requeue: bool(false), futex_was_active: bool(true)})",
"Event(ts: 400, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_wake\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 450), {futex_id: "
"uint64(25769803781), new_owner_TID: uint32(0), count: uint32(254), "
"was_requeue: bool(true), futex_was_active: bool(true)})",
"Event(ts: 500, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_wake\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 550), {futex_id: "
"uint64(25769803781), new_owner_TID: uint32(0), count: "
"uint32(4294967295), was_requeue: bool(false), futex_was_active: "
// Woke events
"Event(ts: 600, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"Thread_woke_from_futex_wait\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 650), "
"{futex_id: uint64(377957122093), wait_result: int32(0)})",
"Event(ts: 700, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"Thread_woke_from_futex_wait\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 750), "
"{futex_id: uint64(377957122093), wait_result: int32(-21)})",
// Requeue events
"Event(ts: 800, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_requeue\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 850), {futex_id: "
"uint64(377957122093), new_owner_TID: uint32(54321), count: uint32(1), "
"futex_was_active: bool(true)})",
"Event(ts: 900, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_requeue\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 950), {futex_id: "
"uint64(377957122093), new_owner_TID: uint32(0), count: uint32(254), "
"futex_was_active: bool(true)})",
"Event(ts: 1000, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"futex_requeue\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 1050), {futex_id: "
"uint64(377957122093), new_owner_TID: uint32(0), count: "
"uint32(4294967295), futex_was_active: bool(false)})",
fbl::Vector<trace::Record> records;
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), fbl::count_of(expected));
for (size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
CompareRecord(records[i], expected[i]);
TEST_F(TestImporter, KernelMutexRecords) {
// Emit records of the three main type: Acquire, Release, and Block
const uint32_t TAGS[] = {
uint64_t ts = 0;
for (auto tag : TAGS) {
ts += 100;
ts, // ts
87654321, // mutex addr
77777777, // tid
0, // threads blocked
0, // cpu_id
false); // is user mode id
ts += 100;
ts, // ts
87654321, // mutex addr
22222222, // tid
1, // threads blocked
1, // cpu_id
true); // is user mode id
static const char* const expected[] = {
"Event(ts: 100, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_acquire\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 150), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(77777777), tid_type: "
"string(\"kernel_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(0)})",
"Event(ts: 200, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_acquire\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 250), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(22222222), tid_type: "
"string(\"user_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(1)})",
"Event(ts: 300, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_release\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 350), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(77777777), tid_type: "
"string(\"kernel_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(0)})",
"Event(ts: 400, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_release\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 450), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(22222222), tid_type: "
"string(\"user_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(1)})",
"Event(ts: 500, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_block\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 550), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(77777777), tid_type: "
"string(\"kernel_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(0)})",
"Event(ts: 600, pt: 0/0, category: \"kernel:sched\", name: "
"\"kernel_mutex_block\", DurationComplete(end_ts: 650), {mutex_id: "
"uint32(87654321), tid: uint32(22222222), tid_type: "
"string(\"user_mode\"), waiter_count: uint32(1)})",
fbl::Vector<trace::Record> records;
ASSERT_EQ(records.size(), fbl::count_of(expected));
for (size_t i = 0; i < records.size(); ++i) {
CompareRecord(records[i], expected[i]);
} // namespace
} // namespace ktrace_provider