blob: 0497e3ce7303b2a2b0d77b05d6cf6c91e75b9cf5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/forward_declarations.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/resources/resource.h"
namespace escher {
class RenderPass;
typedef fxl::RefPtr<RenderPass> RenderPassPtr;
// Escher's standard interface to Vulkan render pass objects.
// TODO( deprecated. Render passes will soon be handled transparently
// by the new CommandBuffer object.
class RenderPass : public Resource {
static const ResourceTypeInfo kTypeInfo;
const ResourceTypeInfo& type_info() const override { return kTypeInfo; }
// Takes ownership of the render pass.
RenderPass(ResourceManager* manager, vk::RenderPass render_pass);
~RenderPass() override;
// Return the underlying Vulkan render pass object.
vk::RenderPass vk() {
return render_pass_;
// Returns the info that was used to create the underlying Vulkan render pass.
const vk::RenderPassCreateInfo& create_info() const { return create_info_; }
// This constructor initializes |create_info_| to point at the attachments,
// subpasses, and subpass-dependencies. The subclass is responsible for
// calling CreateRenderPass() before returning from its constructor.
RenderPass(ResourceManager* manager, uint32_t color_attachment_count,
uint32_t depth_attachment_count, uint32_t attachment_reference_count,
uint32_t subpass_count, uint32_t subpass_dependency_count);
// Called by subclasses after all subpasses/attachments/etc. have been set up.
void CreateRenderPass();
vk::AttachmentDescription* color_attachment(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < color_attachment_count_);
return &attachments_[index];
vk::AttachmentDescription* depth_attachment(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < depth_attachment_count_);
return &attachments_[color_attachment_count_ + index];
vk::AttachmentDescription* attachment(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < attachments_.size());
return &attachments_[index];
const vk::AttachmentDescription* attachment(uint32_t index) const {
FX_DCHECK(index < attachments_.size());
return &attachments_[index];
uint32_t color_attachment_index(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < color_attachment_count_);
return index;
uint32_t depth_attachment_index(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < depth_attachment_count_);
return color_attachment_count_ + index;
vk::AttachmentReference* attachment_reference(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < attachment_references_.size());
return &attachment_references_[index];
vk::SubpassDescription* subpass_description(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < subpass_descriptions_.size());
return &subpass_descriptions_[index];
vk::SubpassDependency* subpass_dependency(uint32_t index) {
FX_DCHECK(index < subpass_dependencies_.size());
return &subpass_dependencies_[index];
// Underlying Vulkan render pass object, and the info used to create it.
vk::RenderPass render_pass_;
vk::RenderPassCreateInfo create_info_;
const uint32_t color_attachment_count_;
const uint32_t depth_attachment_count_;
std::vector<vk::AttachmentDescription> attachments_;
std::vector<vk::AttachmentReference> attachment_references_;
std::vector<vk::SubpassDescription> subpass_descriptions_;
std::vector<vk::SubpassDependency> subpass_dependencies_;
} // namespace escher