blob: 00711015f78fe575e2a290cc97ca9ef4532bf6a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/resources/resource_manager.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/buffer.h"
#include "src/ui/lib/escher/vk/gpu_allocator.h"
namespace escher {
// BufferFactory allows clients to obtain new Buffers with the desired
// properties. Subclasses are free to implement custom caching/recycling
// behaviors. All buffers obtained from a BufferFactory must be released before
// the BufferFactory is destroyed.
class BufferFactory {
virtual ~BufferFactory() = default;
// Creates a buffer, backed by a block of memory. If |out_ptr| is non-null,
// the buffer will be bound to a dedicated piece of memory (i.e.,
// VkMemoryDedicatedRequirements.requiresDedicatedAllocation
// == true). That memory must be accessable through the GpuMem returned in
// |out_ptr|.
virtual BufferPtr NewBuffer(vk::DeviceSize size, vk::BufferUsageFlags usage_flags,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags memory_property_flags,
GpuMemPtr* out_ptr = nullptr) = 0;
// This default implementation allocates memory and creates a new
// Buffer using the provided allocator and manager. The intent is for this class
// to adapt existing GpuAllocators to the BufferFactory interface (i.e.
// equivalent to a partial bind). Classes that wish to implement their own
// caching logic should subclass BufferFactory directly, instead of injecting
// tricky subclasses of GpuAllocator and ResourceManager into this object.
class BufferFactoryAdapter final : public BufferFactory {
BufferFactoryAdapter(GpuAllocator* allocator, ResourceManager* manager)
: allocator_(allocator->GetWeakPtr()), manager_(manager) {}
BufferPtr NewBuffer(vk::DeviceSize size, vk::BufferUsageFlags usage_flags,
vk::MemoryPropertyFlags memory_property_flags,
GpuMemPtr* out_ptr = nullptr) final {
return allocator_->AllocateBuffer(manager_, size, usage_flags, memory_property_flags, out_ptr);
const GpuAllocatorWeakPtr allocator_;
ResourceManager* const manager_;
} // namespace escher