blob: cb89a5b9e2fc230c4dec4404c7d0614c0b4674ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
fidl_fuchsia_input as input, fidl_fuchsia_ui_focus as ui_focus,
fidl_fuchsia_ui_shortcut as ui_shortcut, fidl_fuchsia_ui_views as ui_views,
fuchsia_zircon as zx,
lock::{MappedMutexGuard, Mutex, MutexGuard},
stream, StreamExt,
std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
std::sync::{Arc, Weak},
/// Describes a shortcut activation listener.
pub struct Subscriber {
pub view_ref: ui_views::ViewRef,
pub listener: fidl_fuchsia_ui_shortcut::ListenerProxy,
/// Describes all data related to a single connected client:
/// - shortcut activation listener
/// - shortcuts installed
pub struct ClientRegistry {
pub subscriber: Option<Subscriber>,
pub shortcuts: Vec<Shortcut>,
/// Describes all shortcuts and listeners.
pub struct RegistryStore {
inner: Arc<Mutex<RegistryStoreInner>>,
struct RegistryStoreInner {
// Weak ref for ClientRegistry to allow shortcuts to be dropped out
// of collection once client connection is removed.
registries: Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>,
// Currently focused clients in the FocusChain order, i.e. parents first.
focused_registries: Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>,
impl RegistryStore {
pub fn new() -> Self {
let inner = Arc::new(Mutex::new(RegistryStoreInner::default()));
RegistryStore { inner }
/// Add a new client registry to the store.
/// Newly added client registry is returned.
pub async fn add_new_registry(&self) -> Arc<Mutex<ClientRegistry>> {
/// Get all client registries.
/// Returned reference can be used as a `Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>`.
/// Returned reference contains `MutexGuard`, and as a result it prevents
/// other uses of client registry store (e.g. adding new, removing) until goes
/// out of scope.
pub async fn get_registries<'a>(&'a self) -> LockedRegistries<'a> {
LockedRegistries(MutexGuard::map(self.inner.lock().await, |r| &mut r.registries))
/// Get client registries for currently focused clients.
/// Returned reference can be used as a `Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>`.
/// Returned reference contains `MutexGuard`, and as a result it prevents
/// other uses of client registry store (e.g. adding new, removing) until goes
/// out of scope.
/// Returned reference is ordered by Scenic View hierarchy, parent first.
pub async fn get_focused_registries<'a>(&'a self) -> LockedRegistries<'a> {
LockedRegistries(MutexGuard::map(self.inner.lock().await, |r| &mut r.focused_registries))
/// Update client registries to account for a `FocusChain` event.
pub async fn handle_focus_change(&self, focus_chain: &ui_focus::FocusChain) {
impl RegistryStoreInner {
/// Create and add new client registry of shortcuts to the store.
fn add_new_registry(&mut self) -> Arc<Mutex<ClientRegistry>> {
let registry = Arc::new(Mutex::new(ClientRegistry::default()));
/// Updates `self.focused_registries` to reflect current focus chain.
async fn update_focused_registries(&mut self, focus_chain: &ui_focus::FocusChain) {
let focus_chain = match focus_chain {
ui_focus::FocusChain { focus_chain: Some(focus_chain), .. } => focus_chain,
_ => return,
// Iterator over all active registries, i.e. all `Weak` refs upgraded.
let registries_iter = stream::iter(
.filter_map(|registry_weak: Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>| {
registry_weak.upgrade().map(|registry_arc: Arc<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>| {
(registry_arc, registry_weak.clone())
// Acquire Mutex locks and hash all client registries by `Koid`.
let mut registries: HashMap<zx::Koid, Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>> = registries_iter
.filter_map(|(registry_arc, registry_weak)| async move {
if let ClientRegistry { subscriber: Some(Subscriber { view_ref, .. }), .. } =
let koid = match view_ref.reference.as_handle_ref().get_koid() {
Ok(koid) => koid,
// If Koid can't be received, this means view ref is invalid
// and can't be notified.
_ => {
fx_log_info!("Client uses invalid ViewRef: {:?}", view_ref);
return None;
Some((koid, registry_weak))
} else {
// Client registry has no subscriber set and can't be notified.
fx_log_info!("Client has no listener and view ref set up.");
// Only focused shortcut clients are retained, and other view_refs are dropped.
self.focused_registries = focus_chain
.filter_map(|view_ref| {
.and_then(|koid| registries.remove(&koid))
/// Holds `MutexGuard` in order to provide exclusive access to vector
/// of client registries.
/// Implements `Deref` and can be used as `Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>`.
pub struct LockedRegistries<'a>(
MappedMutexGuard<'a, RegistryStoreInner, Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>>,
impl<'a> Deref for LockedRegistries<'a> {
type Target = Vec<Weak<Mutex<ClientRegistry>>>;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
/// Abstraction wrapper for FIDL `fuchsia.ui.shortcut.Shortcut`.
/// Implements `Deref` and can be used as `fidl_fuchsia_ui_shortcut::Shortcut`.
pub struct Shortcut {
inner: ui_shortcut::Shortcut,
/// Set of required keys to be pressed to activate this shortcut.
pub keys_required_hash: Option<HashSet<input::Key>>,
impl Shortcut {
pub fn new(shortcut: ui_shortcut::Shortcut) -> Self {
let keys_required_hash: Option<HashSet<_>> = shortcut
.map(|keys_required| keys_required.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<_>>());
Self { inner: shortcut, keys_required_hash }
impl Deref for Shortcut {
type Target = ui_shortcut::Shortcut;
fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
mod tests {
use {super::*, fuchsia_async as fasync};
async fn new_registry_adds_registry() {
let store = RegistryStore::new();
let client_registry = store.add_new_registry().await;
let all_registries = store.get_registries().await;
assert_eq!(1, all_registries.len());
let first_registry = all_registries.first().unwrap().upgrade().unwrap();
assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&client_registry, &first_registry));
async fn shortcut_populates_keys_hash() {
let fidl_shortcut = ui_shortcut::Shortcut {
keys_required: Some(vec![input::Key::A, input::Key::B]),
id: None,
modifiers: None,
key: None,
use_priority: None,
trigger: None,
key3: None,
let shortcut = Shortcut::new(fidl_shortcut);
let keys_required_hash = Some([input::Key::A, input::Key::B].iter().cloned().collect());
assert_eq!(shortcut.keys_required_hash, keys_required_hash);